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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. What were you using as a DC controller - an ON / OFF switch? My homemade DC controllers contain Chinese voltage regulator units; bought from Aliexpress for - literally - pence! I have control over the speed range - much better than a variable resistance controller. DCC may have much going for it - but please don't try and tar all DC controllers with the same useless brush! CJI.
  2. I'd be very surprised if I do NOT have the article - but as it is not a subject that I indexed, finding it would be a VERY long task. I'm sure that there have been published online, indexes of model railway magazine articles - would that not be a good starting point? CJI.
  3. Graham, JMHO - I am not, by nature, a glass-half-empty type of guy - I prefer my glass to be pint-sized, and with just the first gulp missing! Nonetheless, so much human effort is wasted in doing frivolous things, I do think that a shift in mindset is required as to what is worth doing and what is not. I won't see that - and I'm afraid that human nature dictates that it will never happen. If anyone wants to debate this further, I can often be found in 'The Hole in the Wall' in Bodmin, around 16.30 - 17.30! The 'Bass' is exceptionally good. CJI.
  4. At some point, needless expenditure of finite resources - not least energy - may force the question "Can we really justify the use of energy in order to produce non-essential items?" (Such as model railways). Agreed, this is taking matters to a ridiculous extreme, but I deplore the use of energy, financial and human resources on something that can never be seen. Far better that we don't bother, buy cheaper and, if so inclined, give the price differential to a deserving charity. 'Just because we can' is no justification for wasting time, energy and resources, any more than building super-cars for people with too much money and zero social conscience. CJI.
  5. I see what is meant by the Leader towering over coaches! (Only joking)! CJI.
  6. Gold star for Mr. Bulleid, then!!😉 CJI.
  7. ..... which will have faded out of all recognition, anyway! CJI.
  8. I struggle to visualise this! Do we take it that this is a turntable for a fiddleyard - because I can't imagine that it would bear much resemblance to the prototype?!? CJI.
  9. I can understand a little disappointment if an advertised feature is absent, but - how difficult can it be to make and fit a pair of cab doors? CJI.
  10. Agreed - but I would be wary of a design such as this having an efficient blast when it comes to smoke-lifting. Moreover, if what we read is to be believed, the Leaders were not intended for the higher speed services; (even if the idea that they were M7 replacements is a myth). With the front end having all the aerodynamic efficiency of a brick wall, it would be reasonable to anticipate problems with smoke-lifting. CJI.
  11. Driver OK - fireman fried and suffocated to death! Put your head out of the firing compartment for a quick cooler, and get a face full of noxious smoke! No wonder they dumped the things! CJI.
  12. ...... as per Bulleid air-smoothed Pacifics - but they proved to need quite a bit of experimentation with external draughting in order to lift the exhaust to an acceptable extent. I suspect that similar trials would have been required if the Leaders had not been abandoned. I note that Bulleid's Turfburner ended up with a form of smoke deflector. CJI.
  13. It's all your fault, Sir - using big foreign words! John Isherwood.
  14. This is mine - using the Cambrian kit and the Corgi excavator. https://content-eu.invisioncic.com/y320084/monthly_03_2018/post-2274-0-30774900-1522420620.jpg John Isherwood.
  15. Tony, Thank you - I knew that it somehow related to signet rings, and the like. Regards, John.
  16. I believe that an intaglio is a logo composed of letters - such as was used by D&S. CJI.
  17. The GWR tube wagon is a Ratio kit; OPEN C. CJI.
  18. Please note that I was NOT querying the in-service livery of the TCVs - rather pointing out an interesting feature of at least one vehicle, prior to general service. John Isherwood.
  19. ...... or it occurred to someone that, with the doors closed, there was no-one inside to care whether it was light or dark! John Isherwood.
  20. Interesting photo, nonetheless - worth posting for interest's sake. I do wonder why, when the black paint pot was out, only the hinges were painted. Just to be controversial, my two Southern Pride models will have 'unpainted' upper doors! John Isherwood.
  21. They certainly knew what they were doing when they introduced DCC! It's a self-perpetuating money tree for the manufacturers! Not for me - though I still have to buy all the electronic bits and the speaker(s) that'll never be used! CJI.
  22. My observation relates to the original maroon livery only, and is intended to query the livery illustration at the beginning of this thread. The bi-fold end doors can be seen to have a substantial internal frame, with thin panelling. Whatever - the official photo speaks for itself. CJI.
  23. I can recommend the Peco 4mm. scale turntable, which I fitted with a 2rpm. motor / gearbox, bought extremely cheaply from Aliexpress. At that rotational speed, indexing is not necessary. Switching is simply a single pole, two way, centre off switch feeding track power to the deck or the motor / gearbox. Works a treat! John Isherwood.
  24. Do a Google search on 'Unimat SL drive belt' - several on Ebay and elsewhere. John Isherwood.
  25. My conclusion, too - and the Hornby 86 chassis fits perfectly once the length is adjusted. Mines got the black nylon Oleo buffers from MTK. John Isherwood.
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