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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. The steam pipe casings were, I think, far more angular than those of the Duchesses. CJI.
  2. You may say that - but I could not possibly comment! 😉 CJI.
  3. Quite - polished lubricator pipework, etc. is unlikely, even nowadays in preservation. To my eyes, it just makes the model look toy-like - akin to one of those American abominations that are destined, annually, to endlessly circle a Christmas tree! Most of us try to reproduce a working railway, and such 'bling' has no place in that scenario. CJI
  4. The trouble with over-thinking is that it can lead to over-complex solutions, which, in turn, can lead to unnecessary problems / frustrations. Moreover, it takes up valuable modelling time! I am a firm believer in the KISS principle - Keep It Simple, Stupid! 😀 CJI.
  5. Accurascale - I hate to ask, but patience wears thin; could we have a realistic update as to when those of us STILL waiting for our orders from the current release may expect to receive the models? C. J. Isherwood.
  6. All my self-build coaches have a functional rubbing plate at one end, and a small washer, which allows pivoting in all planes, at the other. It works perfectly, giving rock-steady running and great track-holding. Sometimes, it pays not to over-think thes things! CJI.
  7. I fail to see how HSTs are economical to run in Scotland until 2030, and be very expensively exported to Mexico; (presumably without major rebuild); but not in England or Wales. I fully accept that this is by government directive, but I also fail to see how replacing viable rolling stock with new, expensive, inferior stock can be a cost-saving - unless building new stock is somehow advantageous to the government. CJI.
  8. The problem, as I see it, is that the 'testing' conditions that he operates under are not comparable with those that most modellers use. To that extent, his 'verdicts' are largely irrelevant. CJI.
  9. That's my point - having seen plenty of BR-era ex-works steam locos, they weren't out-shopped with all that 'bling'. Very occasionally, it might have been done for an exhibition, but not for general service. CJI.
  10. One minor criticism - I feel that the 'polished copper / brasswork' is overdone. CJI.
  11. You did - but then went on to detail what you perceived, apparently, as unacceptable errors. Those of us who have responded in a mildly critical manner know that we could not hope to come anywhere close to publishing invaluable data in the way that David has done. Only Allah / God is perfect! CJI.
  12. I'd love to see a coal-fired turbine aircraft - the stoker's role would be 'interesting'! CJI.
  13. Unfortunately, your question came over as an implied criticism of David Larkin, to the effect that he had been less than thorough in his coverage. Those of us who know David personally may be a little sensitive to such comment - intended or not. We know the monumental effort and total dedication - some might say obsession - that went into the acquisition of the vast volume of information that he has managed to amass and publish for all our benefit. CJI.
  14. David visited me as well, and showed me his 'work in progress'. Be assured that, if David is silent on a subject, it's because the records are not available for study / destroyed. It is amazing that such extensive information has been published - David copied records BY HAND - volume after volume of wagon numbers, type descriptions, loads, build details, etc., etc. Such is the wealth of historical information available to us nowadays that some criticise when the specific minutae that they desire is not available; rather than being grateful for the tireless efforts of the authors. CJI.
  15. Not a lot the manufacturers can do about this! The loco has a fixed (scale?) wheelbase, and the frog has a fixed length; it's pure coincidence that the two are the same. CJI.
  16. There will be diesel engines operating on British Railways for years to come. Conversion to bi-mode might well have been possible, but I see no justification whatsoever for disposing of assets that had many advantages over their replacements. So typical of the UK nowadays, sadly. CJI.
  17. Reverse curves are no problem without intermediate straights - unless ludicrously tight radii are used. To expect large model locos to negotiate tramway radii on totally unsecured track is unreasonable; to use such conditions in order to deliver a verdict on a model is totally meaningless. This is the reason that more mature modellers tend to be dismissive of Sam and his 'reviews'. CJI.
  18. Exactly!! I model at 4mm. scale, but I have found that the effort of switching the frog is well worth it. Four wheeled locos, such as the LYR Pug, run through all points without the slightest stutter. Go for it!! CJI.
  19. Another case of the tail wagging the dog! No doubt we will be given a myriad reasons why a total rebuild / update was not possible, but I certainly can't bring to mind such a number of fatal / life-changing collisions involving HSTs that would justify them being 'blacked'. If they are thought capable of operating services three times the length of their former operations, the baby is being thrown out with the bathwater! CJI.
  20. Almost certainly, as I believe that the Burton line was used for testing DHP1. CJI.
  21. Normally known as straw yellow - a yellowish cream. CJI.
  22. Each to their own, but I find that a couple of pints at the end of the day, amongst a group of like-minded individuals, is very relaxing. Not every night - but often enough to become 'one of the group'. Everything has a price, and the cost of a couple of pints is a lot less than many other commercial social activities. CJI.
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