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Graham Walters

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Status Updates posted by Graham Walters

  1. A copy of Bradshaws versions 1,2,3,4 and 5, is what I call an excellent crimbo !

    1. scots region

      scots region

      I got the one by Pratchett.

    2. darren01


      i got a copy of this,the person who brought it thought it was a railway book!

  2. All I want for Christmas is 9mm plywood and 2x1 PSE by the shed load !

    1. Michael Delamar

      Michael Delamar

      Bit awkward to wrap and get down the chimney

  3. I think the look on the wifes face says that she isn't willing to put fabric on the seats of my coach stock

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Londontram
    3. Tim V

      Tim V

      12" to the foot?

    4. Graham Walters

      Graham Walters

      It's 00 gauge, it was going quite well, until I said first and third would require different colours, and of course different quality of cloth.

  4. The mind is willing, but my back is saying Noooooo

  5. I wish all these African Aunties I have would stop leaving me all this money, it's getting boring working out how to spend $40,000,000 every day

    1. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      I'd have a good idea about what I would do with 40 million!

  6. It takes the best part of four days for a newly erected shed to dry out on the inside, just thought you might want to know that.

    1. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      If you keep looking at the clock, it's even longer.

  7. Shed delivered, erected.... how long does it take to dry out !!

    1. steve22


      Oh, weeks and weeks and weeks...

  8. Rain stopped play, six more pads to put down, I hope tomorrow is a fine day !

  9. Only three more days and the long awaited shed arrives, I suppose I should prepare the base !

  10. Another plan failed.. Winchester does not have a model shop !

    1. pitbull1845


      Eastleigh does, not far down the road/track

    2. GWR88


      AC models in Eastleigh is the one nearest. Thats my reguar shop

    3. John M Upton

      John M Upton

      And there's a very good one in Alton as we'll.

  11. Has discovered that Roket Rapid is exactly that !

    1. steve22


      Similar experience with me - got the instant stuff. I've only ever used one smiggen. I read the label as I applied it, whoops, wrong one, bit late now.

    2. Kev_Lewis


      Roket Hot is lethal stuff. Far too runny!

  12. For some unknown reason, I have decided to make telegraph poles today !

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Graham Walters

      Graham Walters

      Excuse my ignorance but who are MSE ?


    3. Mickey


      model signal engineering

    4. Mikkel


      It's risky to express such urges on the web, you know. The NSA might be listening.

  13. Two more coaches added to the GWR rolling stock

    1. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      .........said Isambard Brunel circa 1833

    2. Graham Walters

      Graham Walters

      Well in this case it refers to "Grahams Wonderful Railway" !

    3. Crisis Rail
  14. Note to self, "When visiting model shop, stop buying when your head tells you to, this nice shiney things can wait"

    1. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      I know that feeling. I'm going to haworth & that bookshop always entices money out of my wallet ; )

    2. MarkC


      Perhaps you need a 'Yorkshire Wallet'...

  15. Waiting for the shed to arrive !

    1. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Infernal 66 or Garden?

  16. Waiting for the shed to arrive !

  17. Waiting for the shed to arrive !

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