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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. But - as has been pointed out several times in this thread - very few small suppliers rely on their cottage industry for their main income. To be brutal - you need them more than they need you! .... and it was your decision, presumably being aware of the potential supply problem - to isolate yourself in the EEC. CJI.
  2. .... but I KNOW that both sides are anachronistic - so I WILL get round to the Judith Edge kit at some point! CJI.
  3. Not getting both sides in the same timescale, then - no thanks! CJI.
  4. For those of us who rejected the flawed Fell model - would you care to enlighten us re the 'improvements', please? CJI.
  5. To be able to upload a continuously accurate online inventory, it would be necessary to have a full stock-take of every item in the shop; upload it; and update it after every single sale! I really don't think that you understand the complexity and time commitment involved in achieving what you are asking for. John Isherwood.
  6. Quite possibly, the shop in question may simply not want to be bothered with trade-ins. I can understand why - unless they can support a Hattons / Rails style on-line S/H operation, the small traders will be stuck with used stock which may not sell in the short to medium term, whilst not getting a full retail return on new stock. Traders are under no obligation to accept goods in lieu of payment. John Isherwood.
  7. I doubt it! By then, most of us 'small traders' will be pushing up the daisies! The only field where I foresee new small traders coming to the market is 3D printing - most of those that have sprung up in recent years have been in some way connected to that technology. More to the point - fewer and fewer 'railway modellers' seem prepared to undertake anything more challenging than opening an RTR box. Will there be a market for 'kits and bits',? John Isherwood.
  8. You make a fundamental error when you assume that "you want your stuff to sell well". Many / most small traders have full or part-time jobs, quite separate from their model railway activities. Like me, they find that they can receive quite enough business via a minimal on-line presence; word-of-mouth is remarkably effective if your products are good enough. Frankly, if you wish to use these specialist products you will usually have to follow the producers' chosen trading methods - which you may well find to be less than convenient (for you). John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  9. Hornby Dublo certainly believed that they did. CJI.
  10. Indeed - but I don't know how to cut & paste with Android! CJI.
  11. I have had a truly 'over-the-top' product announcement about this model - who writes this stuff? You'd think that they were selling a top-of-the-range super-car, rather than a 4mm. scale wagon! CJI.
  12. Removing Tri-ang bogie rivets - broad, thin bladed razor saw between floor and bogie. CJI.
  13. It is clear that you are giving this matter serious thought, but I still doubt that you are going to make any significant money by making your designs available to a wider public. I would not underestimate the time and effort that you have devoted to designing these models but, even at £15.00 per disc, I feel that potential buyers will be wary as to the quality of the finished prints - a matter entirely out of your hands. The other factor is choice of subject - you may have 100 MET / DISTRICT designs in six scales but, realistically, how many of these would the average modeller use themselves - and that's before they factor in the cost of printing and the uncertainty as to ultimate model quality. What you have to offer is intellectual property, which is notoriously difficult to market. I know; I have a similarly extensive range to yours - but of transfer sheets designs. I am under no illusions as to the value of those designs as a stand-alone package. John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  14. Very similar to my soldered short lengths of wire. CJI.
  15. As you wish - there are none so blind ....... CJI.
  16. In which ways, pray? To my eyes, your photo emphasises the fact that the two models are identical! In fact - it is evident that the 'Steamcraft' model has had the rear tender steps attached to the locomotive, in front of the cylinders in error! The tender section of the cab roof has also been omitted. CJI.
  17. That Bulleid Pacific is a Kitmaster / Airfix plastic kit - or a VERY good reproduction of one in some other material. CJI.
  18. Perhaps in cities, but not in this instance, I think. John.
  19. Clive, Having Googled 'Post Office sign', the oval cream / red POST/ (arrow) / OFFICE sign, on top of a pillar box, was typical of your rural example. If the premises are also a shop, the name of the proprietor over the door would also be typical. I hope that this helps, John.
  20. Sorry to sound a negative note, but the 'POST OFFICE' sign appears to be a very late 20th / early 21st century style. CJI.
  21. Suffice to say that High Level are one of the best regarded small suppliers around, and their products are superb. A little investigation of their website would have avoided the perceived necessity for a peevish tantrum of an an opening post. CJI.
  22. See Sheet BL51 on the Cambridge Custom Transfers website. John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  23. ..... but, as Tony has mentioned, there is a dedicated thread for the subject. Those with knowledgeability on specific subjects may, or may not, choose to participate in that thread. CJI.
  24. Perhaps Tony might suggest that the subject be moved to a separate thread? CJI.
  25. Cambridge Custom Transfers are now fully re-opened after our short break. We apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused, and we will be pleased to respond to your orders in our usual, timely manner. CHECK OUT https://www.cctrans.org.uk/latest.htm for details of several new, oft-requested sheets; and the fact that we now offer transfers for 2.5mm. / 1ft. scale across our range. John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
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