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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Drawing pins are available in a multitude of sizes. Regards, John Isherwood.
  2. Back in the 1960s I used drawing pin heads soldered to brass shim to 3-rail a K's J70 W&U tram loco - and anyone who has seen one of these will know that clearance between the underside of the motor bogie and the rails was minimal !! It worked a treat and was surprisingly powerful. Regards, John Isherwood.
  3. I believe that this was filmed on the Longmoor Military Railway and, as can be seen earlier in the clip, Longmoor painted its Wickhams blue with black / yellow wasp stripes on the ends. Regards, John Isherwood.
  4. I hate to say it - but "should have gone to Specsavers"! Sorry. John Isherwood.
  5. Tried that - in fact I felt that it was the only design of pick-up that stood any chance of working. The problem is not pick-up drag, it's insufficient weight, the need to overcome inside bearing friction, and the necessarily tiny motor. Regards, John Isherwood.
  6. I don't see why not. The roof hatches are from the original models, cut off with a razor saw. Regards, John.
  7. I'm pretty sure that it was from the LMS Coaches books - the one with NPCCS in it. Regards, John.
  8. Received today :- "Here's the revised test etch of the GT3 chassis, awaiting sign-off. All being well the kit should be on sale in 6-8 weeks. The kit is etched in nickel silver and gives you all the essentials for building your own chassis, CAD-engineered to an extraordinarily high standard of accuracy. It now includes functional inner bogie and tender frames, as well as wheel balance weights, full brake gear and GT3’s distinctive coupling rods. Three versions will be available – GT3 Basic, which is the full etch seen here plus plain bearings for the loco and tender; GT3 Special, which adds a top-of-the-range Mashima can motor and a custom-designed gearbox; and GT3 Deluxe, which additionally includes a set of High Level hornblocks for those who wish to build their model with compensation. All versions can be built in OO/EM/P4 and the kits include alternative frame spacers. Prices yet to be finalised, due to last-minute fluctuations in the yen . . . A full account of building the prototype chassis will be in the May issue of Hornby magazine, out in a couple of weeks". (See previous postings for pre-ordering arrangements from High Level Models). Regards, John Isherwood.
  9. That may have been the initial intention in October 1948 when BRITISH RAILWAYS was being applied to locos, but there is ample evidence that this was not perpetuated into the first and second BR emblem eras. Cream / straw yellow numbering was standard practice during the majority of the BR steam era. Regards, John Isherwood.
  10. I have followed both links, but have still failed to find any evidence that "ABS has been deluging them with eamils according to his posts on LNER Forum". Perhaps you could be more specific? Regards, John Isherwood.
  11. I do read the LNER Encyclopaedia thread - and nowhere can I find any statement from Adrian that he has contacted OR about the cattle van. Adrian cannot respond here to any statements made about him; therefore here is not a reasonable forum to discuss him. I am sure that Adrian will happily correct you if you care to post misinformation on the LNER Encyclopaedia thread !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  12. I wouldn't disagree with any of this - but to discuss him in his enforced absence is equally disrespectful. Adrian is no longer here - so he shouldn't be brought into discussions when he can't participate. Seems simple to me !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  13. Perhaps you could substantiate that statement? I have not been able to find where he has stated this. I am assured that Adrian has contacted OR on two occasions only about their products - and never about their LNER cattle wagon. It would appear that this conversation, concerning someone who cannot respond in person, is in danger of entering the realms of fantasy; (as Captain Mainwaring would say)! Why not contact Adrian directly via the LNER Encyclopaedia if you wish to comment on his postings, rather than on a group where you know he cannot correct you personally? .... and while I'm on my soapbox, why do some members feel the need to demonise Adrian concerning his acquisitions? As I have stated before, Adrian spent his resources acquiring defunct ranges rather than see them lost forever. The masters still exist as a consequence, even if the kits haven't been reintroduced. Otherwise, they would now be buried in landfill! I understand that Adrian was banned because members objected to his sometimes lengthy criticisms of new products. So - he's gone; why then continue making one-sided swipes at him? Regards, John Isherwood.
  14. Agreed - anyone who has one of these locos and hasn't stockpiled a couple of those incredibly cheap replacement motors; http://www.ebay.co.u...=STRK:MEBIDX:IT ; has more faith than I have !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  15. I use 3mm. lead flashing -as wagon solebars are 3mm. deep. My neighbour had about 3ft. left from a roll that he'd used to line a roof valley; we did a deal !! Should see me out !!! Your local roofer may well be glad to do a deal on his offcuts. Regards, John Isherwood.
  16. Just imagine it with silver bogies, raised chrome bodyside strip and numbers, plus an early BR crest !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  17. Being of the Tony Wright persuasion, I don't do digital. If the appropriate sound can't be produced by a cariacature of the prototype mechanics, I'll not bother. After all, none of my other motive power sounds like the real thing. It's the challenge of playing around with ex-China bits-and-bobs, costing next to nothing on Ebay and AliExpress, that appeals. If I get it right, the fans will cut in before the loco moves off, and will overrun after it stops. Nothing ventured - nothing gained; (though it could all end as did my venture into the self-propelled Wickham trolley) !!! Regards, John Isherwood.
  18. So - my challenge is to reproduce something of that turbine 'whine' in 4mm. scale, using purely mechanical components for DC operation. I have a selection of miniature instrument fans that can be 'ganged' together, and will experiment with various venturi tubes on the output side !!! Regards, John Isherwood.
  19. "...... bullied rail track .........." ?????? Surely bullhead - or was it really being abused and coerced ?? Regards, John Isherwood.
  20. .... or you could simply solder a piece of thin springy wire to the bearing rim, with the opposite end bent trough 90 degrees and loosely anchored in a hole drilled in the frame. The bearing can't rotate, but it can move up and down. (Do I hear the model engineers amongst us having a fit of the vapours)? Regards, John Isherwood.
  21. Perhaps ask the Mods to combine the two threads? (... if that's possible). Regards, John Isherwood.
  22. Stewart, I understand that ordering will be direct from High Level; their site indicates availability from May / June. Regards, John.
  23. Correct - and I understand that there will be in-depth coverage in the model press imminently; (see post #61). Regards, John Isherwood.
  24. Well - there have been announcements concerning retrenchment directly from Mainly Trains; opening times have been significantly reduced; and the range on offer is by no means as extensive as it once was. It certainly isn't a 'we're shutting tomorrow' situation, but modellers would be wise to stock up on items which are not available elsewhere. Regards, John Isherwood.
  25. I have never seen anything like 9211-12 Rauceby Van 2.jpg - the continuous joint around the body suggests that the upper part of the van might have been removeable to convert it into an open wagon. Added to which, the perforated metal ventilation suggests, perhaps, fish traffic. Fascinating ! Regards, John Isherwood.
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