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Posts posted by davefromacrossthepond

  1. I think you made a good decision.  If the current layout isn't "doing it" for you, then yes, start anew.  Or to use a marketing phrase from a well known shoe company "go for it!"  :)  Looking forward to the new thread.



  2. I plan on being a winner in the competition.  I won't win a prize (too many way talented and imaginative people here) but I will win each time I read/see a post with something new on it that I can learn from.  This is what I like most about these things - seeing not only the results of people's efforts, but reading how they did certain things.  Of course, someday wouldn't it be cool to actually be a prize winner?!?

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  3. I think what you'll find is that if you were to ask 10 people what the best decoder manufacturer is, you would get 11 different answers.  On questions like this no sooner will one person post that he's never had a single problem with the 10 brand A decoders he's installed, another will post that he likes brand B because every brand A decoder he used "blew up."  I don't think either is telling a mistruth, just providing their experience. It's kinda like going to Texas and asking a bunch of ranchers - "Which truck is better Ford or Chevy?"   When reading decoder posts, be sure to take note of the model decoder being discussed, it's advertised specs, its pricepoint and the use it was put to.  And while I don't mean to upset anyone here, take note of who it is making the comments.  

  4. Peter,


    I just discovered this thread after seeing your post on the Great Electric Train Show thread.  The overall picture of your layout immediately grabbed my attention and after a short search, here I am.  I am simply blown away by Palin's Yard.  I think what grabs my eye the most are its structures and how you have arranged everything to "fit" so it is no longer a collection of buildings, but rather one complete picture. Crowded, but not over crowded.  Now it's time to slowly go through the earlier pages of this thread.  Should be a very enjoyable learning experience!



  5. As an aside, our local division of the NMRA (Little Rhody Division) has at its annual dinner a "One Square Foot" contest (popular voting).  It has become quite popular - especially for those giving something different (scale, era, prototype etc) a go.  A few years ago, my entry was a small diorama centered around the Ratio OO Good Sheet.  Was a very fun exercise in what was for me a new scale/era/prototype.  In short - way fun!

  6. Not seeing a thread here for H&A Models, and believing it is important to post good experiences, I decided to start this thread.  I have been searching for Cambrian's Southern 15 ton brake vans for a while.  On another thread there was a post to check out "H&A Models."  Not having heard of that shop and Googled and checked out their website.  I ordered three and some wheels.  I have to say that I am impressed and H&A has joined my list of places to shop.  Even though this was an international/transAtlantic order (I live in Rhode Island, USA), I received my order in about a week's time - excellent.  Moreover, the shipping charge was very very reasonable.  Overall I am a totally happy customer and look forward to buying from H&A again in the future.  (Usual disclaimers).



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  7. Bruce,


    Thanks for the info.  Just ordered 3 Cambrian SR Brake Vans from H&A.  :D

    Just wanted to close the loop on my earlier post.  I did receive my order from H&A today.  I have to say that I am very impressed with the speed at which H&A shipped out my order (yesterday was a holiday here in the U.S. and but for that and the Sunday, I believe it would have arrived even earlier.).  Moreover, I think H&A overseas shipping charge was entirely reasonable.  Overall, I am a very satisfied customer (no ties, just very happy buyer) and look forward to buying from H&A again.  



  8. When painting I usually don't worry about the finish.  If I am going to put decals on, I'll spray (spray can, cheapy stuff) a gloss coat over everything as decals stick better to that.  After that is done I usually do an overall spray of flat.  Weathering chalks and powders seem to "stick" better to flat finishes also.  Then after weathering, another spray of clear to "lock" in the weathering.

  9. I'm guessing one of the best part of the challenge is getting the box ready for use.  I'll see if I can talk my wife into getting me a box this weekend!  :)

  10. Welcome!  I think you'll find the vast majority of folks on here will freely admit they were once "beginners" and are more than happy to share their knowledge and experiences.  I will say that there are some, for lack of a better word, "grumps" but they are greatly outnumbered.  :)

  11. Just by way of an update, I ordered a few tubes of Daler System 3 acrylic as recommended by Brian and they seem to be just the job.  FWIW I didn't get them from the linked supplier on account of several reviews mentioning erratic delivery times, but from artdiscount.co.uk.  Brilliant service at a very good price :)

    Make sure you post your findings/thoughts on here.  My first adventure with acrylics (cheap artist tubes on sale) was quite the process of trial and error.  Like almost everything in this hobby, my first efforts were less than optimal, but each following experiment got better and better.  I will admit at first I thought "paint is paint", but painting with acrylics requires a different skillset than enamels, not more/less difficult, just different.

  12. A plane is flying form Japan to the US of A, carrying parts for Japanese cars, particularly gearbox components, when it explodes in mid-air, showering the countryside with its cargo.


    A while later, a farmer walks into his farm-house looking the worse for wear - covered in cuts and bruises, and his wife says to him, "Whatever caused that?


    He responds - "It's the damn weather - it seems to be raining Datsun Cogs!"


    Altogether - GGGRROOOAAANNN!


    I really wanted to "hit the groan button" on this one, but was too busy giggling.  :)

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