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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Just to show that I do post images as well as download them, I have just added some more technically duff but, in some cases, historically interesting photos from 1979 :- http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/96229-photos-of-br-and-preservation-in-the-1960s-70s-80s/page-2, post 37. I have now scanned all of my old railway slides, and am uploading them all into two or three threads here, depending on subject. Nothing more than passing snaps, but some have an interest nowadays, beyond their workaday subjects at the time that they were taken. Do with them as you will - if you consider them worth it !! For those interested in European narrow gauge, an extensive photograpic record of a 1981 trip on a metre gauge, Mallet-hauled mixed train up the Tamega Valley in Portugal, including images from the footplate, will be added in the next few days to :- http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/96411-european-and-occasionally-asian-railways-in-the-1960s-70s/ Regards, John Isherwood.
  2. Neil, That was not my intention at all - and if that was the impression that I gave I apologise unreservedly. It was the with copyright that I questioned; in fact, the whole issue of marketing copyright as associated with historical images bothers me. The guy who took the photograph had a device that was sensitive to the light energy that was around him at the time, and he composed a pleasing image. It is right that he should have (had) copyright of the images that he composed, but it is the concept of passing on that copyright to third parties for money that bugs me - especially when the photographer is no longer with us. I know that this is a can of worms, and I don't wish to kick off that furore again, but I do feel that the extraordinary lengths that some posters go to to protect 'their' copyright, when they didn't take the image in the first place, is over the top. I go first on this forum to the image threads, and I am extremely grateful to those who post them, but I cannot get worked up about people, including myself, who download them. Any posted image can be downloaded if you know where to look, and I do so with every image that I think may be useful to me as reference in the future. I currently have 65,531 images stored, and indexed by vehicle number. I can pull up every photo of any specific loco, coach or wagon of which I have ever come across a posted image. Is that a crime? I do not knowingly post copyrighted images, and I appreciate the efforts of those who post them, but I do not see that the sale of images with copyright enhances the historical record at all. In fact, I have started posting my entire railway slide collection, despite it being poor quality in the main, and anyone can use the images as they see fit - so long as they don't pretend that they took them or try and charge others for them. I suppose that I should have kept my own council, but this time I didn't. Again, apologies for any offence unintendedly caused. Regards, John Isherwood.
  3. I may be in a minority of one here - but I really cannot understand the desire to collect slides with copyright. Why? The images have no personal attachment in the way that they might have for the photographer. Unless I am missing something, the only reason why someone would want to collect images taken by others with copyright would be for the rather selfish feeling of 'ownership' - ie. I can see them but no-one else can without my permission. From my perspective, such images are our history and should be available to all; not hoarded. Just my humble opinion. Regards, John Isherwood.
  4. I know that it's a controversial subject, and I hesitate to mention matters of such dubious taste, but there is a rumour that some people collect ................... TOY TRAINS !!!!!!!! There - I've said it now !!!! Regards, John Isherwood.
  5. Speedo - cut off most of the bit you're holding, behind the curve bit, (the flexible cable). Drill a hole in the footplate to take the spigot of the five-sided plate. Solder or glue the spigot into the hole, having adjusted the curved cable so that the disc at its end lies directly over the axle of the rear driving wheel. Simples !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  6. It has been suggested that I ought to cross-post a couple of images that I have in my own thread - so here goes. July 1966, Liskeard, tatty hydraulics !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  7. Sorry? Lucky b****r!! Have a pint of Speights for me! (.... oh, and a meat pie)! Regards, John Isherwood.
  8. Weren't the WD 2-6-2PTs built by ALCO (as per FR "MOUNTAINEER")? ..... but then again, I've a vague recollection that there were some BALDWIN 2-6-2PTs too. So who's going to offer an RTR Hunslet 4-6-0T ? Regards, John Isherwood.
  9. You're not looking in the correct place - try http://www.cctrans.org.uk/ . Regards, John Isherwood.
  10. It's my fault, I was stupid enough to defend someone who had the temerity to post some information that he'd got from the publisher on 'Weatheringman's thread'; (though he didn't start it). I, so I thought, mildly admonished Wm for the dismissive tone that he used in his rebuttal, at which point said gent got all huffy and stormed off with 'his ball'. I have subsequently had a couple of agitated PMs from Wm to which I replied, trying to placate him, but I will now ignore any further communication from him. It's a shame really - he posted some useful stuff - but it seems that he needed to be regarded as the 'sole oracle' on this subject. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Regards, John Isherwood.
  11. You missed the bit at the bottom - ITEM CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE.
  12. Oh come on - where did I ever suggest that your information was speculation? What facts have I got wrong? Did I not acknowledge the value of your input? I deliberately moderated my comments; I merely wished to inject a little balance. You were rather dismissive of King Pin's posting, weren't you? Please don't take an attempt to defend someone who had the initiative to seek some information as a personal affront; your response so far smacks of 'taking your ball home'. Regards, John Isherwood.
  13. Look at the other two photos - if they aren't GWR plateframe bogies I've been wasting my time all these years, thinking that I was learning something about British railways !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  14. .... but what's it doing with GWR plate-frame bogies - or did Swindon export to the USA ?!? Regards, John Isherwood.
  15. As I recall, the RB was the source of some very much appreciated 'corporate hospitality' when one was a valued or potential client of the exhibitor - though, with hindsight, the beer was rubbish in those days !!! Regards, John Isherwood.
  16. A little strong, perhaps? King Pin published in good faith the information that was provided to him by the publisher - surely there is no need to get all 'proprietorial' about it? You have posted much useful information in this thread, and it is appreciated, but that does not preclude others from posting information that they have gained by contact with the publisher. Whether the information provided is accurate, and whether it should have been given out, is an internal matter for the publisher. I would not describe King Pin's posting as being "infested by idle speculation and wish listing". You have not revealed your source, but we take your information at face value; I would expect that we will do the same with King Pin's information; he has at least declared his source. This thread will be ruined if it descends into a "my source is better than your source" slanging match !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  17. This is contrary to what has been posted here and elsewhere; many modellers from various backgrounds state that the new Pledge Klear, though cloudy in the bottle, dries to the same clear high gloss. See http://georgedentmodelmaker.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/klear-ing-things-up.html . I can't confirm this from personal experience - my shed contains a sizeable hoard of the original Klear !!! Regards, John Isherwood.
  18. I bow to your superior knowledge !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  19. Do a Google search on Johnsons Pledge Klear. Regards, John Isherwood.
  20. I have found that the liquid in Brasso can craze some clear plastics - the finest possible wet-and-dry paper, used wet, preceded by a fibreglass stick if necessary, is safer IMHO. Regards, John Isherwood.
  21. Not intentionally - my understanding is that the large tender was used to give adequate water capacity on the SR. The coal space dividing plate was there to reduce the coal load and save the fireman having to pull coal forward, but some would inevitably have fallen into the rear part during coaling. Regards, John Isherwood.
  22. I bought the sole example available at Asda Bodmin - the first of this series that I have purchased. I had vowed not to do so - I already have an Airfix kit model running on a Tri-ang chassis, and a Bachmann RTR version. However, I have a Kemilway chassis kit, plus wheels, gearbox and motor, which were scheduled to replace the chassis on the Airfix model. I've a feeling that these will now be donated to the GBL model !! Detailing and minor refinements to the body should suffice, plus a repaint / relivery. All in all, a good basis for an excellent layout loco. Regards, John Isherwood
  23. That's a PW crane - I seriously doubt that it could lift an EE 350HP shunter !! Regards, John Isherwood.
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