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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. We've not had any similar reports, what sort of device did you download it on and what software was used for playback?
  2. They're not all 'old' - Ed, who featured in the programme is the oldest (and longest served I believe) - they probably won't let him escape yet. They did lose some good people in an earlier 'restructuring'. If they'd all escaped then the business would have had much more serious problems over the last couple of years.
  3. Unfortunately that would present data issues as it would include email addresses etc and although the site was locked down some years ago it would be unclear legal grounds, a knock-on from GDPR.
  4. As 'you' I have just used your Unread Content stream and gone back over 24 hours. However there have been several edited/updated older blog entries today and I have found a bug that if one of those is the last line on a page it won't load the next page until something newer is in the feed which bumps it onto the next page.
  5. I can mirror a user's screen to do what they can do and it allowed me to add it without any problem. It could have been a local browser problem but everything seemed OK server-side. Or it was a picnic .
  6. https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/search/&q=pink&type=forums_topic&author=Robin Brasher&search_and_or=and&sortby=relevancy We get the picture.
  7. Where did you pick up this 'entitlement' from?
  8. That's because it's an older blog entry which has been edited and re-submitted.
  9. Chief Operations Officer Tim Mulhall has sent over a few explanatory notes:
  10. I don't think they were David but the new display size is substantially larger which probably isn't helping the issue. I will look at whether there's sensible possibility of re-formatting for notifications (probably not as I look at the way the software does do things). I've had a digest earlier which matches your problem.
  11. I'd have to have a separate server built with out of date mysql and php software (something no host would want to do due to vulnerabilities) and hope that the database is robust enough to survive the transfer (it was very flakey and had to be locked down to prevent logins and searches due to lock-ups). Balancing that against the number of users who referenced the old site mean it really isn't a viable project. Some, but certainly not all, pages are cached by Google - e.g. https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:-0QcgqLBCG8J:https://www.rmweb.co.uk/forum/viewtopic.php%3Ff%3D8%26t%3D2603%26start%3D150+&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk If there's a little green down arrow after a path in Google's results it means there's a cached version. Try site:rmweb.co.uk/forum em gauge as a search term in Google and you can see how it works
  12. I've now returned the Browse to a horizontal menu in the bar.
  13. We'll see how it turns out in the edit.
  14. The archivist, Pete, gave us a great tour some years ago whilst Dave who featured in the tooling storage was a diamond when Phil and I sneaked into the Visitor Centre early one December morning. I must get that video finished one day!
  15. I'm going to close this off, anyone who's interested can PM the OP.
  16. AY Mod

    N gauge J94

    No technical limitation but it won't be happening I'm afraid.
  17. Which browser and device are you experiencing that with? Will have a look tomorrow or go back to the horizontal sub-menu. No reason why the two should differ as the construct is the same but that's life.
  18. Did the digest email contain any images and, if so, were they hosted on RMweb or externally?
  19. Phil would have definitely deployed it if he could find who's hidden it at the office!
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