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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Clearly, we are talking about two entirely different problems. I am not clear where deliveries via a 44 tonner entered the debate - but evidently they have significance for you. John Isherwood.
  2. I can only believe that you are deliberately not reading what I have posted; EVERYTHING that I have posted relates to postal deliveries via RM. NOTHING about courier or carrier deliveries; NOTHING about typos - indeed, I have deliberately emphasised the need for CORRECT postcodes. The fact remains that I have twenty-five years experience of trouble-free posting and receiving via RM, using only the most basic address plus CORRECT postcode. Other experiences are, no doubt, available. John Isherwood.
  3. Whatever ran on it - it had a VERY short wheelbase; viz. the turntable. John Isherwood.
  4. Perhaps this is the layover stop - and his girlfriend lives in the terrace?!? 😉 John Isherwood.
  5. As I understand it, under the new 'commercial activity' rules I'm afraid that such queries must be conducted by PM. John Isherwood.
  6. Alton, Watercress Line. Transport of crates of watercress, perchance? John Isherwood.
  7. Sodium bulbs had an orange light, surely? John Isherwood.
  8. As I understand it, John Isherwood does not do LNER transfers either. John Isherwood.
  9. Ugly great thing, though - unless gizmos are more important than authentic appearance! CJI.
  10. Parkside obviously know the proportion of modellers building for the BR period, as opposed to the LNER period. They've concluded that most LNER transfers would end up in the waste bin, so they don't bother to supply them. John Isherwood.
  11. How can we offer a 'new' model for minimal investment? I know - leave off the end weights and modify the footboard tooling. Job done! John Isherwood.
  12. I'll stick to my MTK / Hornby Park Royal two car DMU - which is next onto the workbench! John Isherwood.
  13. I only ever input name, house number, road, town and postcode in ANY online address form. I get mail and deliveries from, literally, all over the world, via RM and all the other couriers / carriers. In thirteen years at this address, there have been zero mis-deliveries. I also send letters and packages worldwide via the same means, and the written addresses are similarly name, house number, town and poscode - plus country where not UK. Again, no mis-deliveries. What else can I tell you? John Isherwood.
  14. Ah - for me, it would have to be an indulgent item of patisserie (tarte aux cerises?) and a glass of something white and crisp! John Isherwood.
  15. £389.00 for a two-car DC DMU at 4mm. scale is, frankly, ludicrous! John Isherwood.
  16. ...... and at no point did I say anything to the contrary! This debate commenced when someone (you?) complained that online MAIL address forms did not provide sufficient space for a full address. I pointed out that district names and counties are NOT required for MAIL deliveries, provided that the correct postcode is provided. Where loading bays and lorry deliveries became relevant, only you know. My last comment on the subject - all that is needed for MAIL deliveries are property number / name, street, town and post code; (and you can usually omit the middle two, if you wish). John Isherwood.
  17. That photo would suggest the the etched ducket has been radiused too sharply. CJI.
  18. You miss the point entirely. It doesn't matter if every town in Kent is called Lydden - they would all have unique postcodes. If the correct postcode is clearly written on the item, the sorting procedure will send it to the correct Lydden. The same applies to counties - write the correct postcode clearly and the county is irrelevant; no matter how many towns of the same name there are in how many counties. The postal address is linked to the unique postcode - the 'actual' address is irrelevant. I repeat - UK postcodes are unique, and convey EVERYTHING in the postal address except the individual property within that unique postcode. CJI.
  19. Within the UK, all you need - at most - is house name or number (not both), road, town and postcode. In extremis, the house number and postcode will, in most cases, suffice. The county is totally irrelevant; and, after all, postcodes were invented so as to do away with all that rigmarole! CJI.
  20. Tony, Some short while ago, you sold to me, on behalf of a CRUK donor, a rake of eleven Trix 'whisky wagons' - thank you. These wagons have now been treated to a little care and attention, and are running-in on my glorified test track. 20240806_110714.mp4 Also running-in at present, and within your recent theme of ancient kits, is a recently completed Anbrico kit for the ex-GWR railcar W14W. This latter has been modified to conform to its condition as running in the early days of BR(WR) - ie., with some of the valance panels removed. The kit did not come with cosmetic bogie sideframes, but I was fortunate to obtain some pre-production casting for these. The model is powered by a Black Beetle power bogie. Regards, John Isherwood.
  21. Nail, head!!! It would seem that that concept is beyond the comprehension of modern business. No loss to such small suppliers; there are many alternative means of promoting 'word of mouth'. CJI.
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