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Posts posted by bensanchez43310

  1. The high speed Talgo S-102 by Electrotren has finally arrived. I really do like this and find it very iconic. How appropriate it will look crawling through the station is something I will worry about on another day...




    As feared, there is a problem that has to be fixed. Platform clearance is extremely tight which is my fault entirely - I really should have left an extra couple of mm. In the case of the S-102, a couple of mm might not have been enough. If anyone remembers, the height of the main platform changes and the overhang of this unit "rides up" in one direction. In the other direction, it pretty much rubs along the platform edge which simply isn't good enough. Even though the curve is slight, I'm going to have to rebuild the main platform a little further back and keep it at one constant height. That will be the next job, then...




    Having made the decision a while back to definitely add overhead wires, some new stock has appeared in the form of EMUs which will be the everyday "normal" for this layout.





    I also managed to pick up a 3-car Class 592 DMU by Electrotren which has been out of production in this livery for years. I managed to find a new one in stock in a model shop in Athens of all places. Dating from (I think) 2009 it was heavily discounted and proved a bit of a bargain. I'd never really thought of Cap Llevant as a junction station, but I can imagine the DMU laying over in the loop platform before heading back to some imaginary non-electrified destination.




    Good fleet there, all looks great, I must get my hands on an s102...


    keep it up, ben

    • Like 1
  2. oh god sorry to hear that.  I still have nightmares about school exams and i'm 42 now.  only thing I can say is that hard work at school / university paid off and working life is way less hours / stressful than education and you get paid for it.  something to look forward to in a few years!




    haha yeah it has its ups and downs, but the more work I do now the more monies I will have for the hobby in theory. Back to the topic, is it worth buying a rake of IDA's? its tough deciding between Bachmann multifrets and these for the next container rake.



  3. Been playing around and come up with another plan which I really like. It has all the elements I'm after although I do worry I've fallen into the trap of trying to cram as much track into the space available again. If it works out as per the plan it would give me the space I want for the tmd, ballast loading area as well as some space for offices etc.

    I had originally put a 3 way point for the tmd and siding but they are quite pricey and assuming I am able to re-use my current track I won't need to purchase too much new track.


    As always opinions are greatly received.


    Both looks good, just depends what layout gives you more play value and interaction with the layout itself, nice to see the progress, looks great.



  4. a back-to back gauge will do it but so will a pair of Vernier calipers which you can get for a few pounds and will find other uses too.  there is a bit of debate around exactly what setting should be for OO but on some of mine they were out by miles and getting them close to 16.2 - 16.4 mm (i think... this was a while ago and all my stuff in storage at mo) got them running well.




    Back to back for OO is usually in the 14.something range. I use 14.5 for Peck code75





    Cheers both, I will get out the Vernier caliper when I get a break from a levels :)



  5. Ben I had one megafret that continuously derailed - resetting wheel back-to-backs resolved.  If I recall correctly they are not easy to adjust as they aren't like normal wheels and I seem to recall I destroyed at least one wheelset in the process... however on one of my wagons the B2B was way out and that seemed to be the cause of derailing.  I never got this far with debugging IDAs but could be same simple issue (or other common problem - coupler action).



    Hey Matt, do I need a B2B gauge sorta thing to fix this issue or is there other ways.



  6. Had tpmwait in with mam for her annual medical MOT and instead of watching needless QVC programmes ( other shopping channels available) took aölong the MPV and now lightly weathered ready for Epsom


    looks great, what day is the epsom show, I will pop down after work...

  7. Troutons has a new shutter. Also my retirement gift from my work mates. I like the dark blue but all references to NCB will have to go and will become a little more careworn before hopefully it's first appearance at Chelmsford. It appears Troutons is going 'south" to Epsom, probably in 2018.


    Ooooh Epsom, cant wait to have troutons within 20 mins of me...

  8. Cheers, Ben. I was going to ask for recommendations for stock at some point. There's a nice Network Rail 08 on sale at my local model shop that I was tempted by yesterday so was thinking about starting with that and a few wagons.


    My plan for the MR yard is to have it as an engineer's yard similar to the one North of Durham station. It's a simple, relatively short, one-siding yard and like you said can welcome an array of stock. The siding and fiddle yard can (on paper) take a loco and three MK2 coaches so I was thinking about getting/making some test coaches as I've seen a few three-rake test coach trains in prototype. I was thinking about putting in a loading siding to the top left of the layout too and have a couple of forklifts parked up. My backstory for the yard is that it is part of what used to be a large WRD so there are remnants of this time dotted about the site. Again, I'm not sure if this would be seen in prototype, but my view is if it makes the NR engineer's lives easier then they would keep it rather than demolish it.


    Well you built it so you can include what you want. Regarding test trains I have seen smaller rakes, now I'm not to sure but I think some trains run with one or two coaches on calibration runs, not entirely sure though. A nice NR 08 would suit btw!



  9. Hi Ben,


    believe it or not, this is actually a reduced version as the previous had two single-point turnouts! The loop at the bottom serves as a runaround/headshunt for the class 08s when shunting stock into their respective sidings. I wanted there to be the opportunity to run locos simultaneously so included the runaround at the top too so that a train can leave siding 1 as a new one enters siding 2. Is there an alternative you would suggest?


    Cant suggest an alternative, the trackplan is actually very clever in that respect I didn't see it like that.



    • Like 1
  10. Although its abit late on i do have some shots from hayes and harlington, looking at my photos from about London, they do seem to be mixed in with other workings, some are mixed in with the crawley and purley portions to acton and onwards to merehead or whatley, some going out to Dagenham dock.


    https://www.flickr.com/photos/trainsbysanchez/34214723034/in/datetaken-public/ one shot with what I believe the HOA's are.

  11. Good and I'm good too thanks.


    Track is a right mixed bag. Years ago when I had my first layout all of the track was Hornby but now I use Hornby, Bachmann and Peco track. All of the points are now Bachmann or Peco. Straight track is a mixture of Hornby and Bachmann. The curved track is mostly Hornby I think.


    The Megafrets are a bit hit and miss. Sometimes their will be no derailing and others their will. I think they derail if the loco/s have mucky wheels. I now try and run these with locos that have just had their wheels cleaned. I think the bad conductivity with the train wheels and track can cause jerking and jolting which derails them. I also play as safe as possible with the Megafrets by letting them run around the outer circuits of track where the yard is. This significantly lessens the amount of points that they go over and lessens derailing.


    Yeah I found this aswell, just wanted to see if you had any similar problems...

  12. Hi Ben,


    Hope your ok?


    The first photo which was the test photo is the entrance to the depot area. This has changed slightly since this photo was taken. The small siding close to the camera with the buffer on is now a full siding which goes down the side of the depot building. This siding can now hold eight or nine locos as opposed to two. I will show the developments and changes as we go along.


    Ahhh I see, yeah I'm alright thanks yourself mate?, what track do you use and how to the megafrets run on them?



  13. HS2 is being built to the mandated EU structure gauge for high speed lines (as laid down in various EU agreements designed to remove in-built barriers which hamper cross border rail services and 'open access' free market principles) so like HS1 (which is to all intents a carbon copy of the French TGV lines) Berne gauge double deck trains, etc will be able to be accommodated.




    In Roger Fords forthcoming Modern Railways column, he reveals that the specification for the classic compatible trains required for phase 1 say that bidders should assume platform heights as 950mm (nominal) for stations on the current rail network, but 1000mm (1m) on HS2. Now not only does a 1m platform height prevent ordinary freight trains (which is why such platform heights have thus far been restricted to things like the East London Line & Crossrail core sections where no freight traffic is permitted), but high platforms also prevent proper continental style double deck trains as any 'high platform' significantly restricts the width of any passenger accommodation at the lower level. How this circle will be squared is not yet known.... but given the DfTs previous attempts at trying to design detailed rolling stock specifications and the end results, they probably haven't twigged they are in the process of significantly hob-nailing HS2 from the start


    Also you should note that there will NOT  be a direct connection between HS1 & HS2 - it was dropped a year or so ago as not representing good value for money particularly as it would have required a certain amount of property demolition in Camden and required an politically unacceptable loss of capacity on the North London line where one of the tracks would have been removed to facilitate the link which would have been sparsely used. There are also no plans to add any other links - and given it dives into a tunnel before it reaches the top of Camden Bank plus has its own dedicated Euston terminus (probably with nothing more than a 'maintenance siding' to link HS2 & WCML like the one that physically links HS1 and the MML at St Pancras) then simply getting freight on to it will be nigh on impossible. In some ways however since the abandonment of the HS1 - HS2 link that doesn't matter as Bernie Gauge vehicles won't be able to access HS2 anyway and UK gauge freight will benefit from the transfer of some service away from the WCML


    Yeah thanks for the info bud, wasn't too sure on any of it, haven't really been following HS2

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