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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Maths has clearly changed since I were a lad! 14 = six plus nine? CJI.
  2. You may think that - but I could not possibly comment ........ CJI.
  3. A simple question - how do you know that you can produce designs for printing if you haven't even had one of your designs printed? Please - accept that your vast store of designs is nothing more than pie-in-the-sky ...... until you produce images of prints from your designs that have required minimal purchaser input prior to printing. Until then, this thread is pointess. CJI.
  4. You have spacers on the crankpins limiting 'slop', haven't you? I can see a parting 'pimple' on the leading axle - is that impinging on the back of the coupling rod? CJI.
  5. There may have been an intention - in fact, I know that there was - to produce a subject that did not have a body end attached to the bufferbeam. A clue - I added the transfers to my Cambrian Models pack in advance of the kit's release - which never happened after the change of ownership of Cambrian. A rare occasion of the transfers being available, but not the kit! John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  6. i) to allow the moulding to come out of the mould; ii) so that the chassis can be used for other models. CJI.
  7. The quartered polishing of the bufferheads would have been confined to the most prestigious trains - even Royal trains. I paint loco bufferheads in track colour, with a splodge of dirty black / metallic steel in the centre. CJI.
  8. Quite so - sorry for the misinformation. CJI.
  9. A year or so ago, I built exactly such a layout. Baseboards hinged to a broad batten fixed to the wall, so as to allow clearance for track, etc. when hinged up vertically; (yacht cabin catches to hold the boards vertically). Continous linear control panel from electrical trunking, screwed to the baseboard front edge, accommodating manual point operation / frog switching; section switching; and controller selection. Works a treat, and you get some exercise moving around the layout! Don't forget the heavy duty ring main wires, with EVERY rail length having individual droppers - don't rely on rail joiners for continuity. CJI.
  10. Mitsumi motor plus HL Roadrunner Plus, with the drive extender fixed at 45 degrees facing backwards, and the motor will be on the boiler centreline. Just applying the transfers to mine, which has been far too long in gestation. CJI.
  11. What we prefer is neither here nor there - most sensible manufacturers stick to the prototype, especially when good photos are available. CJI.
  12. All very intricate - well done! However, as this rectangle is merely a spacer, surely four lengths of the tube, soldered to the edges of the void, would serve the purpose perfectly well? When I built the Black Beetle housings for my Blue Pullman power cars, I used lengths of Evergreen rectangular plastic section for the spacers - this worked admirably well. CJI.
  13. Just a thought - if the main body colour was red oxide, and they mixed red oxide into white, wouldn't they have got salmon pink of some sort? CJI.
  14. IMHO, both of those are too crimson. My recollection is of something with rather more orange in it. CJI.
  15. I too was expecting something more akin to cream / beige / mushroom. Out with the paint? CJI.
  16. I did say red OXIDE primer; many red primers are now much more of a crimson, but I assumed that red oxide implied the traditional, more orange shade that all red oxide primers were. They are still available, if you don't grab the first red primer you see on the shelf. Having seen many, many NCB wagons around NE collieries, I formed the opinion that they were painted with red oxide paint - as were many PO wagons. CJI.
  17. Some thought as to where to make the joint, and it should be within most of our capabilities to stick two halves together. (Though, from what I read here, that is probably an over-optimistic statement, nowadays)! CJI.
  18. Any aerosol red oxide primer would probably not far from the truth. CJI.
  19. A perfectly reasonable comment re the beading, but I felt that the suggestion - not necessarily from you, I can't recall - that the absence of the beading might be a deal-breaker was an over-reaction. Whatever - it was a light-hearted comment, nothing more. CJI.
  20. Why does 'Get a life' spring to mind?!? CJI.
  21. Do you imply that the instructions remain in the box throughout the build? Assuming not, if you are about to fit part number 'x', then you will know to look in the container labelled for 'x'; (or am I being over-simplistic)? CJI.
  22. Not really - the real things were rectangular shank. Though I don't have the model in question, I assumed from his comment that the shanks have been modelled as square. CJI.
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