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  1. Aware of all the adverse comments, and seriously not expecting to get anything, I ordered two plates from Modelmaster on 29 July. Received e-mail notification of dispatch on 3 September and the plates arrived in the post today. For those who have been waiting, all may not yet be lost.
  2. Had a 'phone call from the owner to Kytes Lights to advise the premises have been flooded and it could be two months before he is up and running again. The web site has yet to be updated but, for the present, he is unable to fulfill or take orders. A sad things and obviously he has my sympathy (and support in the future).
  3. I think I'm a little further on. Electrofrog points with a main line through a station and a loop. If the main is isolated at both ends, the signals go crazy - but if only isolated at one end, they are fine. No idea yet of the cause as the signals and track are not connected in any way. But at least I have a "work around".
  4. It's the junction and bracket signals that are the problem, and I'm just using the Dapol supplied switch.
  5. There is/was a painting of Lisburn station in UR days in the Ulster Folk & Transport Museum, transport gallery. If I recall correctly, it shows a single storey Italianate structure on both up and island platforms, although I recall there was some doubt as to the painting’s accuracy.
  6. My 4mm Dapol GWR signals have developed a life of their own. Installed only a couple of weeks ago, they move “ON” and “OFF” without input from me. I suspect electrical interference, but have no clue where from or how to overcome. It’s a simple DC layout with the signals running off a 12v DC transformer which is separate to the transformers operating points and track. Any thoughts?
  7. A couple of points - first, the cabin is on the up side. I think it moved circa 1914, which helps to date the map to late 19th/early 20th Century. Also, there is no sign of the stables which backed on to Antrim Road/Antrim Street (I think the railway bridge is the boundary between Street and Road). Excepting the wagon turntable at the back of the goods store and the turntable at far right (which must have been for turning locos off the Gt Vic Street locals - later used for turning the Banbridge railbus), this basic layout was essentially unchanged until the NIR era. One more thing, the line to the south of the goods store must have been later extended as the "third road", which was used for wagon storage long before it was extended again to Knockmore Junction in the early 1970s. Other than the above, this is the layout as I remember it from the early 1970s.
  8. Lasted until at least July 1975 - this one seen at Cork and may be of use to modelers.
  9. This has nothing to do with "stress" - Dunn is a crook who takes customer's money and gives nothing in return. Neither the products ordered nor a refund will ever be seen. If you look back in the pinned and now closed CooperCraft thread, you will see he has simply ignored all actions I have taken against him. He also knows how to "play the game", having refused entry to the Somerset Bailiffs and simply lied when contacted by the Consumer Affairs Editor of The Daily Telegraph. If there is anybody out there who still thinks Dunn has simply fallen on hard times, read this: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/www.cooper-craft.co.uk And please add to the Trust Pilot comments if you have been defrauded by this person. I am logging off and will make no further comment on this thread.
  10. The most recent post on Trust Pilot: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/www.cooper-craft.co.uk suggests nothing has changed.
  11. OK - let me re-phrase the question. Are there any known instances when a Dean goods ran in service on the GWR with a ROD tender?
  12. Found this on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/rgadsdon/34398906255/in/faves-152343870@N07/ Is this a one off (shunted together on their way to the scrap man) or did it happen in actual service?
  13. Sorry to hear of your problems with Cooper-Craft. I had not intended to post on this subject again. However, as I have been trying unsuccessfully for the last three years to put Cooper-Craft out of its misery, I feel my failure is partly responsible for your loss. So, rather than you wade through 90+ pages of mostly irrelevant posts in the locked Cooper-Craft thread, this – with the benefit of hindsight – is how I would tackle Dunn now. 1. There is generally a 90-day limit on making a claim on your debit/credit card provider or PayPal. Also, the Consumer Credit Act only gives protection if the amount is over £100. You are beyond the time limit, and I don’t know how much you are owed, but contacting your card provider (or PayPal) may still be worthwhile. If you have been a long-standing customer of your card provider, they may make a goodwill gesture (it will only be a small fraction of the profit they have made on you in the past). In any event, it adds to Dunn’s bad credit record. 2. The only tactic which seems to work with Dunn is constant telephone harassment. ‘Phone him – ‘phone him NOW – and refuse to hang up until he confirms a full refund has been made. Do not accept weekly or monthly instalment – nothing will be received. And if there is no money in your account within two days, ‘phone him again. And again. And again – until he finally cracks, or no longer answers your calls. Try the old “nasty debt collector” tactic of telephoning at 1am – it is generally assumed to be bad news at that time of night and will probably be answered. I was never able to get through, but you may be luckier. 3. Make a report on Trust Pilot: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/www.cooper-craft.co.uk It’s just possible others searching the web for Cooper-Craft will see these reports before they buy from the site. 4. Report him to Trading Standards through the Consumer Advice Bureau web site: https://ssl.datamotion.com/form.aspx?co=3438&frm=general&to=flare.fromforms You will hear nothing directly from Trading Standards, but after three months make a Freedom of Information Request to Devon Somerset and Torbay Trading Standards, County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter EX2 4QD. I’m currently awaiting their response. 5. Consider paying £25 to get a Small Claims Court Judgement against Dunn – search on-line for the procedure. DO NOT pay the additional to “send the bailiffs in” as Dunn will refuse them entry and there is nothing more the bailiffs can do. If you do obtain a Judgement, the advantage is – if Dunn falls under a bus – Judgement creditors have to be paid before Probate can be issued. You may get paid – eventually. Also, Judgements listed against Dunn make it impossible for him to obtain credit – so, if he wants to buy a car, or even a washing machine, on HP – he can’t! 6. And lastly – search on line for “no win – no fee” Debt Collectors. They do not have to be based in Somerset as most of what they do will be over the telephone, but they are the collectors of last resort. If their pressure can’t get money out of Dunn, nobody will. Sadly, you have fallen into the hands of a crook and as I have discovered, consumer protection is weighted in favour of the rogue and against the consumer. Best of luck. The moderators should now lock this thread.
  14. I asked RMWeb to reopen to Cooper-Craft thread so I could post an update, and this will be my last update as there is nothing more to say. Needless to say, despite his promise to Ms Gorst-Williams, I have received not a penny from Dunn. Nor has he made any effort to contact me although, as I agreed with Ms Gorst-Williams, I am willing to vary the terms of repayment if it would help his financial situation. However, if Dunn will not contact me, I can only assume he is not a man of his word and take what action I can for recovery. Ms Gorst-Williams has been advised of the situation. I wrote to the Financial Ombudsman about WorldPay and their inaction in closing Dunn’s WorldPay account, although he is clearly in breach of WorldPay’s Terms & Conditions. The Financial Ombudsman replied that, as I am not a WorldPay customer, they cannot take any action. Once again, an official body established to protect consumer rights proves utterly worthless in the face of a rogue. On another RMWeb thread, I discovered Scalefour had a link from their site to the Cooper-Craft web site. I contacted Scalefour and they kindly agreed to remove this link – which they have done. My thanks to Scalefour for that. However, I saw from the Scalefour site that Cooper-Craft was attending Scalefour North in Wakefield on 14-15 April. Accordingly, I advised Scalefour North I was instructing the Somerset Bailiffs to ask their colleagues in Wakefield to attend the Scalefour North event and demand my money from Dunn. I see the Cooper-Craft name has now been struck through on the Scalefour North site. One very tiny victory and the Bailiffs have been advised. As has been clear for some time, Dunn is utterly untrustworthy. The only step left to me is the employment of a debt collection agency. I WILL get something back from this man. Although much less than I am owed. A web search has found an agency who act on a “no win – no fee” basis, so they have an incentive to “pester” Dunn until something is paid. However, before that, I am writing to the Editor of his local newspaper – the Somerset County Gazette – and will tell him my sorry tale. The people of Somerset probably already know all about Dunn, but having a reporter camped on his doorstep will hardly be good for business. At no time have I sought to put Dunn out of business. But his failure to do the right thing by his customers together with a broken promise to Ms Gorst-Williams gives me little option but to seriously hurt his ability to trade. He has no one to blame but himself. Please do not respond to this post as I am signing out of RMWeb after I have posted this message and will not see your reply. Best regards and thanks for your past support.
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