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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. It's a shame the project originator couldn't be bothered to come back and communicate in the way that you have taken the time to do.
  2. Scandalous; other people paying for you to have free access to a website.
  3. A place to drop oddities in seen around the country. Yesterday I drove past an old canalside cinema in Measham. Leics - https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.705212,-1.5081827,3a,60y,343.37h,84.38t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sHT1fcJU9ZEuONkddI7CgSw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 Apparently it seated 350 people, a bit of a crush I'd say! More info - http://cinematreasures.org/theaters/50573
  4. I have just spoken to Magnet Insurance's managing director, Tony Bound, to discuss the above; not that it's necessarily anything to do with Magnet but his responses are reassuring. Providing the organiser states that the set-up date is the starting point of the cover and that the breakdown date is the end point of the cover (that could be a Thursday to Monday in the case of bigger shows) then there should be no issue. Premiums have, at this time, remained unaffected by the events at Stamford so there should be no reason that anyone using Magnet Insurance should be unduly concerned or be disadvantaged by those events. The only stipulation is that the premises should be secured overnight and there is no stipulation within the policy that there should be alarmed or have on-site security. It's also re-assuring to know that the claim was promptly investigated and paid out for in the Stamford case. Maybe it's worth asking the event organiser which insurer they are using and what the start/end dates and times of the policy are?
  5. I always relish the chance to have a completely pointless conversation with an incredibly intelligent person. I think I may be in the right place for such.
  6. If you've hidden posts they're only visible to Mods. If you need anything unhiding just let us know.
  7. The 'independant' typo has been noted and awaiting revision.
  8. Salmon season is here! Footplate of Kidderminster are pleased to show off their latest Flangeway wagon, the Salmon. After many years of development and research, the Engineering Prototype of the Salmon has landed. First impressions are extremely favourable, however as this is the first EP, the model is now being reviewed to ensure that any inaccuracies are corrected and that the first release can accurately depict 1980’s air braked vehicles, as well as ensuring that other variations can be accurately portrayed without any major alterations, including versions with the rail cranes and more modern ASF bogies. The first releases will depict 1980’s variants in engineers yellow and grey - release dates and prices will follow in due course. In addition to the Salmon arriving, the latest release of the Snowplough is expected soon. Currently, the second batch of livery samples are being reviewed and should be signed off soon, paving the way for production. It is hoped the Snowplough’s will arrive in time for winter snow duties… Although the Salmon has yet to be released for pre-order, Footplate are still taking pre-orders for the Snowplough via the website; www.footplate.co.uk. Updates on the Salmon will follow once final prices have been confirmed and will then be available for pre-order from the Footplate website.
  9. Flangeway have provided latest images of the new snowploughs... IS14 DB965206 - Plain Black IS15 ADB965228 - Buxton TMD IS16 ADB965226 - Buxton TMD IS17 ADB965240 - Old Oak Common IS18 ADB965205 - Inverness IS19 ADB965230 - Network Rail
  10. He doesn't have to bow to anything not covered by legislation. That attitude will make it less likely that someone will try to be more accommodating. Leave it alone now please.
  11. Methinks you're not the ideal candidate Robin.
  12. Before castigating anyone do bear in mind layout builders are not paid entertainers and they don't have to show their work off. Do cinema screenings have subtitles for those with hearing difficulties? Do retailers have POS material with braille translations? Rarely I would say so - a measure of reasonabless should be applied to this issue within our hobby from all sides.
  13. I'm pleased the post clarified that; I thought they'd have to take a good run-up to get up there.
  14. If Dave Jones had given the liquidators an accurate list of creditors you would have been contacted. He doesn't seem to have done so.
  15. In Mobile view the size and form of the ads is intrusive and obstructive; it's a subject of discussion internally! It is all part of the platform testing so I hope common sense can prevail.
  16. Indeed, the topic is counter-productive. The issue should be progressed with retailer rather than abstractly here. Closed.
  17. I haven't observed any issues at this end but we did have an overload on Saturday morning which affected access for 40 minutes.
  18. I'll mention to Steve tomorrow that this is ring-fenced crowd-funding.
  19. Fixed; apologies! No photos in your Chelsea outfit?
  20. I can assure you it wasn't any masterplan; that would involve planning.
  21. chuffinghell was actually doing it as a gesture of solidarity at that point over the weekend but I have taken steps this morning to eliminate the presence of the additional Google Ads for Gold members. They still see the trade ads; no-one's ever grumbled about those.
  22. Yes, because someone thought he was being clever (as he often does) drawing attention to it.
  23. The IT dept have been migrating to a new ad-serving platform and there are some things which need sorting out still. Steve and I are discussing.
  24. Odd. It's playing for me (Android tablet) and I get the same link (but it won't play from copy/pasting the link).
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