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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Unless those sleepers are concrete, I foresee problems in the future - though pressure-treated timber sleepers take a long time to decay. How much effort is required to rip up a length of track? CJI.
  2. Depends on the technology - Alps Microdry printers print each ink cartridge as a single pass; the paper rolls back after each pass of ink whilst maintaining register. You can change ink cartridges between print passes, thus allowing a range of inks outside the usual CMY; white, black, metallics, RGB spot colours, etc. CJI.
  3. Pluck up your courage and try my 'apply decals into wet Klear' approach; this eliminates the need to apply Klear anywhere but under and over the decals. CJI.
  4. This comes up every time there is a new loco livery. Simply contact the manufacturer and ask for the RAL number. When the PI 'Victory' was announced, I was about to repaint a 'Janus' diesel shunter, which I wanted to match my chosen 'Victory' livery. A quick email to PI secured me the specified RAL number, which allowed me to obtain a aerosol can of matching paint. So, when the 'Victory' arrived, I already had a matching 'Janus' waiting in the sidings. John Isherwood.
  5. When my parents' new house was being built in 1959, by a local builder, as part of a development of around fifty houses, all bricks were delivered to site in palletised form. I recall steel banding, and there may have been some protective strip wood on corners but, when the strapping was cut, a significant proportion of the stack would collapse. The labourers then had to stack the bricks, whilst rejecting the significant number of bricks which broke when the pallet stack collapsed. (These latter found their way into hard-core under solid floors). John Isherwood.
  6. How difficult can it be to apply a coat of Klear - it's so thin it self-levels; even when brush-applied. It's not even necessary to apply a coat of Klear to the whole model - just where the decals are to be located. ..... and, with practice, the decals can be individually applied into patches of wet Klear, and over-painted with a little more Klear; all as one operation taking seconds. Once the overcoat of Klear is dry; (a couple of minutes); you can overspray with whatever final finish you choose. Contrary to 'received wisdom', you cannot apply waterslide decals to a matt surface without trapping air (silvering) under the carrier film - because a matt surface, by definition, is a microscopic landscape of peaks and troughs. John Isherwood.
  7. Bear in mind that the bricks were palletised, and secured with tight metal banding. CJI.
  8. Given that the earlier variants are selling / sold out, and as above, I can supply etched 'ICI' lettering, and transfers for the solebar numbering and owners' plates. This means that the later variants can be purchased and readily backdated. See the Cambridge Custom Transfers website - the etched 'ICI' is in the Appleby Models section. John Isherwood.
  9. The former - I have heard of this happening with Dettol. I don't use acrylics, so I can't offer advice on stripping it - but I swear by Mr. Muscle (orange can) spray oven cleaner for enamels; even though the fumes catch in my throat. Put the model in a poly-bag; spray in the white foam oven cleaner until the bag is full; seal the bag and leave for 24 hours. The paint should then rinse off with a minimal application of an old toothbrush. CJI.
  10. For future reference - I also have etched 'ICI' lettering for anyone needing to backdate the later models. John Isherwood.
  11. If you are into chalked instructions / destinations, I can supply a transfer sheet of them - see Sheet BL99 on the Cambridge Custom Transfers website. John Isherwood.
  12. Cornwall, in the metropolis of Bodmin! I post first class in the evening, just before the final collection from the delivery office postbox. Virtually all of my packages are delivered next day, according to reports from my customers. I usually achieve next day delivery for all orders received prior to mid-afternoon. I regularly post overseas - Europe, North America and Australasia - and I have not had any enquiries as to the whereabouts of packages for as long as I can remember. Just lucky, I suppose. John Isherwood.
  13. The problem may be at the UK border, or beyond. Royal Mail seems to be functioning extremely well, domestically, at present. CJI.
  14. Apparently so - but nothing that could not have been remedied on a squadron fleet. CJI.
  15. How about coaching stock lined maroon - as per the Clacton express EMUs? CJI.
  16. The downside of these etchings is that the resulting buffer-heads are flat. A suitable sized ballbearing, or similar rounded end tool, lightly hammered into the back of the buffer-head when laid on a piece of softwood, may well produce a more realistic, curved face. CJI.
  17. My transfer Sheet BL56 - PALWAGs & PALBRICKS is selling well - thanks KRM! John Isherwood. https://www.cctrans.org.uk/products.htm
  18. I think that you are thinking of M*delm*ster ! (Gone for the mouthwash)! John Isherwood.
  19. Really?!? Do tell? My transfers are printed onto waterslide clear carrier film - surely attempting to remove the film would dislodge the design? John Isherwood.
  20. In my experience, the naysayers are also the ones to whom GLOSS is anathema. The fact that you can apply any degree of NON-GLOSS after the transfers have been applied seems to escape them. There's nowt so queer as folk ...... John Isherwood.
  21. I don't recall 'chucking away' anything from the MTK MUs that I built - including the hardboard floor. CJI.
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