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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. It won't have been changed. Sorry Bob, even I can't access passwords as they're all encrypted. Go to the ID dropdown at the top right, select Account Settings and change it to one you can remember in there.
  2. I hadn't noticed that, I'll have a look at it. They should still be able to post one via the + Create dropdown.
  3. Not sure about the case behaviour to be honest Matt; I have been telling people to make sure they do use the right cases but the problem is probably in other things rather than that. It has been trying at times, I don't mind helping folk who have specific issues but I really can't abide doom-mongers heckling from the sidelines. Cantona had the right idea.
  4. You can recover this by clicking on your ID dropdown and go to Account Settings. In the right hand Other Settings panel select Ignored Users and you'l be able to undo any elements from anyone you are ignoring.
  5. I need to take a look at that, I noticed it yesterday; definitely something which falls into the PITA category of fixes. I did make them a little larger and clearer yesterday and coloured to match the theme.
  6. Not sure on that yet - I have seen bizarre behaviour where I don't get any notification for a while if I've picked up the content from an inline notification whereas I've had near immediate email notification if I've not been active in the other account. Maybe it's just cleverer than we are?
  7. Ooh, it's got a recount button in the admin area - I did yours individually and it came up with the correct figure. It's got an option to recount everyone so I shall set that running now.
  8. A nice psychological insight of you there Wurzel; you take more than you give and you don't think other people are very funny. Perhaps it's taken your location into account? I think what it has done is take the number of Likes or the total of Like + Agree etc from the previous version and lumped them together and the other categories are only counted since Friday. But the 3,322 is wrong (should be 13,513) - I could manually adjust that figure and then it would count on from that.
  9. It looks like the indexing has completed so all attachments and quotes should now be formatted correctly. I need to cast an eye over post counts and reputation scores etc.
  10. The blue notification bar saying that indexing was in process seems to have disappeared from the top of the Activity pages now and checking back to some old topics that haven't been touched since 2009 they all seem to have their pics so I think we're there in terms of pics and quote formatting etc. I need to have a look at post counts and reputation scores etc and see if there's any black holes.
  11. Would you have a link to a pic of a mini-Tony please?
  12. I've not observed that when I was testing (I did use to have that problem in the Admin area on the old software which I used to get around with a long press on the top of the menu and then the list used to stay up) but will try and investigate further.
  13. No they don't, they get the DVD and they may have preferential rates and/or an initial gift.
  14. We're too young to remember the South Walls shop but similarly Saturday mornings would include a trip upstairs at Bagnalls past the Trix cabinets at the top. Maybe the hobby's not changed much as it always seemed to be 'old' men upstairs? I think upstairs may have closed in the late 80s and it never felt the same.
  15. I thought I'd help out. At least there's a nice profile pic if people click on your avatar.
  16. 1. Probably not; it's installed as a new application. 2. Account settings > Ignored Topics
  17. 1. Unlikely that's possible - it's intended to make you visit the post/topic. 2. You don't just have to choose a reaction (as they're known) that's already been used, mouse over the Thumbs Up icon and the full array should display.
  18. Posted in the wrong area - look in the right area https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/forum/52-forum-rules-notices-faults-help/
  19. The Ignore Topic function has now been reinstated.
  20. A mammoth retrospective task - especially when so few topic title include a gauge. However there's a forthcoming feature which may help in some ways.
  21. I'm trying to find the dimensioned drawings I had from Braithwaites when I did a tower but they're filed somewhere! A download on their site gives it as either 1000mm or 1200mm square. I'd say that's 4' ish so go for the 1200mm. http://www.braithwaite.co.uk/pdf/Steel_tank_brochure.pdf
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