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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. NIMHO - I like the 'frown'; sets the Wickhams apart from the crowd! CJI.
  2. Note the straight-across cab end rain gutter - this alters the 'face' quite significantly.. CJI
  3. Something odd about that diagram - the window depths are all over the place compared with the photo of the preserved unit. It also indicates narrow cab-corner windows - which don't exist! CJI.
  4. Looks MUCH better - I look forward to the next episode! CJI.
  5. The buffer height is my own reality-check. Can you fit the bufferbeams and check against another vehicle? CJI.
  6. Does the body sit a little high? Just an impression - may be just an illusion! CJI.
  7. Thanks for that - little job for this afternoon. The kit won't get built yet, but I'll amend the droplights now, as I'd otherwise forget when I do get round to the build! CJI.
  8. All accepted - but we are, nonetheless, talking about a minimal increase in safety, under specific conditions. Against which, we have to factor the cost of disposing of stock with a viable extended life, offering a degree of customer comfort greater than the expensive replacements. Can the UK rail industry really afford to follow this high-minded pursuit of the unachievable? I don't think so! (I also don't think that I can usefully add more to this debate). CJI.
  9. There is no such thing as absolute safety - you can eliminate some tiny risks, but there will still be risk, however infinitesimal. I would submit that, here in the UK, we have already arrived at the minimum risk achievable in rail transport - there'll always be another risk coming along that we are not yet aware of. Compared to the risk we accept when going anywhere near road transport, rail risk is tiny. If we persist in throwing out the baby with the bathwater, rail transport will become financially unviable. By trying to eliminate all risk in their profession, rail staff risk the ultimate viability of the rail industry. As I said, sh*t happens everywhere, to everyone! CJI.
  10. Let's get this in proportion. How many drivers have been killed / suffered life-changing injuries when driving HSTs? How many miles service did the HST combined fleet of power cars achieve prior to withdrawal. Now I am the first to concede that any fatality / serious injury to a driver is deeply regrettable but - sh*t happens. From our first breath, we are subject to risk to life, and life can be terminated / changed radically in any occupation if the fates so determine. What is certain is that two railways, on two continents half the globe away, are sufficiently convinced of the ongoing performance of HSTs to be investing very large lumps of capital in shipping them from the UK. When you have a success on your hands - and a UK-built one at that - you should not be throwing it aside and spending mega-money on inferior replacements. Finally, I realise that this decision was made at government level - but it is nonetheless downright stupid. It is a shame that it was given a sort of legitimacy by support from unions. Not something that the Tories often achieve! CJI.
  11. Ohh - don't be like that, I quite like 'em. Losing the S(?)YP would help, though. CJI.
  12. Sellotape and rivet transfers? (Not tried it - but it would seem feasible). CJI.
  13. ..... and that is the PRECISE point that I was, indirectly, making - that the withdrawal and disposal of the HSTs has nothing whatsoever to do with their being life-expired. There is clearly a political imperative behind this, combined with questionable union pressure; (awaits howls of protest)! Is political leverage being applied, from either or both side(s) of the political divide? You may think that - but I could not possibly comment! Whatever; Mexican and African railway companies clearly have greater faith in 20th century UK railway stock than UK railways / rail operatives / politicians. CJI.
  14. Tony, I have never built a Jidenco / Falcon Brass loco - hence my being specific about their wagon kits being OK. It is my understanding that Jidenco marketed kits designed by several / many individuals - so it is not reasonable to condemn the entire range on the basis of one or more 'rogue' kits. A continuous running-plate across a loco is odd, to be sure; but surely fretting-out a rectangle of excess material is hardly too problematic for a reasonably proficient modeller, and child's-play for anyone who undertakes scratchbuilding? The saw-cutting is just a rough outline, followed by a little filing-back to the scribed line. CJI.
  15. I do wonder as to the occupational background of those busily justifying the disposal of the HSTs. The purchasers are not buying a pig-in-a-poke; they will have exercised due diligence, and be confident that the stock has an economical lifetime. Bear in mind that shipping these trains halfway round the world is far from cheap - and would not have been necessary if they could have been re-utilised in the UK! CJI.
  16. Perhaps you should tell this to Eastern Rail Services, and the Mexican and African railways who are buying these? Presumably, they're not aware that they are selling / buying life-expired locos and rolling stock. Good to know that we have superior knowledge over here! I am reassured (not)! CJI.
  17. Nowt wrong with Jidenco / Falcon Brass wagon kits - if you are prepared to have some input into the build. CJI.
  18. As we know only too well - there is a very fine line between rubbing-down to remove numbers, and removing the paint beneath it. For this reason, I would guess that the SR numbering and lettering were painted-over as part of the process. CJI.
  19. I couldn't agree more - these price increases are getting totally out of hand! Many established UK producers' prices now seem to be exceeding European prices - though some of the newer entrants into the UK market seem not to feel the need to charge such stratospheric prices. I suspect that the established producers are going to have to review their pricing after the newer entrants have been trading for a little longer! CJI.
  20. Not following this - varnish is clear, so why would the first coat(s) of varnish remove the existing lettering? CJI.
  21. To all those purchasers bemoaning the lack of headboards - look again in the slot in which the 'bits' bag was found - you should find a second 'bits bag' containing the headboards, etc. My 7812 had them. CJI.
  22. "James Steward, a director of Eastern Rail Services, said: “They’ve got a lot of life left in them."" Precisely - he should know - what the h*ll are we letting them go for - government directive"?!? Buying more foreign rubbish that takes months / years / if ever to get type approval - and is incredibly uncomfortable - when the UK-built stuff has "a lot of life left in them"?!? CJI.
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