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Derails Models

RMweb Gold
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Status Updates posted by Derails Models

  1. Flooding and traffic have completley destroyed my plan for the day...

  2. Hasn't put any sugar in my tea again...blast!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      We all know the drill ... .


      For me, it was in 1984, when I was a student, living in Hells of Residence.


      While having a "meal" in the canteen, I noticed that some *#@* had used the sugar bowl as an ashtray.


      I couldn't stomach the stuff afterwards.

    3. Welly


      I was in a Hall of Residence at Uni as well - it was brown lumps of tea stained sugar!

    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      That also sounds familiar.

  3. Less work I do, the more tired I get!?

    1. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Well get working then!

  4. Is that THE SUN!? I didn't recognise it for a mintue there...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Derails Models

      Derails Models

      I realise my mistake...I was rambling about the big yellow thing in the sky...

    3. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      You are most definitely in the minority of those that have actually READ it.

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      "big yellow thing in the sky..."


      Yes, we worship those where I'm from, oh hang on that's cheese...

  5. Is getting fed up with the sign blowing over outside and having to go out to right it every five minutes!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rembrow


      Is it windy?

    3. locoholic


      Still very windy! Is there anyone around to see the sign?

    4. rembrow


      I don't want any more bad weather your way, as we're staying in Malvern in 3 weeks time

  6. is debating whether to go and get a mug of tea...hmmm

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Derails Models

      Derails Models

      Oh no you're right...what biscuit do I choose!?

    3. Horsetan


      Now, Father Beeching, biscuit or cake?

    4. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      To dunk, or not to dunk, that is the question....

  7. Is on Hornby 2016 website product listing marathon!

  8. Is disappointed he is at work instead of Warley!

    1. MGR Hooper!

      MGR Hooper!

      I'm disappointed too....


      Is in the wrong country!

    2. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Pencilled in last year - too many rucksacks probably so stopping in with Carlsberg and track weathering - maybe next year....

  9. The layout's packed up and in the van, off to the show tomorrow!

  10. The Layouts packed up and in the van, off to show tomorrow!

  11. Is happy now the bulk of the King's have gone. Phew!

  12. Get the music on and lets rock'n'roll!

  13. Trying to convince a friend/helper packing and testing many Kings WILL be fun...

  14. Trying to convince a friend that packing and testing many Kings WILL be fun...

  15. Trying to convince a friend packing and testing many Kings WILL be fun...

  16. Trying to convince a friend that packing and testing so many Kings WILL be fun...

  17. Trying to convince a friend that packing & testing so many Kings WILL be fun...

  18. Trying to convince a friend/helper that packing & testing so many Kings WILL be fun...

  19. Trying to convince a friend/helper that packing & testing so many Kings WILL be fun...

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