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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. There shouldn't have been anything today to affect that; I've not had any other reports. I suggest clearing RMweb cookies and temporary internet files and login again.
  2. That's not something you really want to be doing at such moments.
  3. No immediate solution found but please mitigate this a little by turning your phone into landscape orientation.
  4. I can see there is an issue, will investigate. The only thing that's changed today are admin functions rather than anything which should affect the front end. Not a bug, some new validating processes are being put in place which necessitated flushing through some old notifications.
  5. AY Mod

    Little Muddle

    It's something I've had to implement due to the laziness or ignorance of file sizes of many users not resizing images appropriately (mostly poor pics) and wasting/hogging resources. I am working on solutions for this utilising the Gallery feature (when it's properly fixed) for certain categories of users.
  6. This would certainly explain the nature of some PM/email/Contact Us messages I get, especially overnight! Some get ignored or binned whereas as some have resulted in me ensuring the user doesn't have continued access. The style of some certainly indicate that the user shouldn't be left unsupervised whilst in possession of a keyboard.
  7. Sorry I missed that Ian, glad you are sorted now.
  8. I set it up so that if you click on the link it should download to the device you are browsing on - I assume it would do the same on an iPhone. There's too many hoops to jump through to get stuff on iTunes, Google Play looks a far easier option which I'll look at in due course but the facility is not yet available in the UK.
  9. Phil set off on one of his creative quests recently to explore whether podcasts, as an audio medium, could be relevant in our hobby world. We're not claiming any originality for it but no-one else within the the hobby's media in the UK have dipped their toes in so we thought we'd put some of the technology and techniques to the test. It may be a bit rough and ready informal at points but there's some great content in there as Phil talks to big, bad Barry from the Missenden Modellers and the topical B word arises in my phone call to Richard Davies at Hattons and we find someone who's done some planning for March 29th! Add in some news, a look at BRM and some silliness and we can now give you our first episode - The 'B' Word We'd like to get some feedback from you on the format and any future ideas you'd like to see included. There's plenty of things we've discussed as potential material but it would be good to get your input. The_B_Word.mp3
  10. Well done to the SRSG; a great advert for the hobby.
  11. I fear you have no idea how much of a challenge would be for anyone to undertake, retailers would shy away from a race to the bottom in a comparethetrainset.com anyway. Sorry, you have to put in some mouse miles.
  12. There's obviously an issue; it'll get looked at. It won't really; I'll just wait until I get a brainwave to realise what it's actually doing and why, change something and then, one day, it'll all be alright.
  13. Oh I just love box-opening videos! Back when I were a lad we only had rude jokes and rubbish 70s sit-coms to laugh at but the world's your lobster now Terence. Feel that box; ooh and that polythene.
  14. I don't want another one; the last one was faulty and cost me a fortune.
  15. The slider switch in Account Settings > Edit Profile had been switched to Off. I've enabled it now for you.
  16. It doesn't actually take up server space, just screen space. A developer is looking at a tweak for this for me.
  17. The Western Pullman should only be a few weeks away now.
  18. I'm not sure if we should let Dougal do the review for BRM April.
  19. I can see that you're using Firefox so this may be of assistance - https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/clear-cookies-and-site-data-firefox?redirectlocale=en-US&redirectslug=delete-cookies-remove-info-websites-stored#w_delete-cookies-for-a-single-site - particularly the Clear cookies for the current website section.
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