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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. Now sorted. It was a bit sweaty in there but I made it.
  2. It may be possible if I go deep into the back end in the database tables, I hate going there and I'm always fearful it has some unintended consequence if any alterations are made but I will don my protective gear and have a look sometime when I get chance.
  3. I can't say I've observed I've observed any general slow-downs but I have disabled the 'who viewed topic' function as that was the only thing introduce on Friday morning which could have made a difference.
  4. Irrelevant to this discussion maybe but I had a chat with one of the venue's security/stewards and she said she felt that the visitors to the show were the most pleasant and courteous crowd that she had seen at any event at the venue.
  5. There was excellent finescale craftsmanship in the cheese and tomato sandwich I had on Saturday, the thinnest sliced cheese I have ever come across. Sunday did not disappoint with the ham alternative shaved so finely parts were transparent enough to flushglaze a few locos representing excellent value.
  6. You can change your own notification settings so that you don't get a notification of a message if you prefer it that way.
  7. It's a fraction under a week since it went live and I'm still discovering things and I spend more time than most on here so it's inevitable it takes time for everyone to get the best out of it. Yes, some more parts may seem to be more complex but many of those things are more customisable and powerful. Many things work much better than before and there's a lot of potential for expansion and new features, it's about not standing still; some may like everything to always remain the same but life's not like that. There was as much chuntering when we had a major change 9.5 years ago and smaller developments but funnily enough that's the version that some of the grumblers would have preferred to have kept.
  8. Unfortunately it's not something I've been able to replicate across several tablets (none are Windows though), before consigning it to history it may be worth trying Chrome on it, it's fairly lean.
  9. I agree Tony but I've not had chance to look at configuring that yet. I will try next week.
  10. It works differently now as there's the capacity to add images etc so the SU in the panel should be regarded as a link, the same as the links to posts and topics in the other panels.
  11. I found a slider switch in your profile was set to disable status updates, can you check again now?
  12. The only thing I can think of at the mo is a sub-forum moderator permissions conflict, can you see if there's any change now please?
  13. Due to the changes in the way the software now displays topic titles could you please reduce the length of the topic title - it's particularly a problem for mobile users. Thanks.
  14. There is; there's a little icon in the menu in the editor box with a page and magnifying glass which should show 'Preview' when you mouse over it.
  15. Yes, it gives updates on topics you follow. I've had a ranty email from someone demanding that this spam stops immediately - I've told him to go and adjust his settings - there's a link in the email to do just that.
  16. I hadn't realised it was doing that but I suppose it classes it as a new submission - I'll have to look into that but I'm not overly hopeful.
  17. Looks very fresh; almost like it had just been done before the picture was taken.
  18. In the final stages of testing and due to go live during next week is a new site feature - Clubs. First of all I'm not wild about the word 'clubs' which implies membership and politics and would have preferred to use the word 'groups' but it's a pig to change and every time any minor software updates are carried out it would all need changing again. The word 'Groups' gives a clue as to what the feature is like, something akin to Facebook Groups where members can join a group for specific or niche interests and I see this largely replacing the Special Interest area of the forum. For example a Special Interest area such as London Underground could have its topics moved from the forum to the club, everyone would still be able to see the content and it would appear in Activity Streams as normal for all users (dependent on their settings) but it gives the capacity for a better structure within that special interest area with the capability to establish more of an identity with cover photos and it's own blog and calendar content, a sort of micro-community where a member can spend more time in an area of interest to them where material is easier to locate. Of course there's the capability for new 'clubs' to be formed so it may be that someone wants to set up a Lincolnshire Modellers' Group up for example, something scale/gauge specific or any other interest - whatever you think viable. When it's live you'll have the capability to start a Club, it will require Admin approval so nothing too selective that no-one else would be interested - the club then has an 'owner' who can manage settings for that community with restricted moderator permissions to manage content. The key difference between these and a Facebook Group is that you'll be able to find content more easily without stuff disappearing when you're searching for it! Another reason I don't like the the 'club' terminology is the potential confusion within an actual club but turning it on its head it's a great opportunity for a club to use this facility to engage with the RMweb readership about their activities - hopefully with potential benefits. Give it some thought.
  19. I'll have a look at it in due course but often such things can be fiddly to adjust and have a knock-on effect elsewhere.
  20. Not as such, they seem to have dispensed with the concept of pages in that view but I am investigating if there's any way some useful information can be indicated. Is there not a Status option in the +Create dropdown at the top?
  21. It is not anything that has struck me before given normal viewing distances and angles but the side-on view of Silver Link on an ECS working jumped out. Having thrown that grenade in I wonder how many figures would be required to populate Tony's ample roster of coaching stock? Please note; I'm not volunteering, just stirring the pot.
  22. Sadly, it was abused by people who were generally disruptive and they were more likely use it to needle someone than to give a valid balance. Its removal meant they either had to qualify their position or shut up.
  23. Martin's quite correct, what's good for the web is completely different to what's needed for print. I have been looking at what the settings are and what's happening server-side and tinkering with alternatives. Originally it was set to re-size and item down to 1200 x 1200 (max dims) and display at 1500 x 1500 (max dims) and in that form I uploaded a 6.09MB image (good enough for a double page spread in the mag) and the resultant displayed attachment came out at 456KB, I've adjusted it to 1500 x 1500 (resize and display) and it's a reasonable 683KB. I did try 1920 max width so that there was a full-page lightbox (equiv to HD) but can then see that the upload/resize/compression takes longer to process. On that basis I'm tempted to reduce the 10MB limit downwards to reduce server load rather than anything to do with size and display. Not much wrong with this for a 683KB image for web use.
  24. Judging by the number of PMs I'm getting it seems to be an isolated issue! It could be a poor error message that shows if the recipient has disabled their messages - who were you trying to send it to and I'll investigate further?
  25. Come and see me at the weekend; I'll have something for you.
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