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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. It's the screen calibration ! I happened to look at this thread on my wife's lap-top - the carmine was nowhere near as 'orangey', (though still brighter than the models appear in daylight). Regards, John Isherwood.
  2. Steve, 'Fraid not - the smallest sheet that I can print in 4mm. scale is A6 - which scales up to A4 in 7mm. scale. Sorry, John.
  3. Just been watching "What became of the Likely Lads"; did they use these photos in the opening sequences? (Only joking ) !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  4. This comes up every time there's a new loco on the horizon. The days when the Tri-ang service department could wander through into the factory and pick up a body moulding from the bin are long-gone. For one thing, loco bodies are no longer one piece moulding; (thank goodness); they have to be assembled from numerous components by skilled staff. Secondly, stocks of surplus components are no longer kept at the factory; sufficient bits for the ordered production batch will be produced, and assembled into finished models. Any small surplus of components will be dumped before they move on to the next production order. We read daily of complete models arriving with loose bits, despite careful and complex packing. How do you pack multi-part loco bodies so that they arrive even largely intact after being shipped halfway round the world? Model railway production has changed out of all recognition. Like it or not, if you want to be certain of getting a specific model (or part of a model) you pre-order the whole item and await its arrival. Either that, or you wait on the off-chance that someone will eventually dispose of the part that you want via Ebay. Regards, John Isherwood.
  5. I can't get my head round this - mine look much 'muddier' than this. I'll get the camera out later and see how mine photograph. Regards, John Isherwood.
  6. Rob, Do yours really look like this in daylight, or have they been photographed under some form of artificial light that has rendered a more accurate depiction of carmine? Regards, John Isherwood.
  7. Spot on !! It always amuses me that people who turn up their noses at OO chassis standards expect to be able to save money by buying just part of a model; those days are long gone. If you can build a better chassis then you can surely build the body too ? Ebay may oblige in time, but if you're in a hurry you'll have to buy a complete model and sell the chassis on Ebay - someone's bound to want it to stick in a defunct Airfix 14XX ! Regards, John Isherwood.
  8. So why are mine a much darker crimson? Regards, John Isherwood.
  9. The courier has delivered my rake of five. Whilst the standard of modelling and detail is superb, I'm not sure that I can live with Hornby's interpretation of carmine. I suspect that some very careful masking and a respray with Precision (ex-Cherry) Faded Crimson will be called for to correctly portray late 50s / very early 60s condition. Regards, John Isherwood.
  10. Hornby have just taken payment for a full five car rake in carmine and cream livery, and advise that all five are in their warehouse. Regards, John Isherwood.
  11. https://www.flickr.com/photos/12a_kingmoor_klickr/21281762441/in/photostream/ An interesting illustration of how lettering yellows with time and wear. Regards, John Isherwood.
  12. You must have a subliminal knocking detector as sensitive as a seismometer, then! Where was P4 even alluded to? Why would it be impossible to produce P4 wheels with a Markits-style axle? (Nothing was said about the likelihood of Markits producing them itself). Why do some P4 advocates perceive knocking even when no denigration has taken place? But - if the cap fits !! (.... and that is denigratory). Please - can P4 modellers just get on with it, without feeling the need to proselytise or accuse us heathens of blasphemy all of the time? Regards, John Isherwood.
  13. Robin, With respect, anything scheduled for release in February / March 2016 already exists, and may well be in this country. No chance of any modifications. Regards, John Isherwood.
  14. I can't remember, frankly - but they will be provided in some form; plus my transfer sheet includes the number and works plates. (PART SHEET) Regards, John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  15. Ian, If you are referring to the kit originator - it was his (mischievous) idea. Regards, John.
  16. In my case, the charge was refunded to the payment card quite promptly. Regards, John Isherwood.
  17. That's odd - the photos of GT3 being scrapped in a private scrapyard show the numberplate still installed - on one side at least. Regards, John Isherwood.
  18. It's coming on ! This is the test build of the chassis kit under a Golden Arrow Productions body kit. Look at those prototypically hefty, roller bearing coupling rods ! Once the kit is released - it will be announced in the model press and here - all of the necessary components should be available to 'Build a Better GT3' ! Not long now ! Regards, John Isherwood.
  19. No question in C3012 & C3013 which route the St. Ives branch sand trains took, then !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  20. I think that you're correct - but a certain Adrian Swain* should be able, on his return to full health, to supply buffers with the correct sized heads. Regards, John Isherwood. * Ooops - where's the mouthwash !! (See ABS temporary closure thread - this just goes to prove my point about ABS components being indispensible).
  21. Thank you for the .pdf. I count four vans as having survived Nationalisation; though a couple were only for two years or so. I am surprised that the allocation of 8780 is given as TYWYN; the anglicised spelling of TOWYN was universally used in the 1940s / 50s / 60s, in the same way that the current PORTHMADOG was always PORTMADOC. I'm afraid that I cannot produce transfers for just four vans - the smallest sheet that I can print is A6 !! Sorry, John.
  22. I couldn't say, not having the book. If there is an interest in BR-WR transfers for GWR constituent pre-grouping brakevans, I would need twenty pairs of authentic allocations / van numbers. These should ideally be supported by photos, so that the layout of the lettering can be correct. Over to you and other interested parties. Regards, John.
  23. Sadly, none recorded in www.gwr.org.uk/notes/brakeallocations.doc - which was my source. Regards, John.
  24. Larry, All of my transfers, being digitally designed and printed to order, are available from the moment that I finish the design. Once mentioned here and on my website, they can be ordered. PM me your address and your transfers will be in Monday's first class postal collection - or today's if you get back to me quickly ! Regards, John.
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