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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. The rivet at the return crank end should be directly over the wheel centre, which it certainly isn't. When properly adjusted, there should be no movement of the return crank end, and no flexing of the cable. CJI.
  2. In concert with IronMink of Thingiverse, who has recently posted 3D printing designs for the WHITING and MINNOW departmental open wagons, I have now produced Sheet BL210. This covers wagons to GWR diagrams T8, T9, T10, T11 and BR diagrams 1/620 & 1/621. Full details can be found on the Cambridge Custom Transfers website. John Isherwood.
  3. Hotter the better - just be careful and DO use some finger protection. Squeeze the bogie sideframes with the axle in place, then plunge in cold water - iced if possible. CJI.
  4. Very hot water - squeeze onto pinpoints (protect fingers from heat) - cold water. CJI.
  5. An inherent problem when manufacturers try to produce components exactly to scale. The real drop-link is a sturdy lump of steel, attached to the crosshead via three equally sturdy steel screws. The model is a tiny protrusion of mazak, projecting from a similarly tiny one-piece crosshead casting. The end of the projection has had an etched component rivetted to it - an operation that will undoubtedly have stressed, or even cracked the mazak at the weak point where the projection joins the main casting. Given that the item is seventy-six times smaller than the real thing, and is cast in mazak rather than steel, it is perhaps not surprising that it is prone to stress cracking / breaking. If I were contemplating the purchase of this model, I would wish to examine it closely, and check the strength of this particular component. CJI.
  6. Having zoomed the image to 200%, the 'moulding marks' to which you take exception are only visible if one looks for them extremely carefully. This is a toy train - PLEASE get a sense of proportion! CJI.
  7. That accepted, Hornby's rendition up-thread looks more akin to one of the current 'sparkly-metallic' car finishes, (that resemble nail-polish)! Certainly not varnished red-oxide. CJI.
  8. The WD tender has a rigid wheelbase, not bogies - or are you referring to the model? CJI.
  9. I know that it shouldn't be necessary but - have you thought of sourcing some more effective springs? CJI.
  10. Staples come in a variety of sizes - and therefore thicknesses. Simply find the size that has an appropriate thickness. CJI.
  11. Quite - provoke at your peril! (Under the influence of several excellent Ozzie beers, I got up and recited 'The Lion and Albert' during a Sunday afternoon music and poetry open mike in a classic Ozzie pub. It went down a storm, not least because I reverted to my native Lancashire accent)! CJI.
  12. Bit of an over-reaction to a light-hearted remark! As to my own business practice, I defy you to find better - return-of-post in 99% of cases is more than satisfactory, judging by my customers' many complimentary comments. CJI.
  13. Have you never come across the equation Speed of Delivery is inversely proportional to the Degree of Nagging? CJI.
  14. Basically, it's a rest for the workpiece - primarily when using a piercing or fret saw - but very useful when undertaking any of the more intricate tasks that we do. The indentations allow maximum support for the work, whilst allowing the saw blade to cut into it. CJI.
  15. If you are the D. Cox who recently made a BACS payment to Cambridge Custom Transfers - or you know that person - please contact cctrans@hotmail.com.
  16. The young trees might well be authentic. If we suppose that a previously worked area had been reclaimed / landscaped, relatively small trees would be exactly what one would expect. I am thinking of what was visible at the time from the A1(M) Doncaster bypass. CJI.
  17. It is that kind of 'I don't care about errors / omissions' that encourages manufacturers to take shortcuts with product accuracy. CJI.
  18. I have indeed done the sausage and milk vans - but only for the BR period. The Palethorpes vans are on my website, but the milk van transfers were just for my own use. John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  19. Because your average Hornby customer would break the lubricator drive taking the model out of the box. What is viable for a high-end, niche-market model does not translate into the mass market. CJI.
  20. I still can't see the point of refining sound that no-one can say is authentic. I suppose that ignorance is bliss! CJI.
  21. Surely what's important is that they should be authentic? If this is not possible due to the lack of recordings, having two different, but equally inauthentic sound files is pointless? CJI.
  22. ....... and some decent transfers from Cambridge Custom Transfers! 😀 John Isherwood.
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