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Posts posted by bensanchez43310

  1. I have an absolute mountain of 0 gauge projects to be getting on with. I have started a very large batch of weathering. First up a Dapol 08, and Heljan BG coach. Both in the initial stages, next it's adding more dirt/texture and various varnish finishes. The 08 is particularly tricky/enjoyable to create, these things were just thick of muck.


    33426234261_af9bfb295c_o.jpg052 by rothburyuk, on Flickr


    33426233541_c4e514ed35_o.jpg033 by rothburyuk, on Flickr


    33554867955_6c7c01fc3c_o.jpg030 by rothburyuk, on Flickr


    33398195052_6dfdab4a2e_o.jpg024 by rothburyuk, on Flickr


    33398195322_3f24f637f3_o.jpg021 by rothburyuk, on Flickr


    33514081406_58b55cc84b_o.jpg017 by rothburyuk, on Flickr


    33554866375_c456e28b61_o.jpg015 by rothburyuk, on Flickr


    32740470163_8763337552_o.jpg010 by rothburyuk, on Flickr


    32740470173_79dc56aa95_o.jpg007 by rothburyuk, on Flickr


    32740470493_87b55f3d82_o.jpg002 by rothburyuk, on Flickr


    33554867765_aac0115796_o.jpg044 by rothburyuk, on Flickr


    33426233241_2be4b61038_o.jpg043 by rothburyuk, on Flickr


    33554868095_462271acbe_o.jpg038 by rothburyuk, on Flickr


    The workbench materials quest can sometimes be a strange one.....


    32711573154_d4eff6b3d3_o.jpg061 by rothburyuk, on Flickr


    And also enjoyable  :angel:


    32711573374_4c501886f8_o.jpg056 by rothburyuk, on Flickr


    I do like those biscuits... :no:



  2. Small update. Progress on the kitchen car is going well. Windows and door blanked with platicard for the windows and think strip for the door. Sanded down again and more filler applied.


    Also had the 68 on the northern belle just to see how it looked. Might even get a chance to make a start on the next coach for the formation soon.



    Feel free to post any questions ect regarding the northern belle project. Unfortunately this months model rail has given me ideas for the next luxuary train project.....


    Royal scotsman??



  3. Going back a few posts regarding full valances at one end and slotted at the other.


    Now that a few more people have got their 68s, and for those that want to run with NEMs at both ends, is anyone willing to swap their full valance for slotted ones? I have two slotted that I would like to exchange for full. 


    Please PM if you can help.


    Otherwise. it's out with the plasticard and filler to fill the gap.





    I have a spare full air dam I don't need and are after a second slotted valance.



    I got my 68001 this morning as well and yes totally agree about how it was wrapped with only 1 layer of bubble wrap and brown paper around the box which I thought was quite poor and expected it to be in another box with the bubble or foam around the item, thus I held my breath when I started to unwrap the item and must admit Dapol's packaging is very good (nice strong box with foam insert) and love the limited edition artwork on the box it came in.

    Anyway, took out the loco and wow what a model and totally intact with the nameplates perfectly placed with no glue marks and everything else where it should be, even the yellow ends are perfect...too be honest this is my first 68 and it's just simply stunning even with it's livery error down one side which will be quickly forgotten.

    I have also ordered the 68005 with biffo sound from DC Kits which hasn't arrived yet but amazingly only payed £230 last Monday considering the prices that were being charged for the non-sound versions around the place, can't believe I managed to get one considering how late I was in purchasing thus have been very lucky.


    Can someone send a picture of the box artwork and 68001 on the thread please.



  4. I am annoyed and angry to say the least with what i collected from the postie today, bear in mind one of these is supposed to be my birthday present, was really excited until i was presented with broken buffers and footsteps and footplates above buffers, glue splurges and mal aligned name plates, sending them to be fixed to say the least for i dont have the time nor the springs to do it.




  5. I haven't tried de-bonder (not sure if it would damage the body work as the paint did seem to come off each behind the nameplate I removed), I have a spare DRS 68 I don't want which has a tiny bit of glue and was going to try the warm water on a cocktail stick trick, or ping the plate off and move it up a tiny amount but haven't got round to it yet as the plates look quite well stuck on.


    If you do could you tell me what happens, if worst comes to worst I will DIY the plates, don't want to hack them off and take the paintjob with it though...



  6. Mine DRS pair are sat somewhere in cheam awaiting picking up tommorow after school! im excited but also praying i got off lucky, On that note, does the glue debonder damage the paintwork when removing nameplates, has anyone tried?



  7. Still not even in stock at my chosen shop for my pre-orders! Must be doing laps of the uk on the back of a lorry!


    Emailed them on Sunday, Monday they said Dapol sent them the invoice and they were imminent, and today the email came through saying they were dispatched and will be here Friday, sorry if others have said this as I have literally read this post and this post only.



  8. I wonder why they are discontinued and the drs shop ones are taking so long? I'm wondering if DRS sent them back and are getting the correct livery and nameplates fitted? If Dapol are happening to make CORRECT bodyshells for DRS 68's I would happily get some, but I would expect some sort of discount if we have to buy them?



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