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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Too late for you, but it may help others, I just got mine and the same author's lightweight DMU book together for pennies over £20 from Amazon - P&P included. Sorry, John Isherwood.
  2. Now there's a man who listens to his customers !! Thanks Dave. Regards, John Isherwood.
  3. Dave, Congratulations on the foresight and thanks for the extra investment. I will await, (impatiently), the disc headcoded version. Regards, John Isherwood.
  4. I can't believe that you haven't worked this out already, but let's call a spade a spade. Just because a deposit is paid to a retailer, it doesn't necessarily follow that the money immediately finds its way to the model manufacturer. (My comment is wholly hypothetical, and should not be taken as referring to any specific retailer). I would simply observe that it is common wholesale practice for stock to be supplied only to retailers with cleared accounts. Regards, John Isherwood.
  5. Dave, Thanks for the quick response. I can't personally help with the second part of your criteria, only to give as a link. I will admit that it's difficult to tell from this photo of D6334 even if the front end matches your model. Ah - wait a minute - here's another, later photo of D6334 that confirms that its front end DOESN'T match your model. OK, I admit defeat - I'll just wait in hope of an authentic overall green model being produced. Regards, John Isherwood.
  6. I interpret this to mean that the current Dapol moulding CAN authentically be produced / repainted in over-all green, provided that the resulting model is nymbered D6334 or D6335. .... or have I missed something; (perhaps not surprising given the comings and goings on this one)! Would DapolDave care to comment? Regards, John Isherwood. (Needless to say, I am desperate to buy one of these models, but only if it can authentically be repainted into overall green).
  7. The likely support can be estimated - the number of order cancellations when it became known that the overall green version had been cancelled would be a guide. Regards, John Isherwood.
  8. So - if I understand what you're saying - the current Dapol model represents one of the main production batch D6306 to D6333 AFTER fitting of headcode panels. This batch WERE delivered in overall green, but all those fitted with headcode panels had small yellow panels before or when they were converted. Thus the current Dapol model cannot be prototypically produced in overall green. Will Kernow consider commissioning the modification of the tools to allow an overall green version to be produced - there certainly seems to be plenty of interest? Thanks, John Isherwood.
  9. The problem is, though, that the front end details of D6334 etc. are very different from Dapol's current model - just compare the photos in this thread. If it were simply a matter of a repaint, Dapol would not have cancelled the all-green version at the last minute. I emailed Dapol earlier this week to enquire if / when an overall green version might be available; the reply was :- "Certainly not yet a while. The shell for the model is not suitable for an overall green version which is why the specs had to be changed at a late stage. We can only produce an overall green version if we modify the tooling and no decision has been taken on that". We can only hope that Dapol are eventually prepared to modify the tooling. Perhaps DapolDave will invite us to indicate the level of support for versions that could be produced in overall green? (Hint hint)! Regards, John Isherwood.
  10. Perhaps I could mention that virtually all of my range of transfers is available for S scale? Regards, John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers. http://www.cctrans.freeserve.co.uk/products.htm
  11. Dave, I know that it's probably been gone over innumerable times, but at what point are we likely to see overall green (no yellow panel models) available? I had a pre-order with Kernow that I had to cancel at the last minute, when it was discovered that the recently-released version could not prototypically be produced without the yellow panel. Regards, John Isherwood.
  12. You'll be joining the club soon then - I am a very recently retired local government civil engineer who has no interest in a second career selling model railways - or anything else for that matter. I'm too busy modelling, and supplying the transfers that I produce FOR MY OWN USE to other modellers who can find a use for them. There's no commercial motivation behind my views, just pragmatism. Regards, John Isherwood.
  13. Please elucidate - what specifically was OTT in what I wrote? I try and maintain an evenhanded approach to what I read and how I respond here - but when such a radical view is taken of normal trading practices I feel constrained to to try and bring a little reality into the discussion - nothing more. Regards, John Isherwood.
  14. Nope - just a producer of transfers, which I do as a service to other modellers as a direct spin-off and at the expense (in modelling time) of my own modelling activities. If you are going to get agitated every time the supply and demand rule of commerce becomes evident, I'd book a slot at your local coronary care unit ASAP. It's all part of life's rich pattern - perhaps precipitated this time by a delayed decision to purchase a Baby Deltic that revealed an increase in price when the decision was eventually made? Just speculating! Regards, John Isherwood.
  15. Oh please - join the real world !! It's called supply and demand; when demand threatens to exceed the supply, the price goes up - and when supply exceeds demand, the price goes down. Hattons identify which models will hang around and which will fly off the shelves - and price accordingly. I never see postings complaining that Hattons (or any other trader) are selling cheaper than previously - in fact, we have a thread dedicated solely to pointing out where these bargains can be found! Surely those who accuse traders of profiteering on scarce items should be posting sympathetically when the same traders feel the need to reduce their margins in order to shift unpopular items? No? Yours cynically, John Isherwood.
  16. A lot of discussion here that would have (momentarily) attracted the attention of Isaac Walton !! Anyway - for all those fans of plastic TROUT - you may be interested in sheet BL117 at http://www.cctrans.freeserve.co.uk/products.htm . It contains all of the known original allocations as recorded by David Larkin. Regards, John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  17. It's a shame that this current Dapol model, and its Hornby Dublo / Wrenn / Dapol predeccessor, are under length. Apart from the Acorn brass kit, I don't think that there's been a correct 4mm. scale grain wagon. Come on Bachman!! John Isherwood.
  18. I am sure that Mr. Werrett drew some very accurate drawings, but there were some that were just plain incorrect, too. Always treat any drawing with suspicion - at leat check the principal dimensions to make sure that they make sense. Regards, John Isherwood.
  19. When LEV1 was running trials in East Anglia it was chartered for an excursion between Cambridge and Bury St.Edmunds (and return). I was on this trip, and the ride was definitely 'nodding donkey'. The flange squeal around the Coldham's Common Curve was deafening, too !! Still - an opportunity not to be missed. Regards, John Isherwood.
  20. I for one would be willing to send you a memory stick in an SAE, if that would help? Regards, John Isherwood.
  21. I like the sound of this - are the requisite components still available? Would it be possible to get hold of a copy of the construction article? I currently use old H&M Walkabout controllers that are VERY good, but they can be susceptible to the slider variable resistance wearing out, and it's not possible to replace these as they're pretty effectively built into the PCB. I would love to be able to build myself something that can offer the level of control that you achieve. Regards, John Isherwood.
  22. It is the previously discussed kit. My (very recent) latest information is that the castings for this kit, (the sourcing of masters for which has been the reason for the hold-up), are now to hand and that the kit should be available in later September - early October. Regards, John Isherwood.
  23. No need any more - an etched kit for the S&DJR 'Radstock' Sentinel is imminent !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  24. I don't think that any one has published a photo of a Sentinel with the 'lid off' so far. Could someone please do so, if possible? I'm trying to work out if it would be possible to 'slim down' the mechanism to fit a scratchbuilt LMS / S&DJR 'Radstock' Sentinel with the narrower engine casing and restricted cab. Regards, John Isherwood.
  25. http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.britishsteam.com/lner/0-4-0/Image040/09529-Y1.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.britishsteam.com/lner/0-4-0/Y1_68138.php&usg=__qDEtV4581gq3yHFixDIRzxwmpOc=&h=680&w=1020&sz=79&hl=en&start=58&zoom=1&tbnid=mV8Ldgl7ShTQRM:&tbnh=100&tbnw=150&ei=2xUwTrPuNoe2hAfq180x&prev=/search%3Fq%3D68138%2Bloco%26start%3D40%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1 Not BR days, I'm afraid. Regards, John Isherwood.
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