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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. Of course, I had forgotten you and Kevin utilise the video frames. Am I correct in recalling you set the Mon and max focus points and the number of frames? If I was taking 20 stills at 40mm increments for example I woul only get the software to blend frames 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,11,15,19 which effectively reduces the processing times.
  2. I'd go the other way completely and keep the ISO at the lowest number, the aperture f number as high as possible and just accept whatever exposure duration you are given.
  3. Nicely done John, you cracked the process!
  4. Another LWMRS layout which features in the idents is Duxbury, from a technical perspective these low-down shots have great depth of field. Someone did some great work in the post-production of these clips. Phil has some of the back story on these.
  5. 30 mins in tonight and it seems the judges are yearning for something outrageous. It seems this week is a little more conventional than the last two. And no double entendres yet!
  6. We will close it at the appropriate time. Others may have procedural questions which your demand may preclude. Leave the individual 'wants' until you can vote.
  7. Many of you will know Ben Jones of editorial fame and now at Heljan. His wife, Michelle, produces fantastic wallpapers/wall art based on vintage OS maps and I toyed with the idea for a while for home but it's now become more accessible with the facility to have prints (and of course those larger papers) featuring your choice of railway map content.
  8. I can always post the extra content in the salubrious Gold Lounge (but I keep forgetting!).
  9. It's fake; that volume is entitled "Can you just....".
  10. So sorry to hear the news Mike, I know Stu hadn't been well as you say. He was a lovely, lovely chap. My sympathies to you and to Stu's family.
  11. Why don't you use the existing topic?
  12. Friday 27 September 2019: 8pm - 9:15pm Channel 5 From Radio Times: Stereotypes begone: this week sees the first all-female team to compete on the series, as the Loco Ladies – led by captain Carol – offer their take on the theme of bucolic Britain. Carol is justly proud of one detail of their layout nobody else has attempted – crocheted trees. But boy, they’re up against strong opposition: both the Cambrian Coasters (all blokes) and the Railmen of Kent (all blokes, and from the same family) deploy staggering levels of detail and artistry. There are miniature Henry Moore sculptures and pasty factories and a wagon hoist and a royal flypast. There’s even a giant Yorkshire pudding. Well, giant at the scale of the model – it’s all relative. SUMMARY Three teams must create a landscape on the theme of the Best of British. Family team the Railmen of Kent recreate the 1951 Festival of Britain, including iconic trains and replicas of famous stations. The Loco Ladies draw inspiration from the countryside, complete with crocheted trees, while the Cambrian Coasters celebrate British food with a huge Yorkshire pudding and a cunning haggis delivery system.
  13. If you get a chance to see it, do so. It is, by a good distance, the best N gauge layout I have ever photographed and in the top two of any that I know of - but the other one is not finished yet but what's done is similarly excellent.
  14. Not my getaway vehicle of choice for certain. Mind you, a worn out 31 isn't any better, they only let them go as far as L!andudno 'cos it was flat.
  15. Please use Episode 2 topic - https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/147429-gmrc-series-2-episode-2-classic-books/
  16. Please read https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/147423-gmrc-show-topics-series-2/
  17. "I can see the marks from their cameltoes."
  18. We filmed the final installment today, Phil's done a cracking job on the OO shelf.
  19. It's definitely not OO the last time I looked either!
  20. Museum electrics vs. 21st century electronics. Poor electrical form delivery vs. attuned components. Buy a new controller rather than your next loco.
  21. Gimmicks are what people remember and comment upon from shows gone by - moving water, working bicycles, multiple scales, animated features etc and not the quality of trackwork, signalling excellence and beautiful scratchbuilding. Why would a TV show be any different in how it aims to grab viewers' attention and be talked about after airing?
  22. Why risk a £600+ model on a 50 year-old controller?
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