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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. Or could it be magnanimous to support a factory that had been left out of pocket overall? Also there is no evidence to support a theory that a factory caused or played a part in the demise of the business.
  2. There is no evidence given to support that supposition.
  3. From Kent Online AIMREC website I know from talking to Cliff Parsons that several very exciting developments may take place and this is a great stepping stone towards the ultimate goal.
  4. We did Andy, and very nice cake it was too (orange and lemon in my case). I did think of saying that we went to 'Warley' and had free car parking within 50m of the entrance, a personal welcome at the door, two slices of cake and two cold drinks for £1.60 but it would upset the November crowds.
  5. Over the last few days I've had several people say to me, in person, how much appreciated this topic has been for providing collective information and support to assist others has been at a time when people may have been very much in the dark over what, if anything, they could do. My thanks and those of several others are therefore given to the contributors.
  6. An Atlantic Gesture by Bachmann Europe On Saturday 8th June 2019, Bachmann Europe Plc visited the Bluebell Railway during its Atlantic House Open Weekend to present a cheque for £10,617.50 to the Bluebell Railway Atlantic Group. Following the release of the acclaimed Bachmann Branchline OO scale model of the H2 Class Atlantic locomotive in 2018, the donation was made in recognition of the assistance provided by the group during the development of the Branchline model. The model was first announced during the 2013 Bachmann Collectors Club Members Day which was held at the Bluebell Railway and during which club members were able to see the development of the full size locomotive for themselves. In October 2000 the Bluebell Railway announced its intentions to build a new H2 Atlantic locomotive, based on No. 32424 ‘Beachy Head’ (the original ‘Beachy Head’ had been withdrawn in 1958), at which point it had already amassed several key components including a boiler (from a GNR Atlantic), a tender chassis (from a LBSCR B4) and tender wheelsets and axleboxes (from a LBSCR C2X). The project continues apace, and it is hoped that the locomotive will enter service on the Bluebell Railway during 2021.
  7. Warley Club held an open day on Sunday 07 July for members and prospective members. An innovative feature of the day was a diorama modelling challenge with four teams of pairs of YouTube modellers competing and co-operating against the clock to produce a finished 400mm x 200mm scene. I got in their way, stuck his fingers on wet paint and tucked into a bourbon biscuit whilst looking at their progress. Callum Willcox and Adam Ashford emerged as the winners of the challenge but it’s fair to say there was some very close competition. The YouTubers channels can be found on these links: SDJR7F88 – https://www.youtube.com/user/SDJR7F88 82A Studios - https://www.youtube.com/user/theonlyadsrulz DaveClass47 – https://www.youtube.com/user/DaveClass47 Andy Hudson – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTzKSuhAdTliumFZ8pDRK3g New Junction – https://www.youtube.com/user/boboking EverardJunction – https://www.youtube.com/user/EverardJunction Cottesmore - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4DRVPUEOjwAL0aNMNyLcng cheekytech - https://www.youtube.com/user/cheekytek
  8. Another perspective is that prior to the software changes a few months ago many blog entries did not get the traffic or interaction they merited. The new software allowed the blog content to feature in VNC increasing dialogue in those areas so the balancing of interaction is more complex than just the use of reaction clicks.
  9. Reassemble these elements into chronological order.
  10. Which is precisely why the facility was brought in to RMweb. I didn't like the plain singular 'Like' function though so I bought and adapted a modification script which enabled different types of reactions to be made (a long, long time before Facebook had such), a 'Like' isn't particularly appropriate when someone's said their dog has died for instance. We used to have a Disagree button but that was just abused, often by those with an agenda - so it was scrapped. It's fine to disagree but that is better done by the use of words so the context can be seen. My pet hate was someone who'd spend an hour in the middle of the night replying to topics, often old ones, just saying '"wow" or "nice work" creating a long list of inconsequential entries in VNC, once you'd seen a couple the rest would be ignored so it was pretty self-defeating. As you say the reaction is attributed to the post so reduces the irrelevance of quoting a year-old post and saying they agree - that part of the conversation left a long time ago. It was also aimed to reduce the volume of posts we used to experience, part of managing the size of the site.
  11. Forgot to mention, make some offcuts to use on the workbench to stop parts for glueing/soldering* moving around. *Mine seems to withstand mild temperatures OK but worth testing.
  12. Too many cases of 'accidentally' brushing against them? #canopiestoo
  13. I cannot see any registered RMweb member with any email address that could be the person.
  14. I challenged Dave in 2018 that the scheme did not meet the criteria of pledge and reward models such as Kickstarter. Pointing out that there were no T&C's at that stage precipitated the hasty editing of posts (by DJ) to notify of risk potential. Events prove that such disclaimers do nothing to discharge legal liabilities.
  15. Simple - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Black-Non-Slip-Mat-120cm-x-30cm-Roll-Hundreds-of-Uses-Anti-Slip-Grip-Matt-UK/283295809530?hash=item41f5befffa:g:Bj0AAOSwh39cDCvp, just search for suitable sizes.
  16. It would depend on what funds were in the account to reverse any transactions.
  17. I think that was a major turning point which could have affected the viability - not saying it would have turned out ultimately any different if it hadn't taken place.
  18. Phil and I will be along on Sunday to come and get in the way, is there any cake?
  19. To which model railway businesses does this sweeping statement apply?
  20. We like to feature Pendon regularly whether it be in BRM, video features online or on the DVD as a way of keeping awareness there within the hobby. I do a workshop day each year which brings in revenue to the museum as Pendon is one of the best adverts there is for the high end of the hobby.
  21. I understand the local constabulary have made an arrest overnight when the suspect was caught nudging china vases in a local antiques shop. As with anyone suspected of such misdemeanours there was complete denial that it was anything to do with him and he hadn't been anywhere near anything, ever. When shown the video evidence he did explain that he may have been comparing the colour of his elbow and his finger to the canopy so he could then go to the local model shop to purchase matching paint. He said he was always really careful when around layouts, thanked the officer for releasing him without charge, turned round and walked into the door. He was re-arrested for being clumsy and awaits a hearing at the Modellers' Court.
  22. Thanks, don't show anything which could give any clues to your details etc. The source could be someone he's emailed being infected or he's clicked on something surreptitious and it's wormed back up and out but it sounds like a weakness.
  23. May I ask how you've pinned that down as the source?
  24. The news that Mike couldn't make it may be coincidental to some more people sticking their names down.
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