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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. I have - but it still makes no sense / has little relevance to most of us. Frankly, I think that all this pen name thing is nonesense, but it seems that I am in a minority there. John Isherwood.
  2. Quite! Would this zoo / safari not be more comfortable in PM area? If it remains in the public area, the various animals are in danger of being run over by trains! CJI.
  3. I'm sure that it's relatively straightforward to you - but it's double-dutch to me and, I'm sure, most others. CJI.
  4. Be careful - there's a pod of orcas off Gib. that have taken against small sailing boats. I gather that they have sunk / severely damaged several already. CJI.
  5. Speaking the truth can never be discrimination. CJI.
  6. Having read the Google link, I would guess that the knowledge and understanding required exclude 99% of users! They have got to be joking! CJI.
  7. Google 'Candy and Company brick terracotta' - apparently a large-scale Staffordshire producer of glazed tiles, etc. CJI.
  8. The problem is that Google tries to force you to login via Google - but, from what Chris tells us, he is not able to work with Gmail addresses. I finally got an order placed, but only by refusing the repeated attempts by Google to get me to login via their platform. CJI.
  9. True, but you'll spend ages telling that to know-alls at exhibitions !!😉 CJI.
  10. Use Halfords rattlecans - Humbrol are cr*p. I doubt that you'll get the washers cheaper than that - get several and save on postage. CJI.
  11. Not a good idea - it will make the washer rigid, and will not properly compress so as to seal the gap. There is no alternative but to carefully set aside the washer whilst frequently cleaning the airbrush. This is why I use rattle-cans whenever possible; only using the airbrush when there is no alternative. CJI.
  12. The neoprene washer is essential in order to create the vacuum that draws the paint into the nozzle. It's pointless to try to use the airbrush without the washer. Bite the bullet, and buy several of the washers, so that you have a stock against future losses. CJI.
  13. In my contemporary experience of the prototype, there was no difference between the numbering transfers used on BR(SR) and those on the other regions. Why would BR - which was never exactly flush with money - go to the considerable extra expense of obtaining to different colours? CJI.
  14. Change the lot - you'll never get a good match. CJI.
  15. It sounds like Hornby is currently spending more time on company politics, and less on developing, producing and selling product! John Isherwood.
  16. Is your CONTACT box facility working, I have sent two messages to you that way, and an email from a Hotmail / Outlook email account, but have received no response. I will phone you tomorrow - what time would be best? John Isherwood.
  17. The Rio Tinto and the Tharsis railways were built solely to extract the inland minerals. Both companies were originally, I believe, Glasgow-based, and the Tharsis had the same gauge as the Glasgow subway - 4ft. The Tharsis was also a regular customer of the North British loco building company. I had a personal guided tour, by the British Chief Mechanical Engineer, of the Tharsis Railway in the late 1970s. John Isherwood.
  18. Oops - so it is; aging eyes! CJI.
  19. A coat of Klear, inside and out, will greatly improve that cracked cab window. CJI.
  20. I have to say that, working in 16.5mm. gauge, this has been my experience. I built the Cambrian FLATROL kit, and that stays on the rails - albeit with a die-cast RB face shovel on board! CJI.
  21. Ian, As my kit remains unbuilt after nine years - though getting close to the top of the pile - I wonder if it might be possible to introduce a measure of equalisation by fitting a central plate to bear on one axle, and to slot the pinpoint bearings to allow the axle to rock. Your thoughts would be most welcome. John Isherwood.
  22. The creator of the design is perfectly comfortable with others making money from his work. That being the case, I see no problem. CJI.
  23. Genuine question - why? He enjoyed creating the design, so he makes it freely available to others to do with as they see fit. My reaction is that it is an extremely generous gesture - what makes you uncomfortable? CJI.
  24. Ahh - had you searched Google for a get-around, you would have found a very simple key sequence that resets the Epson print counter to zero. The printer thinks that it is brand new again - and away we go...... ! CJI.
  25. Phil, I think that I may be forgiven for taking personally an insulting post, made in response to my own post. Disclaiming the personal aspect now is invidious, but adding a further insult is, frankly, pathetic! No-one is asking you, or anyone else, to work for nothing. Please explain how my transfer offering, or any other offering from retired persons, adversely affects anyone who relies upon their commercial operations for a living. If I did not offer my range of in excess of two hundred transfer sheets at cost plus a modest profit, those transfers would simply be unavailable. The limited sales of obscure subjects that I make are not profitable enough to support a commercial operation. So - get used to it - we retired modellers will continue to enjoy producing items that other modellers find useful - at prices that are affordable. ...... and we are NOT damaging other businesses. CJI.
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