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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. It does if you have the Read Status filter set set to read rather than 'everything'. Setting it to everything leaves the read topics visible but unbolded.
  2. Go to your saved Activity Steam rather than View New Content at the top right - also look at the Content Types in your filters to determine what you do or don't want to see.
  3. Change the Show me filter to Items only, change the Read Status to Content I haven't Read - then save that as a custom feed for yourself.
  4. I've just had the system recount your content and it's come out the same as before; have you had any posts go missing?
  5. Well you live and learn; I found that a) Admin can change the default settings within each activity stream so I've set that to 7 days for several and longer for ones where you're searching stuff you started or followed etc and b) that I could set up new Activity Streams for all users (there's now one called View New Content for which I used my settings as a template) and also select the default which will appear at the top right of the screen. That would have saved a lot of earache from those demanding instant solutions when the update was done (rather than looking at settings for themselves). It takes me a time to work through getting the best out of the system but a few don't seem to have the patience to await such tweaking. There's still a lot to fix and build so I'm best just left to it and we'll get there.
  6. I have looked at the settings for this now. Can moderate own blog entries? On The user will be able to: edit comments and entries, delete comments and entries, and lock entries from further comments. I am not sure whether it means any comments will require approval or whether you will just be able to retrospectively manage comments.
  7. I think you're right Mikkel. I can't even think what my figure was before the changes anyway.
  8. Please use the search and see https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/142108-david-heys-website/&tab=comments#comment-3462276
  9. Not yet, still being worked on. I've been a bit busy.
  10. PM me with some better estimates than 'a few thousand' or 'quite a bit'.
  11. A few people have had issues, will resolve for you.
  12. You reported it as being in the wrong area with a request " Can you delete it or move it?" As I had plenty of other things to do it was deleted. Please repost in the correct area. You should only use one question (or exclamation) mark in a topic title.
  13. It needed a weedkiller train through anyway.
  14. I think it is fair to say that Charwelton was one of the hits of the weekend, a full line of viewers at the barrier right until the end of Sunday! Thanks to the team for letting me stick the camera in various spots you won't normally be able to see for a feature in May BRM to tie in with next outing to Derby show.
  15. I'd had reason to check their on-sale and likely subscribers' dates a few weeks back so I know the mag was in line with schedules. Accurascale had planned a run-up to the show and announcement which would have been to the benefit of both. I'll shut up before I get into a proper rant!
  16. Send me an email to info@rmweb.co.uk Nick and I'll sort it for you.
  17. I have made some further adjustments to the settings; hopefully that frees it up.
  18. If you click on the envelope in the top bar it will show a consecutive list of PMs sent and received. If you got to the 'Inbox' you can filter by conversation you started or received.
  19. Now sorted. It was a bit sweaty in there but I made it.
  20. It may be possible if I go deep into the back end in the database tables, I hate going there and I'm always fearful it has some unintended consequence if any alterations are made but I will don my protective gear and have a look sometime when I get chance.
  21. I can't say I've observed I've observed any general slow-downs but I have disabled the 'who viewed topic' function as that was the only thing introduce on Friday morning which could have made a difference.
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