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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. OK - so I'm getting senile; which of the products listed here http://www.scalefour.org/eshop/ contains the above, please? Thanks in anticipation. Regards, John Isherwood.
  2. Wild Boar, That's the one - if it becomes available for sale, please let me know. Many thanks in anticipation. Regards, John.
  3. I am sure that I read on this forum, a few weeks ago, about a forthcoming resin cast Ivatt self-weighing tender body, to be a direct fit to an RTR chassis. Did I dream this? I cannot find the original posting, despite a lot of forum searching ! Regards, John Isherwood.
  4. Ah - that will teach me not to trust the old ABC - especially when I have the authoritive references upstairs !! The only M-C power cars listed in the 1961 ABC as having RR engines are those that I quoted above - all the rest are stated to have BUT (AEC) engines. Regaqrds, John.
  5. Market65, Thanks for that - I was certain that it wasn't a "Limby 101", though I'm still not clear which number series the "111"'s were. Checking my 1961 Combined Volume, the following M-C power cars seemed to have had RR engines :- M50136, E50270-92, E50745-7. Presumably the leading car would have been from one of the latter two groups? Regards, John Isherwood.
  6. Surely not - with that (unusual) arrangement of four character headcode and destination blind? I'm no expert on DMUs, but the leading car is far from being the 'bog standard' M-C style. No doubt one of our number who understands these things will quote chapter and verse. I just wish the TOPS class numbers weren't invariably quoted - especially when they post-date many of the images referred to. I'd understand if the number series from the contemporary ABC Combined Volume was quoted instead !! Regards, John Isherwood (who lost interest in the contemporary scene when they started painting things blue).
  7. From the angle of the sun - just diagonal shadows. Regards, John Isherwood.
  8. The Tri-ang one can be made much more accurate by narrowing the chassis and adding detail. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/uploads/gallery/album_2200/gallery_2274_2200_716163.jpg http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/uploads/gallery/album_2200/gallery_2274_2200_1027258.jpg http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/uploads/gallery/album_2200/gallery_2274_2200_26172.jpg http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/uploads/gallery/album_2200/gallery_2274_2200_188872.jpg Regards, John Isherwood. www.cctrans.org.uk
  9. Iain, The BG will be fine provided that it's intended for the early 50s or, if later, you weather it heavily. For my 1961 depiction of carmine, I use Halfords red primer for NPCS stock; and airbrushed Phoenix (ex-Cherry) Faded Crimson plus Phoenix Coach Cream for 'Blood & Custard'. Regards, John Isherwood.
  10. That's the early, (what has become known as), Chromatic Blue - which some pundits will tell you did not exist ! I seem to recall that, when the corporate image was initially publicised, the colours were officially named as Monastral Blue and Grey. Cue furious (and polarised) debate !!! Regards, John Isherwood.
  11. Can you expand on that statement, please - I'm not sure what you're saying? There is a body of opinion that says that BR Steam Locomotive Green changed at some point, but I've not previously heard the implication that BR Swindon Steam Locomotive Green differed from, say, Derby BR Steam Locomotive Green; (or for that matter Doncaster / Darlington / Crewe etc. BR Steam Locomotive Green). Regards, John Isherwood.
  12. Not sure exactly - around the same length of time as HS4000 (Heljan)? Regards, John Isherwood.
  13. Yuk !! Not even the correct BR green. That's what always deterred me from visiting the Lakeside & Haverthwaite - the locos always looked decidedly odd in their wierd liveries. Regards, John Isherwood.
  14. Not so - the legal contract of sale is between you and Hattons; where Hattons got the BG from is irrelevant. Regards, John Isherwood.
  15. The etchings are well worth obtaining. Don't rush to start on the model, and certainly don't use a Black 5 or Standard 5 chassis - they're both far from being the correct wheelbase. A little patience may result in the construction being somewhat easier, as several useful items are under development. Can't say any more at present - but watch this space. Regards, John Isherwood.
  16. Are you sure about this? Can you test a Hornby 'Exeter' before purchase? Regards, John Isherwood.
  17. I'd advise asking if you can't find them at WHS. The Cambridge branch didn't have any GBL on display, but produced a T9 from the store-room on request. Regards, John Isherwood.
  18. I cannot ignore accolades like these - but I immediately but regretfully add the caveat that I cannot offer such a service to others. Graham and I came to a Tony Wright-ish tit-for-tat agreement; a couple of hopper wagons in exchange for some transfers. I have to agree with Graham that the hoppers look superb after painting and the application of transfers; as do the ones that I painted in BR ex-PO livery. I'll post an image of the latter when I get the chance. Regards, John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  19. I am sure that we'll see RTR models of the three GTs - 18000, 18100 & GT3 - before too long. No, I have no inside information - but they have to be prime candidates for Heljan at least. Regards, John Isherwood.
  20. Yep - just cotton; the least hairy that I could find, smeared lightly with grease. Sagging - artificial gravity ! A length of phosphor-bronze pick-up strip between the jib and the crane base puts the strip in tension when the jib is raised. You will need the spring brakes on the winding drums to take the tension in the cables. Regards, John Isherwood.
  21. I fail to understand the fear and trembling induced by the fateful words 'etched brass'. They do not imply 'only for those with watchmaker skills'. In the case of Jon's detailing kit for the crane, the principle components are the parts for the pulleys visible at the swan's neck of my crane (above). If you can apply a dab of superglue, and line up a couple of layers with a pin, you can make these pulleys. The etched facing for the counterweight needs curving round a broom handle, and sticking in place with superglue. (Correct me if my memory plays tricks with me, Jon). Don't be put off - etched brass is not the sole province of 'the gifted'; (who do not exist - they're just modellers who persisted, and learned skills by being prepared to make a few mistakes in the process). Regards, John Isherwood.
  22. Hi, I believe that the only difference was in the fitting or not of pull-out jacks. The Hornby version has a representations of the jacks, so is - without modification - the 10T version. Mine represents the 6.5T version; I ground away the representation of the jacks. Below is a list of these cranes ; it may well be that Nos. 221, 223, 361 & 266 at the top of the list are the later numbers of cranes listed below them. The list gives Cowans Sheldon Works Number / Build Date / Lifting Capacity / First BR No. / Later BR No. Regards, John Isherwood.
  23. Ian, That must be your personal decision, but I have to say that I feel much more reassured about the future of my own (as yet problem-free) Garratt. Those who know me will confirm that I can reasonably be classified as a cynical, grumpy old man, with a very sceptical view of current retail practices. Nonetheless, I do accept Hattons' assertions that the failure rate is not higher than with previous exclusive models, and that no consistent cause can be identified for the failures that have been reported. Regards, John Isherwood.
  24. I am pleased to report that I received a telephone call from Hattons within minutes of posting my second contact form to them. Let me say from the outset that I found the technician to whom I spoke perfectly open, frank and extremely helpful. I have confidence in what he told me, and I do not believe that there has been any form of cover-up. The information that I received can be summarised as follows :- Hattons have read the postings to this thread, but do not as a matter of policy post responses to web group threads; there have been a number of Hattons' Garratts returned as non-runners, reportedly after some period of normal running, but not a higher percentage than for previous Hattons' exclusive productions; the causes of the failures have been found to include burned-out motors, misplaced transmission components, mis-moulded gears, deformed valve-gear, etc.; but no consistent factor can be identified as being the predominant factor. To what extend the burned-out motors have been caused by any of the other defects cannot be ascertained. I raised my problem that I will be unable to subject my model to sustained running for some considerable time, and that I was worried that I may eventually suffer a failure after the normal guarantee period has expired. I was assured that, being a Hattons' exclusive product, the terms of the guarantee would be interpreted rather more flexibly than would be the case with a third party products. It was stated that, subject to replacement components being in stock / obtainable, all possible efforts to assist in remedying future failures would be made. With these assurances, I am now happy that, though my Garratt can only currently pace up and down my test track, any problems arising from future sustained running will receive sympathetic attention from Hattons. Regards, John Isherwood.
  25. In view of the continuing silence from Liverpool. I have today sent another contact form (below). Regards, John Isherwood. I refer to the contact form sent to you in mid-Ocober, and to your response of 16/10/14; (below). I have received no further communication from you or your colleagues; I trust that you are now in a position to give a full response to my enquiry. Regards, C. J. Isherwood. Dear John, Thank you for your email. I will pass this on to one of my colleagues who will certainly look into this matter. If we have any information then we will pass this on. I hope this helps but if you need any further assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Kind regards, Michael Carney Retail Assistant NAME: C. J. Isherwood EMAIL: cctrans@hotmail.com PHONE: 01208892868 ORDER OR INVOICE NUMBER: CUSTOMER WOULD LIKE A REPLY: Yes NATURE OF ENQUIRY: Request Information ENQUIRY: I purchased one of your Beyer-Garratt exclusive models when they were released, and have so far only been able to carry out limited running on my short test track. It is likely to be some years before I can carry out extended running. I am reading on RMweb that there have been a consiiderable number of motor failures with these models, usually after extended running. Given the apparent frequency of these failures, I would imagine that you have, by now, established the cause(s). It would be most helpful if you could, via RMweb, advise your findings regarding these failures. If there are measures that owners can take to avoid future problems, that information could also be mutually helpful. Regards, John Isherwood.
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