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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. My experience of plunger pickups is that they jam - I won't touch them with the proverbial disinfected bargepole! CJI.
  2. Definitely shunting pole brackets - I have come across quite a few photos of them in that use over the years. The rounded ends were an aid to locating the pole in the bracket furthest from the shunter. CJI.
  3. Be aware that Black Beetles ARE still available - but only directly from the producer in Oz, who is happy to supply to the UK. CJI
  4. As with all components from RTR models nowadays, there isn't a cost-effective mechanism for packaging, shipping and distribution. The company orders a fixed number of models, packed and ready for distribution. Any spares for warranty repairs are probably complete models for breaking down. Marketing components is just not worth the effort involved when the factory is distant by half way round the world. CJI.
  5. Hornby must have calculated that there are sufficient collectors out there who will buy ANYTHING for the sake of having a complete collection. No - I don't understand that kind of obsession, either! CJI.
  6. Why designers of long items of RTR bogied motive power (or rolling stock) don't design on the three-legged stool principle is beyond me! One end - two body bearers onto the bogie sideframes (but with some slop); the other end a simple central pivot (reasonably loose). That way, the two side bearers give lateral stability but allow longitudinal pivoting; the simple pivot at the other end allows movement in all dimensions. Result - both bogies can follow the undulations of the track. CJI.
  7. I wasn't being totally silly - chloroform is (was?) a recognised solvent for perspex - though not one to be recommended. CJI.
  8. Chloroform should do it - but perhaps not?!? 😱 CJI.
  9. A bit of a silly observation - you clearly overlooked the fact that I referred to the (CAPITAL) 'K', which you inflicted upon the esteemed Mr. Nock. CJI.
  10. The O. S. Nock that I know of lacked the 'K'! Mr. Nock was not infallible, and the general concensus seems to favour 'Boxpok'. CJI.
  11. Could you perhaps enlarge upon what detail was lacking? Mine looks excellent in all respects. As to the R3 issue - this is not insuperable, as I posted at the time that the model was released. CJI.
  12. On reflection, it must amount to a statement that 'I really wanted an ex-BR loco, but couldn't afford one / one wasn't available'. CJI.
  13. The load may well be calcined iron ore - ie. it had been burned with coal in a calcining bank. The purpose of this practice - which was used in the Oxfordshire iron ore quarries - was to reduce the moisture content of the ore, and thereby its density and the cost of its transport. See 'Ironstone Railways and Tramways of the Midlands' (Tonks). CJI.
  14. Always, always employ someone for whom you can get recommendations from previous clients, and see examples of their work. This does not just apply to model railway kit builders, but to anyone offering a paid service. CJI.
  15. I've never quite understood the thinking behind this preservation practice - unless it is to try and give themselves a (false) aura of a mainline railway. Ultimately, it's down to the vehicle owner(s), but authentic restoration to an original livery would seem to be more appropriate. John Isherwood.
  16. Those were the days - Sundays, belting round the country in a decrepit minibus, climbing fences to make unauthorised sccess, constantly looking over your shoulder, waiting for the cry of "Oi, gerroutofit"! CJI.
  17. Rubbish - whatever percentage of your income you spend; you now get half as much model for your hard-earned! CJI.
  18. So you have access to their accounts? It is perfectly possible for a company to decide that future prospects are not positive, and to decide to run down activities whilst still remaining solvent. If you have nothing positive to contribute, may I suggest that you resist the urge to post vindictive drivel? John Isherwood.
  19. Really????? Have you read the announcement???? They have NOT 'gone bust' - they are closing down the business in an orderly manner with NO outstanding debts. Prize for the shared most insensitive post of the day? John Isherwood.
  20. So, the one positive - AlfaZagato is inconvenienced! John Isherwood.
  21. Those roof mouldings are far too flexible - they need a false ceiling of 1 - 1.5mm. thick plasticard glueing beneath them to make them much more rigid. Measure the internal width at eaves level; cut a strip of plasticard of that width and a little less than the internal length. Place it under the roof - do not stick it as this stage - and check that it will form a rebate for the top of the sides to fit in, but not be visible through the top of the windows. If the thickness is correct, stick the ceiling in place. You will find that the strengthened roof makes the assembled carriage MUCH more rigid. All the best, John Isherwood.
  22. 'Fraid not - and the model is currently inaccessible. It's very simple - long screws up though holes in the floor, screwing into matching holes in a thick plasticard ceiling stuck under the roof. Sorry, John Isherwood.
  23. As it's a PO wagon, it won't have a BR diagram as such; ie. 1/??? or 2/???. PO wagons were, at some point (not known to me), given diagram numbers by BR in the Book 6 series; ie. Diagram 6/??? in our parlance. I am unaware as to whether this particular design ever received a 6/??? diagram number. John Isherwood.
  24. Bachmann tenders are always a fiddle to couple-up. The peg is JUST long enough to engage in the hole in the drawbar, and has a sloping end to enable the drawbar to be forced over it. The drawbar is poked through the hole in the tender bufferbeam, then angled such that it will JUST slide over the peg. When the peg enters the hole in the drawbar, the loco and tender can be aligned, ready for placing on the track. This must be done carefully, or the drawbar will disengage from the peg; (B*GGER)!! Simples (NOT)!! CJI.
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