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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. I suppose that Hornby thought "Why let facts get in the way of eye-appeal"?!? CJI.
  2. I would just apply them BETWEEN the moulded details - as the painter of the prototype wagon would have done. CJI.
  3. I have not suggested that integration had occurred - I merely commented that, four pages of speculation later, not much has been achieved by way of reliable information. CJI.
  4. What we can't get away from is that Hornby used to sell Oxford products - even as bundles with their own products. Now they don't sell Oxford products - so SOMETHING'S changed and, unless I've missed it in all the speculation, we are none the wiser as to why, or what the future marketing arrangements for Oxford will be. That - frankly - is all that I've (NOT) learned from this thread in the last few days. CJI.
  5. You won't find an exact match off-the-shelf. Start with a pale grey, and add a touch of BR loco green; paint a little onto copier paper - that'll take the shine out of the wet paint - and compare it to the stripe. Add more green if required, or a little more pale grey if you've overdone the green; a touch of white may be needed. Keep repeating the paper test - you'll get there in the end! CJI.
  6. Only God is perfect. Half the assembly fun is overcoming the kit shortcomings! I have built dozens of Cambrian kits, and none were difficult - just a little fiddly, occasionally. CJI.
  7. One sett at a time - but what about square brass tube from Metalsmiths? CJI.
  8. The deal maker for me will be if the Longmoor one is offered - I've long thought that it must have lasted longer than the official record say ........ CJI.
  9. No, and never on the blood & custard livery; application on maroon was rather hit-and-miss. First line expresses seemed to be so favoured - though not exclusively; secondary trains less so - but not to the extent that none had them. WR choc & cream livery mostly / always had them. SR Green mostly lacked them. I tend to apply them to maroon stock - because I like them - but have a few without them for variety. CJI.
  10. Is that the model railway division of the Italian Mafia? CJI.
  11. Wouldn' recommend it - especially if you like to apply an initial coat of self-etch primer. Get to the stage where you're about to apply the finish coats; apply some gloss varnish; apply the rivet transfers; another coat of varnish; and then carry on with the finish coat. CJI.
  12. Perhaps, from the perspective of Hornby, they were too good / cheap by comparison to their own products? CJI.
  13. There is sometimes some 'confusion' between the courier accepting the order by phone / online and issuing a tracking number, and collecting the consignment, at which point the tracking number appears on their system. Some claim the package is in transit well before they've even collected it from the sender! CJI.
  14. I pride myself on avoiding ambiguity - correct use of English, good grammar and careful construction of sentences and paragraphs help enormously. My sole purpose in mentioning my new transfer sheets on RMweb is to assist others in their modelling. Increasingly, the producers of new etched kits and 3D printer designs are asking me to produce new transfer sheets to improve the appeal of their output. In fact, all of my recent introductions come within that category. I have said this on several previous occasions but - since some members clearly have missed it - the principal effect of my never ever receiving another order for transfers would be an overnight doubling of my modelling time. The financial return is minimal, and would not be missed. In fact, I could sell my sheets at cost-only; but that would be unfair to commercial producers as it would make their products appear over-priced. So, no, I am not a leach on the lifeblood of RMweb - which was acquired, after all, for the raised profile and financial potential it offered to its current proprietors. John Isherwood.
  15. Is ANYONE so sensitive, and so lacking in the appreciation of the irony of his situation? In fact, if Jamie IS so sensitive, he should not have bought / rented such an odiously-addressed property in the first place! I have read many so-called justifications for hiding one's identity on the internet - none have been convincing, but this one beats the lot! John Isherwood.
  16. From the photos, it does not appear that the damage extends beyond flaking of the black paint - is there physical damage to the underlying body moulding? Assuming not, it would not be difficult to build up (matt?) black paint, in several thin layers, in order to completely eliminate the damage. John Isherwood.
  17. A bit of an over-reaction? New bodyshell? Pot of black paint, paintbrush, apply small dab, job done! CJI.
  18. I don't disagree with a word of that, and I made no criticism of the Moderators. I was merely musing on our eroding and deteriorating 'freedom of speech'. .... and my decision for or against paying a membership fee is mine, and mine alone! John Isherwood.
  19. All in all - a sad reflection of the state of our supposed right of freedom of speech, when we are unable to relate factual, personal experiences. ....... and yes, I do understand and sympathise with the position of the Moderators - but that does not detract from the fact that we are increasingly being gagged by a sector of society who will not concede that anyone can be criticised, or their misdoings made public. CJI.
  20. That's it - thanks! Anyone know what happened to them? CJI.
  21. Thanks for that - but there was another supplier, the name of which escapes me. CJI.
  22. There were, I believe, etched overlays available for these, which had full panel detail. Does anyone know what happened to them - I haven't seen them advertised for years? CJI.
  23. Dave, Being put on the 'naughty step' is nothing new to me - it goes with the territory of 'speak your mind'! I don't think that going off in a huff is the answer, though. I did think that the whole Hippo, Bear and cake thing had got a bit out of hand. As to pseudonyms, I had to choose one when I joined, but I always sign off as John Isherwood or CJI - I flatter myself that most members know who CJI is by now! John Isherwood.
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