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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. That being the case, if you are worried about 'your' copyright, especially of images that you did not take, don't post 'em on't internet. Simples, CJI.
  2. I am at an advantage in that I have, for years, compiled an archive of downloaded images of rolling stock; (yes, there are ways of downloading ANY image that appears on the internet). That said, I routinely check my archive for images if I see an appeal posted here, and supply them to the enquirer. It was the work of minutes to locate and post the above images of PALBRICKs. CJI.
  3. Standard Markits wheels in standard top-hat pinpoint bearings.
  4. ... or the OP has access to workshop facilities and materials professionally? CJI.
  5. Copyright as indicated or unknown. I rest my case! CJI.
  6. I'd put money on all three road vehicles being in military ownership. CJI.
  7. I'll have a double of whatever he's on - straight!! 🤪 CJI.
  8. Chard, Please be assured that my frustration was not directed at you - it merely surfaced at the time that I read your post, not as a result of it's content. That said, I cannot agree with your interpretation of the photo in question; it represents, to my eyes, a typical partial repaint after a works visit. The end braces aren't black - they have the typical crusty surface of a well-weathered wagon that has run many a mile since its last (original?) overall paint job. The same untouched finish is evident elsewhere on the vehicle. All of the new paint is freight stock bauxite / red - even the buffers, which 'should' be black; clearly this was an economy, minimum effort job. Significantly(?), the wagon is marked MOD - modify? I would guess, perhaps wrongly, that the wagon has received modifications involving the framework / side panels. I also suspect that new / refurbished buffers were fitted, and the vacuum cylinder shows signs of being new / refurbished. Until someone can proffer a logical reason why the end braces should be painted black, rather than the logical, prescribed bauxite, I will remain of the above opinion. CJI. PS. Note that the end braces have been painted only in the immediate vicinity of the vertical rods, near to the buffer-beam; I'd surmise that the rods have just been welded in place. I seem to recall that these were added as racks, behind which the removable side panels could be stored during loading / unloading.
  9. Cheap - what's that? Ahh - I vaguely remember now; an extinct concept, often associated with false economy. CJI.
  10. Sorry, but all this reinterpretation of history to justify a poorly researched model is becoming a hallmark of KRM productions. It is clearly apparent that KRM have little knowledge of the prototype, and care even less. Their modus operandi seems to be minimal research using others' material, and to misinterpret what little they do have. If they are not prepared to avail themselves of the services of someone who knows what they are doing, they could at least post here renders / images during the design process before commiting to production, AND ACT WHEN CONSTRUCTIVE COMMENT IS MADE! Frankly, the whole KRM saga is becoming laughably predictable. It is understandable that new producers may not have personal knowledge of the subjects that they produce, but to press forward blindly, when the knowledge needed in order to ensure their models are accurate is out there, is inviting ridicule. KRM models are fine for those who don't know or don't care - but a growing record of avoidable c*ck-ups will definitely deter those of us who do know and care. CJI.
  11. What is the evidence for black end braces / lettering panels? My understanding is that most / all originally had body coloured (bauxite) end braces to match the body, with white lettering thereon, in the normal manner. John Isherwood
  12. According to t'internet, temporarily closed for refurbishment! 😭 Hopefully, it will reopen before we visit in February. CJI.
  13. I have to say that I was dubious at the time - you can't convincingly wind back time in this way. I know that's what we try to do in all backdated modelling, but monochrome modelling somehow does not seem to capture the past - perhaps because we KNOW that the original was coloured, even if many images were monochrome. CJI.
  14. Andrew, How are things with you and the family? My recently-built, 5.0 × 2.4m. garage conversion layout comprises ten individual baseboards hinged to the wall; there is no physical connection between the individual boards, and many / most track joints are oblique. My layout is permanent, but I see no reason why your proposed set-up could not work, provided that : - a] all rail ends are strongly supported agains vertical and horizontal movement BEFORE the rail / sleeper cuts are made. I have driven brass panel pins alongside the rail and robustly soldered rail to pin. The track is held with a track-laying gauge whilst the cuts are made with a thin cutting disc in a mini-drill - NOT any form of saw. b] the boards are accurately and repeatably aligned; this implies the use of patter-makers dowels and inter-board bolts or spring latches. Electrically, my boards are autonomous, with all point controls and section switches mounted on the board edge, geographically close to what they operate. On my layout, electrical feeds to each board are from wall-mounted ring bus wires; in your case, this could be achieved via interboard plug-in jumper wires. Do contact me via PM if I can assist further - my transfers will be available for the new TT scale, though this information has yet to be added to my website. Regards, John Isherwood.
  15. Clearly a case of individual perception - but certainly not (for me) justification for painting a model contrary to official spec. CJI.
  16. I was once asked to produce my BR steam era loco and coach transfers in white instead of straw yellow - by a chap who was producing a black-and-white layout! CJI.
  17. Not convinced of the blue solebar - it doesn't look much different from the trussing, or the solebar of the adjacent Mk.1. To be convincing, you'd need an ex-works image from broadside-on; one trip after release from works and the solebar / undergear is going to be coated in a layer of track and brakeshoe dust, which will affect the way light is reflected. CJI.
  18. Presumably, the chimney and dome will require shortening / replacing to conform to the restricted cab profile. Having been at Sunderland Polytechnic at the relevant period, I can vouch for the confined nature of the tunnel that gave access to the coal loading staithes. CJI.
  19. Don't bother - if you haven't got the wheels turning, without the coupling rods, you have to sort out that issue. Any further re-assembly would be a complete waste of time. CJI.
  20. Another vote for Firefox! All of my means - bar one - of accessing RMweb use Firefox, and RMweb is advert-free. The one exception - an ancient tablet - is so riddled with adverts that RMweb is totally unusable, due to ads blocking access to essential function tabs, etc. CJI.
  21. Does it matter? The owner of a returned model receives back a model that is indistinguishable from new and operates to his / her satisfaction. If it is not indistinguishable from new, or it does not operate to his her / satisfaction, he / she will presumably return it again for another replacement, or a refund. CJI.
  22. Trouble is - as I understand it - the crankpins are too securely fixed to allow them to be removed. CJI.
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