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Everything posted by bourneagain

  1. There`s recently been a report in our local paper quoting instances where motorists have been issued with £100 fines for exceeding a 30 min max stay at some Petrol Stations. An increasing number of garages, especially BP and Shell are now having CCTV cameras installed and motorists say that they have received a fine for exceeding the maximum permitted time while queuing to use the car wash after filling up with fuel.
  2. Looks like Santa came early to you this year. It was the same last year, the warnings from the various media outlets that most items in the BF/CM sales were cheaper before and probably will be after this event. And who can blame them, as these weeks leading up to Christmas is generally known in the retail trade as their largest income period and traditionally in the UK, it’s the period following Christmas that the sales bargains can be had.
  3. Oh yes, very much so, hence my question. Why let it last a day when it could be dragged on for at least a week or 2, both before and after the event.
  4. Does anybody know the date when the Black Friday sales finish??
  5. Black Friday – Stay at Home and Save 100%!!!
  6. If you take a look at their web site it will confirm that their exhibtion has been cancelled for this year. The above advert for their exhibtion must have been issued before the exhibtion was cancelled.
  7. There now weekend car parking charges of £2.10 at this station introduced on 1 Sept, I don`t know how much the return bus fare to the NEC is, but in total it could work out more expensive than the per-paid £12 parking charge at the NEC, that is if you don`t have a bus pass!
  8. No that is not what I was implying, there were problems a few years ago, when Warners first transferred their ticketing system over to Ticket Factory that my promo code wasn`t being accepted, so like I stated, after contacting the email help line my problem was quickly resolved. I`ve not had any problems since, nor do I suspect have the others who also had the same problem. And this is what I was advising this person to do, instead of completing their ticket transaction, contact Warners to establish what the problem is and why their promo code won`t work. As the show is still over 5 weeks away there’s plenty of time to sort out, with the help line any problems with promo codes that don`t appear to work.
  9. Should you encounter problems next time you require a discounted ticket I would use the email address above and they will be able to assist you. I had a problem similar to yours a few years ago and it was resolved in a couple of days after sending the email.
  10. Sorry, if I`m mistaken, but the way that you have described the method you brought your ticket was direct from the Ticket Factory web site. If this is correct, then can I suggest that the next time you go through the British Railway Modelling web site, which will in a couple of menu steps take you through to their Show page. If you book your ticket from that site, it will take you to the Ticket Factory wed page in a slightly different format, where the promo box is clearly shown above the full price ticket prices. After you have entered the promo code, you then get taken to the discounted ticket price web page. Should you encounter any further problems then best to send an email to exhibit@warnersgroup.co.uk who will be able to assist you. Hope this helps and enjoy the show.
  11. 2 questions- Did you enter the promo code P19 prefixed your subs number into the promo box before starting the ordering process? And you are a hard copy subscriber, as digital subscribers don`t get the subscriber discount?
  12. This was brought up here last year. I made the posting that Squires don`t appear to attend any magazine organised shows. There was a reply stating that it could be due to costs, but nothing could be more expensive than their attendance at Warley. If due to a clash of dates is the reason that they couldn’t appear here, but to my knowledge they have never appeared at any of the 3 BRM Shows since their inception. Or it could be as simple as they have never been asked to attend.
  13. The same system was in place to get into the exhibition at the Swindon Steam Museum. 20mins to get into that exhibition
  14. Should any monies become available, these would be paid to your respective CC Companies as they are now a creditor of that company and not returned to you. As this crowd-funding business is becoming more popular way of raising money for various causes or schemes, I wonder how long it will be until the CC Companies will be trying to exclude these from their Section 75 payments when things similar this scheme go wrong and the Companies are going bust. They would consider these schemes to be very high risk, that they have no control over, nor any input into the viability of the scheme and could end up paying out large sums of money especially if all the participates paid into it on their credit cards. I for one, wherever possible pay for items that have a total cost of over £100 on my credit card to ensure that I would have a reasonable chance to reclaim my money if things go wrong.
  15. So I was correct in my assumption that there are still those who don`t have a mobile phone or an email address, which is fair enough. The point I was making was directed at those who won`t be aware of this restriction at the time of paying by card, then stand at the ticket desk, holding up the queue while they insist that they be given a receipt for their transaction.
  16. David Thanks for your reply I believe that it would be a good idea to have that information posted predominantly outside the entrance informing those Patrons wishing to pay by card that there will be no printed receipts being issued, to stop any arguments of those “few” who want a receipt but don’t have either an email account or a mobile phone! Yes, I`m afraid they still do exist. I assume that you will be having 2 ticket desks, if so, I would strongly advise that one be allocated for payment of cash only, while the other for cards and cash. That was one of the problems at Spalding, their 2 ticket desks were taking both cards and cash and it was taking the card payments that was the main cause of the long queues and I believe they were able to print off their receipts. By having to take mobile or email details for those card paying Patrons who require a receipt, will just add up to even more delays at the ticket desks.
  17. What time will the Railex ticket desk be open from? I mentioned this, as from past experience, tickets that are being purchased via a card take far longer to issue, meaning there will be a much longer queue to get in. At Spalding last year, they decided to take cards, I arrived as usual, an hour after opening time and would normally walk almost straight in, but this year, I could believe just how long the queue was and it was a good 30mins before I got in, not good if it`s raining! Maybe a good case to buy an advance ticket?
  18. Geoff Will his contact details be shown in your programme, as this was the original problem?
  19. Although I can`t help you with the contact phone details, this Trader has been around for a number of years. Have you tried to contact Warner Exhibitions for the phone number? Warners must take some of the blame for your predicament by not insisting that all Traders attending their shows must have at least a contact phone number to be displayed in the show guide.
  20. The one area of improvement for this year’s event was the amount of available seating that was provided. I was especially impressed by the rows of tables and chairs along the corridor leading to the Palm Court; a first, I believe? Although there`s been many comments (inc mine) re rucksacks, there has not been any adverse comments about the lack of seating, as has been in past years.
  21. Perhaps a solution to the ongoing saga of these large rucksacks that there should be a maximum size of rucksack allowed inside the venue. Only those rucksacks that is able to pass through a fixed cut-out slot on a display stand outside the venue, similar to that found by an airport check-in desk, will be allowed inside the venue. All those found to be oversized would have to be left in a specially provided cloakroom outside. As for some of these bags on trolleys, should they be banned altogether as they could constitute a tripping hazard?
  22. A word of note, The London Congestion Charge Zone is only in force from Monday – Friday (inside the A501). For the Low Emission Zone, if you go onto the TfL website, there is a facility where you can enter your vehicle reg number to check if you would be liable for any charges. Most of the charges apply to lorries, vans, mini buses, and some pre 2002 vehicles, but on the whole cars are exempt. There is currently no charge to park at Ally Pally and for all the years it’s been held there, it will be a first if all the parking spaces were taken. In fact they have increased the number of spaces in recent years. Except for the Ice Skating Venue, there is no other event taking place.
  23. If you don`t mind a 5min walk just around the corner, there is a cafe in ASDA (eg 12 item breakfast for a fiver - upto 12o/c) or there is a McDonald’s a bit further on. Alternatively, at the far end of the car park there is Whitby`s Fish and Chip Takeaway and Restaurant, with normal prices. Remember, as a condition of hire for this type of venue, it comes with the catering supplied, it won`t allow the hirer to provide their own facilities, unlike many smaller exhibitions in school buildings and some leisure centres etc. And probably on race days they won`t allow you to bring your own food and drink in either.
  24. According to the Met Office forecast, there is going to be quite a gale blowing on Saturday and have issued an Amber Warning. May cause problems with road and rail travel?
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