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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. I have also seen other independent initiatives. I would recommend using the previously given link in the knowledge that money is going direct to the club/organisers.
  2. Already being discussed at length in the correct forum area - Exhibitions.
  3. I have just had a chat with the Chairman of Market Deeping MRC, Peter Davies, to pass on our sympathies and desire to support them in some way. The tales of damage are so disheartening, small details that portray wilful destruction of layouts, exhibits, trade models and school property. Many pieces of work will never be replaced because of the time invested in creation and the potential impact will go far beyond the immediate issues into consequent costs at future points and is a measurable setback to the club, modellers and traders and insurance cannot always cover all of those losses. The costs of damage are very substantial but involvement with the insurers will start tomorrow and the club have a lot to get through. I relayed our collective support and Peter is in the throes of arranging a JustGiving page, which he will let us have details of, and I would ask that all support is channeled through that source for maximum benefit. As a hobby we are a community, this could have happened to any club, anywhere at some time and we all feel a small part of their anger and frustration but hope that we can give some small message of support that we do care about them. The official JustGiving page to raise their funds can be found here https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/market-deeping-mrc
  4. There's no trailer big enough for that.
  5. I've only just seen this on my return after a day on the road so my belated sympathies to all concerned; what an utterly awful day to go through. Market Deeping MRC is very close to us as a business and we are annually indebted to them for their support at Peterborough show and hope that we may do something to support them in stepping back up from such a downer. We'll be having discussions on Monday. At very least I'd like to organise an RMweb whip round in some form.
  6. The Pocketmags contents page in previous months were not dynamically linked before, would you have bought it this month if it had a static contents page?
  7. I've already given the office a prod this morning.
  8. That should be resolved now we have married up the two email addresses.
  9. Did you sign up using the same email address as you've used for your RMweb login? I will chase it up with the subs department but they haven't sent anything through to me with your email address. Pm me your name and address please.
  10. It does work that way in our Exact Editions version but not the Pocketmags version.
  11. Duly noted. In an ideal world there should be a different Contents page for the digital issue but that would mean Ruth wouldn't get any sleep.
  12. I hadn't noticed when I flicked through the Digi edition earlier Ian. I have had a chat with the office and it's an intended omission this month as a test as the page numbers on the Contents page do not correlate with the Digital page numbers due to the digital extras which are placed between the conventional pages. As you say there's lots of extras in this month. The print version will have a Contents page.
  13. My wife may sympathise, I'll happily sit on Shipfinder telling her where every boat is going when we're at the coast. I must go and feed the pigeons in the park now.
  14. Please advise the BBC News department these stories, in any rational mind, cannot be classed as 'news'. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-48280412 - he's not a 'hero', he's just a bit of a plonker. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-48220487 - STFU and feed the ducks rather than seek your 15 seconds of fame. It was even on our regional news. It's not just a Notts thing but it's an unfortunate coincidence a few days apart. Is it work experience week?
  15. I've had words with him and he's responded with "*** off and get your own video next time". I do have another video to edit where Chris and I open a cardboard box sitting on the back doorstep.
  16. Normally we get a model in advance so that the review comes out about the same time as the shops receive stock but with the 90 the mags and shops will receive theirs at about the same time due to waiting for the decoders. The review samples should be DCC-fitted examples for the reasons you've stated. We did get chance to have a chat and a play a couple of weeks ago down at Kernow's opening.
  17. Because I get annoyed when people help themselves to my material without acknowledgement or consideration. You'd be OK with me popping round yours and helping myself to what I fancy? No? Do feel free to apologise for thinking it's acceptable.
  18. I've bought a few Kernow ones too, working EP samples and non-functional deco samples. A couple of others in the collection too. If you ever got hold of an EP sample of something that never made it to production there would be interested collectors.
  19. Neither am I but I understand the words. https://www.copyrightservice.co.uk/copyright/p27_work_of_others
  20. No, that is copyright law. The donor specified terms of use, not that he legally had to. I don't get why so many people don't understand the relevant law and conditions or choose to apply their own version of it.
  21. I didn't know whether to click funny or like; that merits both. You've captured the inner me when I'm doing reviews.
  22. An excellent 'next chapter' in the story Callum. Would love to see the kid's reaction to a bit of stardom in his garage.
  23. Incorrect. Such use would not be classed as private use or research; it's for commercial ends and passing material on would be part of a breach as well as its end usage.
  24. Looks like an error, I will get it corrected. Do you wish to take up one of the options?
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