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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. I don't believe it is. I would have stated it again if there had been any doubt. A couple of people have run found with stupid ideas and then have the temerity to suggest that we didn't doo enough to stop them being stupid. Give me strength.
  2. Post deleted. Can we please stop these sorts of posts?
  3. I agree as a lot of donors obviously aren't modellers but may be more inclined to visit a local show to see how much work goes into exhibits. Local press and media coverage in advance and good signage would help support that.
  4. It's probably not permissible to republish the whole interview, it should appear for iplayer soon as said. My earlier extract silliness gets covered under parody and fair use.
  5. JV is lucky that Tim's calm manner has probably restrained him from inserting a 304.8mm:foot boot somewhere. "Maybe it's lost its voltages". OK all coverage is good, some is better than others. Well done Tim!
  6. He replied to say he was still here and again tried to bait others. I've removed access to the topic for him now.
  7. I believe that the MRC will be featured with Tim Watson of Copenhagen Fields fame in attendance.
  8. Can you keep the politics out of the topic please? I've removed several posts to date.
  9. Mind. Blown. Simply stunning. I'd best sit down, compose myself and get the rest of the pics and review done.
  10. Can we please leave speculative comments regarding insurance out of the topic?
  11. I would suggest that is best left to those concerned to deal with rather than any discussion in that respect on here. I know initiatives are being considered which may ensure any donations are put to good use irrespective of such perspectives and advice is being sought.
  12. It's all turned into quite a big story and I fully understand why as it's a very human story, increasing media interest means the team will be busy dealing with that interest today along with the necessary insurance and legal stuff. It's anticipated that there may be a piece on Channel 5's Jeremy Vine show (from 9.15) and ITV are in contact so it's likely the fund will increase further with wider reporting.
  13. If it's of any help here's a copy of Magnet's current policy. Model Rail Exhibition Policy 2018.pdf
  14. Not a significantly can't number. We still see to have plenty of new people joining.
  15. Because of that post I now have people mistakenly thinking there is DCC content in the Gold Lounge. Did you have any grounds for thinking that?
  16. It may not be obvious but the recommended post at the top of each page in the topic does contain the link. I will be doing some other stuff tomorrow when I'm back on the desktop.
  17. Your name is cropping up for abrasiveness more and more in reported posts. Let's not push it any further please.
  18. So I need to be telepathic and empathetic when someone puts their own take on someone else's misguided theories? There is NO DCC content in the Gold Lounge. Why didn't someone ask the question rather than peddle conspiracy theories and decry the business?
  19. I'd hope it's a well intentioned supporter but a downside could be that JustGiving take higher costs out of the fund than the options being used by the club.
  20. Probably most of the donors are non-hobbyists, just normal folk who will be appalled at what they have seen and wishing to support those affected; that's actually more gratifying than if it were just us enthusiasts.
  21. Being kind I would say that you misunderstand what we mean by 'digital access', it means access to digital versions of the magazine and not digital command control subject matter. Just think please before grumbling that we are doing something you don't agree with. It may also be worth considering that all those people providing all that information for you, for free, do give time and money for you to have something for nothing.
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