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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. That's not an R277 Triang seat unit - that's a homemade plastic card floor, with Ratio seat mouldings stuck back-to-back; (less the head-rests). CJI.
  2. My use of the word 'discrimination' was not intended to be taken literally, in the legal context. If someone is treated differently from his immediate colleagues, his employers have discriminated between him and his colleagues - end of. It would be perfectly reasonable in such a circumstance to request that they set out the reasons in writing. If that reason then made reference to a complaint that had not been upheld, then I would say that there were good grounds to allege legal 'Discrimination'. If the reason referred to some other perceived failing, then the matter would proceed, or not, on the merits of that perception. As to 'painting a target on one's back'; I learned long ago that standing up to aggressive HR persons makes them wary of crossing swords with you in future - they look for easier prey! CJI.
  3. Employers can't get away with this nowadays - ask (politely) for the justification for the discrimination, in writing. CJI.
  4. Tony, I too use Markits wheels exclusively; fortunately, I have in stock such wheels as I will need in the medium term. I just feel that such excellent, well respected products need a more efficient manufacture and supply system - after all, the demand clearly exists. John Isherwood.
  5. If you say so - but do try to chill out; stressing about things that are outside your control is NOT good for you - I know! CJI.
  6. I think that the world has far greater matters to be concerned about than the threat posed by smart meters - unless one is paranoid about such issues. CJI.
  7. Where to start? Design team capacity, production slot availability, finance? Just because a sector of the market wants it NOW isn't a commercial reason to comply! CJI.
  8. All this because of smart meters? Really? Don't you think that, in this interconnected, digital world, there are more effective ways of causing chaos than hacking smart metres? ..... or is Putin sitting monitoring my energy usage via my smart meter? 😄 CJI.
  9. I hesitate to say this, but you may well be receiving special service. I'm afraid that I am 'persona non grata' with Mark - he took exception to a minor complaint that I made. Reports of non-availability of Markits' productions have been rife for ages, and the main source (Wizard) seems to have little better luck. Peter's Spares have supplied some detail fittings in the past, but their range is very restricted. You make a very relevant comment re lengthy conversation prior to ordering; this was always my experience when Mark would speak to me. Given that Mark is a sole trader, and pressure of work is often cited as the reason for non-availability of product, I'm sure that there is a connection between his love of banter and his work output. As a sole trader myself, I know that customer service is paramount, and that product production and despatch must take precedence over 'chewing the cud'. It is such a shame that the paramount range of railway MODELLING components is in such short supply when, with a little business acumen and organisation, the hobby of railway model BUILDING could be much more attractive to newcomers. John Isherwood.
  10. Is this ehesian something new, or a re-hash of adhesion. 😄 CJI.
  11. Accepted - but, that being the case, factor in the services of some acknowledged expert in order to get your productions correct. Would any UK resident try and launch into the USA / Canadian market without having an expert consultant from that continent? CJI.
  12. As for power, I used a pair of Black Beetle motor bogies which, contrary to popular belief, ARE still obtainable from the manufacturer in Australia. John Isherwood.
  13. Because KRM do not have much knowledge themselves; will not pay someone who does; and are themselves of the 'It'll do' sector of the market when it comes to fidelity to the prototype. If the producer is not fussy, the product is never going to be correct. CJI.
  14. Why? I have cut numerous rails obliquely along the hinge line. The oblique overlapping rail ends smooth the passage of wheels. CJI.
  15. 1] Lay and pin down track. 2] Drive in brass panel pins, hard up against the outside of each rail, on each side of the cut line. 3] Solder rails to panel pins. 4] Whilst supporting rails with a track laying gauge, cut through rails and sleepers with the thinnest cutting disc available, mounted in a mini-drill. This worked for me, and I have ten autonomous hinged baseboards, each with multiple oblique cuts in curved track. The important point is that the cutting discs must be thin; have plenty spares, they shatter easily! Do NOT use any form of saw - the teeth will snag on the rail and bend it. CJI.
  16. Difficult to be certain from that angle, but the roof profile does not seem to be bulbous enough; the prototype's deep curve is not evident on the EP. CJI.
  17. Unfortunately, it's highly unlikely that we'll see a 'proper' RTR Fell from anyone else. CJI.
  18. My last post, too. 'Protection' that is nothing of the sort is no protection - to rely on it is foolhardy. 'My' photo archive is for my own use, and for the occasional assistance of others with specific needs; copyright is attributed where known. If the 'owners' of the material truly posted it for the assistance of others, they cannot object to my actions, surely? CJI.
  19. Legislation and real life rarely coincide. I have stated fact, and have deliberately made no reference to measures which purport to regulate material posted to the internet, which are totally ineffective. I note that you have not addressed in any way the facts that I have stated, other than to denigrate it as 'utter tosh'. 'Owners' of material which they do not want others to possess, but merely admire, should place it in a secure physical location which is open to the public to view under strict supervision. As I have already stated, the internet is akin to a free-for-all giveaway; once the genie is out of the box, there's no putting it back! To believe otherwise is self-delusion. CJI.
  20. For the life of me, I cannot understand why anyone who values anything would put it on the internet - they might as well put it on their front step with a notice saying 'Free to a good home'. I have pointed out, for the benefit of others who might imagine otherwise, that once something is on the internet it is common property; I have NOT specified how to download such material, and at no point have I encouraged anyone to follow my example. My motive for downloading potentially useful images has been the ability to find them again - search engines rarely achieve this, but a properly indexed photo archive will easily do what I need. People who post railway images usually say that they do so in order to assist others; what possible objection can they have to others categorising such material so that it can be readily accessed. There is far to much 'look what I've got that you haven't' amongst the 'owners' of photo sites - especially those who buy their material rather than take photos themselves. Post to the internet at your peril - once posted, it's common property! CJI.
  21. With all due respect, there seems to be some confusion / misunderstanding about the UK designations of branch line and tramway. These descriptions are not official categories/ designations. Tramways were either : - a] what are known in the USA as streetcar lines; essentially street railways for passenger traffic, usually horse or electric powered; b] very basic, minimally engineered light railways for areas where traffic would be either very light or for a specific industrial purpose. Neither type would require or justify complex propulsion systems - basic blacksmith technology would be the order of the day. Perhaps we need a new thread entitled 'Fantasy / Nightmare Railways'? CJI.
  22. You could well be correct - but they reflect an established painting practice - why would that change? The fact is, KRM guessed wrongly again! CJI.
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