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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. They were never going to - and never will - correct the body tooling. CJI.
  2. ... on what? I think that it is widely accepted - unless there is evidence to the contrary - that BR didn't paint NPCCS brown. As to older NPCCS going for scrap still in pre-Nationalisation brown - I am sure that many did so. Nonetheless, anything repainted by BR, after the first few months, would have been crimson or maroon - albeit indistinguishable under standard railway muck. CJI.
  3. Ian, What colour were the two models that you built painted? (See above). CJI.
  4. Jason, According to your link - scroll down - the sleeper full kit is currently available. CJI.
  5. Since Ian Macdonald is a member here, I thought he might wish to settle the matter. Hopefully he will intervene in due course. As a matter of interest, I supplied the transfers for these models, as I do for most of Ian's excellent kits. John Isherwood.
  6. In my experience with NPCCS, weathering had progressed way beyond anything that a muck-spreader could inflict! CJI.
  7. Tony, Brown?? I see weathered crimson or maroon! Difficult to tell - as it was on the prototype! CJI.
  8. Yes - undoubtedly! This is of some concern to me as all my stock is fitted with Hornby Dublo / Peco Simplex couplings. When my family come to sell on my stock, they will be faced with strong sales resistance, or the task of substituting thousands of tension-lock couplings! Better flog the lot before I peg it !! CJI.
  9. Lighten-up - a bit of vigorous debate on a wet Sunday evening is good for the soul! 😀 CJI.
  10. It would appear that you are too young to appreciate the significance of the specification of my 8F model. I referred to an (original) 1960s Hornby Dublo 8F, bought at a discount when HD were taken over by Tri-ang. The replacement Pittman, conventional motor was for the then-innovative Ring Field motor, which filled and protruded from the cab, and which was too cutting-edge to function satisfactorily. The Airfix tender replacement was because the original cast one had too prominent rivets. So, innovation is not always beneficial or desirable - before demanding change, be sure of what you wish for! CJI.
  11. You, Sir, lack imagination! My RTR Fell went back, but the Judith Edge etched kit for it sits awaiting its naisance, and its appearance on my little bit of the S&DJR here in Cornwall! CJI.
  12. Middle-aged - I wish !! Perhaps the grumpy middle-aged (and elderly) men (and women?) get their entertainment from arguing - each to their own! 😉 CJI.
  13. I hear the calls for a retooled 8F - apparently simply for the sake of having something on which to spend idle money. What I don't hear - despite the asking - is an analysis of what improvements are required. I am therefore drawn to the conclusion that these must be yet more electronic gadgetry - at the expense of essential adhesive weight. Do these flickering, chuffing, tootling wonders shuffle up and down a programming track, rather than pulling realistic trains? CJI.
  14. Ahh - sorry to have mentioned it then; my sympathies! John Isherwood.
  15. I do appreciate that - but most models have a moulded representation of the plate. Some are blank with just a raised border; others have a vague representation of lettering. Pretty much what is asked for? CJI.
  16. Just for interests sake - what is wrong with the current version of the 8F? (Mine is a detailed Hornby Dublo model, with a Pittman motor, Markits wheels, and an Airfix tender - runs great and looks superb). CJI.
  17. I cannot understand the constant demand for ever more retooled versions of current excellent models. I can only conclude that many members have huge wads of cash in their pockets that are burning holes !! ..... perhaps if more of these stupendous (for now) models were actually run, instead of being gloated over in display cases, we might be satisfied with what we've got. CJI.
  18. To date, I haven't liked to mention that. However, and since it has been raised, it is getting more and more difficult to follow the SMs posts. CJI.
  19. Unfortunately, no MNs on the S&DJR until the very end - when no-one cared about weight restrictions. CJI.
  20. Just one observation - with the real thing, and from normal viewing distance, it was difficult to see where the numberplate was located, let alone read it. On the few 4mm. scale wagons where I have printed and applied white on black numberplate transfers, they stand out too prominently unless weathered to the point of near-invisibility! John Isherwood.
  21. My analysis : the long front connecting beam counter-balanced the remains of the truck, and had a dolly-wheel at the end that attached to the float-plane. CJI.
  22. I thought that it had already been stated that it is likely to be 10 days to two weeks more before all orders have been processed. Do we have to have " I've not heard anything yet", several times per day, until then ?!? CJI.
  23. Well - on this matter, all Hornby needed to do is look at a lot of photos. I suppose they may have thought that they might get " I bought three of your coaches, but two had the badge missing"! CJI.
  24. From photos, there often seemed to be a few propped up against platform lamp-posts at Padstow and Wadebridge. CJI.
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