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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. It's interesting, though, that we don't often feel the need to post in a "My loco is full of fluff" thread. 😀 CJI.
  2. If you don't want the tender to 'waddle', I'd recommend restricting sideplay on the outer axles. CJI.
  3. Sorry, since I can't read minds, I am unable to tailor my posts to suit individual preferences. Normally, "With respect ...." is sufficient to convey the fact that one is trying to be polite. Whatever, I clearly failed in your case! CJI.
  4. The bread pudding, presumably, being produced from stale pre-staled bread? CJI.
  5. The circuit boards may be sensitive but, in my considerable experience, models unencumbered with circuit boards, with direct rail to motor terminal wiring, running on DC, are very forgiving and cope perfectly well on 12+ volts. My home-brew, variable voltage regulator controllers push out 14 volts on maximum setting, and top speed is perfectly prototypical. This applies to locos from all sources - RTR and kit-built. CJI.
  6. ......... but - I can supply a full set of transfers for those FORD prototype CARTIC-4s; see Sheet BL61 at the Cambridge Custom Transfers website. John Isherwood.
  7. You clearly were annoyed, but I am at a loss to understand why. Re-read Trevor Hammond's and my initial posts in response to yours - abuse? - no way! Trevor merely stated the facts; I commenced with "With respect"; and made a polite summary of the reasons for using the correct terminology. We all need correction occasionally, and if it is made politely, it should be received in the same manner. CJI.
  8. I stir paint with a piece of wire, bent to a triangle with a shaft, mounted in a mini-drill - start slow, unless you fancy redecorating and a change of clothes! I then thin the paint - white spirit is fine - to the consistency of milk, NOT cream, as is sometimes recommended. I've seen all sorts of spraying pressures suggested, and still couldn't give a recommended pressure - I just do a few test puffs onto scrap card and adjust the pressure regulator to get a steady, but not too heavy, paint flow. Shortish bursts of spraying, releasing the needle in between, to regularly clear the nozzle. Not really very helpful - but keep trying! CJI.
  9. That kind of rudeness speaks volumes about ignorance - not merely of widely understood railway terms! CJI.
  10. The 'idiots in charge' have been obliged, at public expense, to install those bumps in order to prevent the real idiots from endangering themselves and the passing public by trying to jump on and off the parapet wall, on skateboards. In many cases, this practice has caused physical damage to the walls, etc. Nothing to do with preventing sitting - unless one is extremely obese, one can still sit between the 'bumps'. The 'bumps' have now become a worldwide phenomenon, such is the lack of common sense and consideration of the skateboarding community. CJI.
  11. I would have thought that the obvious course of action would be to contact Railtec - bespoke waterslide transfers are their speciality. CJI.
  12. Being cynical, I can't help wondering if the 'brown' underframe colour was a way of using up stocks of coaching stock maroon. Mix maroon 50:50 with black, what do you get?? CJI.
  13. It would seem that some DC operators who have posted above are having some success in slow running. When mine arrives, it will be controlled via a variable voltage regulator - I will report my experiences in due course. CJI.
  14. Agreed - I would hazard a guess that, being out-of-gauge, they are detachable handling brackets. It's even possible that the panel fronts something such as a battery compartment, that slides out in the same way as a drawer. CJI.
  15. With respect, the basic difference between a bogie and a truck is widely understood by most persons interested in steam locos. To misuse the terms merely introduces confusion; by your usage, a 2-6-2T would have a bogie at the front and a pony at the rear - despite, in some cases, the two being identical. CJI.
  16. 2mm., 2.5mm., 3mm., 3.5mm., 4mm., 7mm.; take your choice! John Isherwood.
  17. Be aware that my transfer sheet S2B/C includes BR-era transfers for this wagon. John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  18. Are you thinning the paint enough? Clogging the pick-up pipe shouldn't be a problem if the paint is thin enough. CJI.
  19. Just finishing one; two more to do - plus a couple of 3MT 2-6-2Ts on the same chassis etches. CJI.
  20. They build up very nicely indeed - though fiddly. The etch is plated brass, NOT nickel-silver. CJI.
  21. Superglue dissolver is widely available. CJI.
  22. Brake lever / axlebox potential clash? CJI.
  23. Michael, That is VERY nice indeed - shows that Jidenco / Falcon Brass kits are not beyond redemption; contrary to oft-received opinion! CJI.
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