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Status Updates posted by ruggedpeak

  1. Looks like they have the Curzon St turntable. Hopefully they aren't concreting over it!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dagworth
    3. truffy


      Unfortunately, the battle between historical preservation and political/commercial expedience is somewhat one-sided.

    4. RJS1977


      As HS2 will be on a higher level,  I hope they will be able to find some way of bridging over it, and perhaps being able to display it somehow.


  2. Installed Gaugemaster HF1 (Relco type) track cleaner on the garden layout. All great except it wouldn't work! A quick bit of track separating identified the culprit - a Hornby R8206 power track I had stuck in as a short straight in the loop. Any ideas why this effectively shorts the RF1? I had a spare power track and it did the same. Replaced with a normal straight and self cleaning track is live :)


    1. Hroth


      Possibly the internal interference suppressor between the power terminals. 


      If you want a power connector there for any reason, then you could either take the back off the terminals and snip out the suppressor, or use an R8241 "digital" power track which doen't have a suppressor fitted.


    2. ruggedpeak


      Thanks Hroth, just curious as to why it affected it. Now I know, will take one apart and have a look.

  3. Is it still possible to buy a full BR or all lines timetable for the UK (or just Scotland)? 30 years since I bought one but do they exist?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BoD


      I believe Winter 2019 was the last one to printed - so it depends when you want it for.  Further to above the Pocket Timetable section of the National Rail site allows you to select and print timetables for specific journeys, dates and even time slots and print them out.  If you select the option to show all intermediate stations you will end up with something that looks like the printed version but not as bulky.  Again, depending on what you want, with a little bit of effort you could have a print out of relevant sections/times/dates of the printed timetable. 

    3. RedgateModels


      Jeez I remember lugging that tome around whilst on a "Midlands Ranger" ticket in the summer hols as a teenager. Didn't help much when we got stuck at Spalding with no connecting train on a Sunday due to engineering works!

    4. ruggedpeak


      Thanks everyone, used to love flicking through the pages planning a trip (and hate looking at screens)! Looks like the Middleton version has sold out :( 

  4. just been driving 0-6-0 shunter at Aln Valley for a tenner

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ruggedpeak


      SWMBO who hates trains was grinning like a Cheshire cat when she had a go

    3. ruggedpeak


      If you want details of nice cottages in the area PM me, friend has several.

    4. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Oh, really, Mrs H has shortlisted some this evening. I will do that, thanks.


  5. Bridge of Remagen is on 5 Spike right now!

  6. Went to dentist about gum infection, he promptly whipped out a wisdom tooth. Numbness has just worn off, really hurts now....

  7. The Met Office has issued a national alert for Yellow Snow. No, really, most of the UK is going to be covered in Yellow Snow https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/warnings#?date=2017-12-10

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. adb968008


      I blame the EU.

    3. DavidLong


      Barnier's revenge.

    4. ruggedpeak


      Met Office is wrong again. The snow has arrived but is white!

  8. Thought I might try this, but with one of my Dapol 68's

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Liam


      Hmm, the buffers might break off, and it won't do the underframe detail any good, but if that's what you want to do . . .

    3. ruggedpeak


      Will I get enough Youtube hits to pay for a replacement?

    4. ruggedpeak


      Actually, I've got a Desmond with a broken chimney somewhere........

  9. Two locos from Ebay, both have been whacked during transit. Luckily both survived, unlike some of the pacakging.

  10. Almost got every version of Hornby's MHA wagon, just need some more Dapol JNA's and a couple of Freightliner 66's and I can replicate a Crossrail ballast train operating at Shenfield

  11. Almost got every version of Hornby's MHA wagon, just need some more Dapol JNA's and a couple of Freightliner 66's and I can replicate a Crossrail ballast train operating at Shenfield

  12. Almost got every version of Hornby's MHA wagon, just need some more Dapol JNA's and a couple of Freightliner 66's and I can replicate a Crossrail ballast train operating at Shenfield

  13. Almost got every version of Hornby's MHA wagon, just need some more Dapol JNA's and a couple of Freightliner 66's and I can replicate a Crossrail ballast train operating at Shenfield

  14. Almost got every version of Hornby's MHA wagon, just need some more Dapol JNA's and a couple of Freightliner 66's and I can replicate a Crossrail ballast train operating at Shenfield

  15. Almost got every version of Hornby's MHA wagon, just need some more Dapol JNA's and a couple of Freightliner 66's and I can replicate a Crossrail ballast train operating at Shenfield

  16. Oh yes, doing the Wherry Lines and on my first 68 top and tailed journey of the day!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ruggedpeak


      Presumably it is too difficult to run round the loco at each end if one of the two is working? Not the busiest of lines.

    3. admiles


      No shunter/staff available to uncouple/recouple loco to stock these days.

    4. ruggedpeak


      Ernie was busy, the 37's were back on the run an hour and a half later. DRS 57007 is now parked up at Norwich and an unknown DRS 37 hidden behind the station.

  17. Email to say Dapol 68 is on its way :)

    1. gridwatcher


      Jolly good.....! Hope Biff's sound is as good as we hope? Certainly should be if recent projects anything to go by


  18. Email to say Dapol 68 is on its way :)

  19. Modelling Diover castle for school project. Yuongest didn't want a nice simple rectangular castle/keep like Colchester or Norwich, had to be complex!!

    1. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      Top stuff, you should have seen the guillotine we got the guys at work to help knock up for us. About 3' high and fully working!

  20. Tried to go on the Borders Railway yesterday, single 158 was full before it left Tweedbank, so gave up as elderly parents needed seats. Someone needs to get a Class 68 and some coaches organised.

  21. Went to travel on Borders Railway - was rammed, one 158 unit, which was full on leaving Tweedbank. With elderly parents not suitable. Someone needs to get a 68 and 5+ coaches organised sharpish.

    1. Pete 75C

      Pete 75C

      A 47/7, DBSO and a rake of Mk3s would be even better. Rose-tinted mode off.

  22. Went to travel on Borders Railway - was rammed, one 158 unit, which was full on leaving Tweedbank. With elderly parents not suitable. Someone needs to get a 68 and 5+ coaches organised sharpish.

  23. Went to travel on Borders Railway - was rammed, one 158 unit, which was full on leaving Tweedbank. With elderly parents not suitable. Someone needs to get a 68 and 5+ coaches organised sharpish.

  24. Had a smile at the photo accompanying article on cheap

    1. locoholic


      Is that a photo of Worgret Junction?

  25. Colleague showed a vid of the infinite loop model train - ideal spacesaver layout!

    1. Satan's Goldfish

      Satan's Goldfish

      Strangely hypnotic...

    2. eastwestdivide


      Brusio - Brusissimo?

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