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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. It won't and such sweeping statements are unfair on other parties who demonstrate an ethical and transparent approach. It could be considered a good thing that, to avoid comparisons, businesses who utilise the method will work harder to communicate with stakeholders about progress and mean more clarity. If they can't do that then, yes, some will suffer if they cannot adapt to the environment.
  2. That implies that DJ had not included any crowdfunders/deposit placers in the statement whilst CG now believe they should have been. A black hole.
  3. I've spoken to the liquidators this morning to ask why no consumer creditors were shown. Firstly it should be noted that this Statement of Affairs is that put forward by the Director and CG's investigatory process remains to be completed. At this stage they would not know an accurate list of who, and to to what value, are consumer creditors until any payment card refunds have gone through. The message is to keep pressing card isssuers for refunds as, whatever happens, there's not going to be realisable refunds from the process - if you don't get a refund you could become listed as a consumer creditor but it won't get you anything back.
  4. From communications with China at very least it may be that ownership is disputed (legal title to such remains the property of xyz until settlement is made in full etc - a standard commercial term on invoices). Having seen communications offering production from such tooling to other parties this would seem to be the case - historical comments indicate that tooling costs were amortised over production runs by the factory and ownership may never have been transferable.
  5. Have you clicked on the bin icon on the image thumbnail beneath the post Neil?
  6. I didn't think you'd have any problem with that Martin. The car park at the top of the daunting Bur Way - https://maps.app.goo.gl/8wTrobTdGsQRnb1X7
  7. Sadly not, although that's one of my favourite roads in Britain. However from there you can often see four out of the seven hills shown in my pic.
  8. Go on, I'll chuck one in. Quite a straightforward one featuring some of the more significant hills all in the same county.
  9. AY Mod

    DJM, the end.

    Read the quoted text.
  10. You should be hearing from them today. Apparently some items were to follow and they hadn't heard back from you whether you wanted the in-stock items sending.
  11. My guesswork is that there's not many linear settlements below a coastal undercliff. There is a significant but subtle clue on the skyline and triangulating back from that and the solar panels on the houses puts me here - https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@50.5825317,-1.2454329,158m/data=!3m1!1e3 with an estimated time of 08.00 on a mid-June morning.
  12. AY Mod

    DJM, the end.

    I was going to do some pruning but I think I'll just lock it off when we move onto the next phase once any Statement of Affairs gets published.
  13. I've set up the RMweb access but I'm struggling to find you on the system - can you forward any email with account details to me at info@rmweb.co.uk so I can investigate further please?
  14. That may be your perspective but there were numerous courteous posts requesting further information or clarification which went unanswered. There was actually more abruptness on the part of the person who could have benefited most from taking points on board. I even tried to help save him from himself but that went unheeded too. To blame us is ridiculous just because we didn't censor what you may not have agreed with. Any comments which breached forum rules were removed.
  15. Bachmann have circulated a message to their retailers as follows so they should be aware if any approach is made.
  16. Phil and I called in at the clubrooms for a chat whilst we were on the way down to Taunton.
  17. AY Mod

    DJM, the end.

    Hopefully we'll get to see.
  18. I've set that up for you now pending checking with the subs dept. - I hadn't spotted anything which tallied with your email when I was cross-checking yesterday morning.
  19. AY Mod

    DJM, the end.

    Not at all but we have acted to protect some individual members from themselves posting comments which could be argued to be libellous or at least unproven.
  20. AY Mod

    DJM, the end.

    The popcorn seller has been off since last week from overworking.
  21. AY Mod

    DJM, the end.

    Not even a small slice of chocolate orange cake in return for an out of context killer sentence you have in mind?
  22. Latest CAD images from Facebook posts.
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