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Everything posted by vitalspark

  1. Another stunning masterpiece from the north east..I can visualise the quality already. What are the details of the Standard 5 ..it is also stunning. Beautiful model that deserves a quality viaduct.
  2. ..love the viaduct btw..what will be the end result?..layout?..and will we see it on the circuit anytime soon..like before Mr franks?*!!
  3. Jeez..and I thought we were doing well with a bit of brick detail underneath..nobody sees it of course but when I posted..I had a feeling… You didn't dissapoint! Dave.
  4. another..I'll definitely get kicked out of the group now..!
  5. another interloper on a test run.. and to return to normality..Caley 0-6-0 trundling past Alloa Central Jnct box with a short train off the harbour branch. Dave.
  6. I agree with you Mike but the building to P4 standards is not the issue as we are fortunate to have very skilled guys in our group that can turn out fine scale points and complicated track geometry..usually in EM right enough. Currently one of them a well known guy on these forums is undertaking a long 'scissors on a curve' for our new layout which is probably about as hard as it gets. To test the track work on his own 26 ft long layout he propels 40 mineral wagons all 3 link and sprung buffer fitted round and round buffer to buffer at a scale 40 mph..over points and diamonds..goes on all night while he works away at whatever! All chassis and stock are sprung of course and that would be another problem if we went down the P4 route with the amount of locos and stock needing converted. The issue is keeping the wheels on the track under exhibition conditions and with the P4 flanges and gaps just that bit finer its probably a step too far to expect reliability on a large intensive layout given the varying hall temperatures. I know this is controversial and I know there are a few well known and excellent fairly large exhibition layouts out there like Charlotte Rd and Mostyn that operate successfully but they are in the minority. I have watched operators time and again spend more time sorting problems than enjoying running the layout which is not what its about imo. A 40+ft layout intensively run with long trains and both fast and slow running.. crossovers..propelling and shunting..all day long under exhibition conditions..EM is the limit of practicality there I think. (takes cover and awaits the flack!) Dave
  7. Don't be its deserved. The basis of a good layout regadless of size/period/stock is the track work..without the foundation the layout is a 'train set' regardless of how well modelled and weathered the stock. On a new layout you start with the track but when you then take the plunge..not as hard as many think.. and build to fine scale then you're well on your way. Add some weathered stock and the picture is complete. You have done this and then some with the superb attention to detail. Your close up of the hand built point and operating lever.. the way its set into the ballast/earth is a perfect example of fine scale and attention to detail at its best. With Alloa we do hanbuild all trackwork but with the scale of the layout the sheer amount of stock and the complexity of operations P4 would be a non starter but we do our best with the good old 16.5 fine scale…it seems to work ok. Well done again Dave.
  8. …and no doubt with your back to Alloa and admiring the view opposite…you'll not see much for Arran standing in front of you..! Its going nowhere..its got nae coal in the tender!
  9. Got one but its unbuilt..you can always offer your services there of course..
  10. Agree F1 is losing it. The restrictive rules around fuel and tyres only serve to slow the action down and races are now controlled by technicians from the pit lane.. its no wonder fans are drifting away. I know its not for everyone but if you're lucky enough to get the chance try attending the Classic F1 at Monaco. It takes place on the same circuit as the F1 every second year..or did when I went..and apart from ticket prices being lower in comparison to F1 its much less crowded and the atmosphere more relaxed. Races are just a few laps each of the full F1 circuit and cars range from the early Allards through to the time before F1 went west. Maseratis and Mercs from the 50s through to the JPS Lotus' 6 wheel Tyrell and double wing turbocharged cars of the 70s & 80s. Add to that many great names from the past and you have a great day out. I thought it would have been a bit of a procession of priceless museum pieces but after a lap or two the red mist came down and it was proper racing.. watching Stirling Moss and Jackie Ickx going wheel to wheel in priceless cars was entertaining and yes there were the few inevitable expensive prangs..all great stuff. The main issue is cost of travelling and staying there but we got a reasonable flight to Nice and hired a car and stayed at Menton along the coast. Entry and catering and so on are probably cheaper than going to Silverstone so overall decent value..and better weather. Dave.
  11. Your images from Thorburn's are superb and really are as realistic as it gets. Full marks for all the associated clutter..the track work is spot on... the crumbling platform edge ..could go on and on. Well done.
  12. The layout is true to period with not only infrastructure built from photographs and plans but all stock and locos correct given a bit of latitude '59 - '63. However obviously when something new that cant be resisted is purchased it has to have a test run and get introduced to the elderly residents of Alloa.much to the disgust of the purists on a Wednesday evening! Obviously photographs are frowned upon but stuff it..so heres another.. (the Blue Pullman is probably a step too far..I'll get black balled!)
  13. They are that and probably will still be tempted to buy one although it will no doubt sit on the shelf next to 10001..Lion.. Falcon.. Kestrel.. DP2 and all the other beautiful models that I cant find an excuse to run on a Scottish layout! It looks well and nicely weathered..looks to be a nice layout too. Dave. ..sneaked 10001 on to the trainset when no one was looking..
  14. Thats a bit unkind..nice little locos. In my yoof I couldn't understand why they called them 'Baby Deltics' as I thought they looked more like EE Type 4s..until I heard one start-up at KX..! Good pics.
  15. Your Brit is looking good..and I am glad to see you have included the draught screens on the tender..makes a big difference. Mind you to be realistic I suppose they should be torn and useless! My Dutchman is not to hand but McGregor shows them to effect. Good pics..well done Dave
  16. Yep I'm pretty sure they were..certainly locos reallocated in my youth always carried the new shedplate…usually 12A.
  17. Great shot..I have a beautifully weathered 'Dutchman' desperately looking for a Chocolate & Cream coach to toiw ..and a viaduct like that. I would like to see that shot in black and white..plus a few more from the rest of the layout?
  18. ..I'm intrigued…thinking about it I could tell you a few stories that took place in a few of my Cortinas..still fondly remember my '71 1600GXL ..complete with vinyl roof . Straight out of 'Ashes to Ashes' and could top the ton..happy days.
  19. ..do platform newstands count?..from one of the many unseen corners ..but we know its there!
  20. Cortina is a '64 and looking pretty good..front wings on Fords had a 4 year lifespan then so yep would agree 65/66.
  21. Look at the consist of the Glasgow Manchester trains..including a restaurant car. Now the only through service is a TP emu.
  22. To 'Thane of Fife'..off topic here but footplated said 87 Carlisle to Glasgow back in APT days ..have slides taken from cab with needle on100 and lineside speed signs duplicated fop the higher ATP limit..100/125. The name brought it all back..anyway also like the sound of the DBSO as started a Push/Pull rake way back when and acquired the suitable Mk3s plus an Airfix BSO and a whitemetal conversion kit..plus converted a Lima Scotrail 47..best at the time..to DynaDrive to allow seamless starting and a bit of idling noise in the days before DCC sound. Could fill a bin with unfinished projects…maybe will! Dave.
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