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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. It's the same colour as vacuum-fitted wagons - call it what you will! CJI.
  2. Partisanship .... or trust? Dapol have form for silly errors - GWR smokebox doors with BR numberplates? CJI.
  3. Different - OK .... but authentic - who knows? To me, just noise for noise' sake! CJI.
  4. I take it that you are aware that there is a 4mm. scale etched brass kit for 11001, available from Judith Edge Kits. I have seen photographic evidence of it operating in the Leeds area. CJI.
  5. So - if I read correctly the recent postings from what I assume to be a Dapol representative (coeurdelyon) - Dapol only became aware that their factory had fitted the wrong smokebox door to their GWR moguls when it was pointed out, today, in this thread. Given that at least one (non-Dapol?) photo of a production batch model has been posted in this thread prior to that, one is left to wonder what, or if, QC inspections took place prior to distribution. CJI.
  6. Well worth doing a cut-and-shut to the correct length, though the bogies need amending, too. John Isherwood.
  7. Not quite following this - the Dapol model in question HAS a numberplate and is in GWR livery. Please explain. CJI.
  8. It was probably just the axle; one squared end out of sync with the other. That could be detectable by holding a pair of straight edges against the axle flats. CJI.
  9. It's seemingly difficult to source ANY Markits products! I need a few axles of their LOWMAC wheels, but they can't be had for love nor money. I know that Gibson do them, but I find that their narrower wheel treads drop into the crossing gap of Code 72 track. CJI.
  10. True - the last Dapol model that I bought was their 'Western' - which was / is excellent. However, I'm in no hurry to buy anything else from them; if I need any of their railway kits I go to Ebay for the Airfix originals. I cannot understand why a company would allow itself to develop such a negative image when, with a little more effort, it could be so different! CJI.
  11. If Dapol have fitted an incorrect smokebox door, they should be supplying the correct one FOC. Why should purchasers be shelling-out significant money to correct Dapol's error? CJI.
  12. Thank you; from that diagram and the subsequently posted photos, I'd say that the backward rake of the firebox top is a little excessive on the model. CJI.
  13. It's probably just me but, whenever I see an image of a Dapol Mogul, I think of a camel! Was the boiler/ firebox angle really this accute. CJI.
  14. Precision Labels would probably produce some for you. CJI.
  15. Dapol own the Kitmaster brand - and use it on their old Kitmaster / Airfix railway kits. CJI.
  16. Those black nylon tender axlebox / springs are Slaters. CJI.
  17. The red C is incorrect for a Dean Goods - they were classified 'Uncoloured'. CJI.
  18. It was intended to illuminate the rear end of the train to which it was buffering-up. After all, as a banker, it had little need to illuminate the road ahead! CJI.
  19. No doubt you have a saved search on Ebay for Genesis and Chris Leigh Midland Pullman castings? Alternatively, do you know anyone who has the facility to 3D scan a Kitmaster or Bachmann cab end? CJI.
  20. As that is an image from the Midland Railway era, it is possible - I don't know - that a single lamp in front of the chimney MAY have been a legitimate code for that duty. Headlamp codes did vary over time, and from railway to railway. What was printed in the diagram in the front of your Ian Allan spotting book was the then-current 'standard' code - things had not always been thus; (..... and the ex-S&DJR had an entirely different coding system right up until its closure)! CJI.
  21. It would be interesting to know your age - by your mid-seventies, you may have a different perspective! CJI.
  22. Am I correct in thinking that wagons would carry a load ticket, rather than rely on the nominal painted load? If so, some quick calculations by the shunter, and any necessary shunting, would allow a short rake to be formed which came close to the permitted capacity of the barge. Pure speculation - but a logical deduction. CJI.
  23. If the return crank fixing to the crankpin is a rectangular slot, fitting over a rectangular projection on the crankpin, you could - CAREFULLY :- i] lengthen the return crank slot with a needle file so as to enable the rivet to be over the wheel centre; or ii] shorten the rectangular projection on the crankpin with a needle file, in order to achieve the same result. Depends how brave you are! CJI.
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