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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Not applicable in this case, but I understand what you are saying. Unfortunately, you are mistaken - the lift link is there so that both handbrake levers can be at the RH end, and pressing them down will rotate the cross-shaft in the same direction. In the early days, one handle would have been at the RH end, and the other side would have been at the LH end, as they were both attached directly to the same shaft. Regards, John Isherwood.
  2. Please could you post a link to this company; not one I have come across so far - thank goodness !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  3. What I have grasped is that we live in an excess information age, unfortunately. It would seem that at least half of the population do not believe in their own existence, unless they are broadcasting their current activities to all and sundry - who really needs to know and who really cares? It's the same with model railways - a certain section of the membership of this list cannot really believe that Kernow will eventually release the early Warships, unless they are reassured on a regular basis that it is true. Surely life is short enough as it is, without wasting time worriting about things that we can't influence? Again I say - there MUST be something more productive for you to do? Regards, John Isherwood.
  4. I'm afraid that I still cannot understand how regular updates to the effect that 'Nothing's changed' can improve any company's interests, or reassure prospective purchasers. You've said that updates should be positive, not a repetition of 'no news'; just how can this be achieved if there really is no news? What you are actually asking for is faster progress, so that there is always something new to report. Sadly, that doesn't seem to be achievable with current workloads in China. Regards, John Isherwood.
  5. Some of us quite liked 1990 - patience hadn't been abolished then ! Regards, John Isherwood.
  6. Perhaps you would care to elucidate as to what your point was; (and I didn't deliberately miss anything, nor was I abusive); and then I can provide a more precise response? Regards, John Isherwood.
  7. ...... which bend at the application of the slightest pressure. Regards, John Isherwood.
  8. What material difference will it make to any of us if we are regularly told "Not yet"? Surely all the efforts of the commissioners, producers and manufacturers are best directed towards getting the model out? All this 'communicate with me' is just impatience; find something productive to do - the models will arrive when they arrive. ..... and if you don't like the sometimes protracted delays prior to the arrival of commissioned models, don't pre-order them. Regards, John Isherwood.
  9. From what I can see of the cab back, the curve is almost certainly associated with a vertical mismatch of the locations for the upper and lower edges. It surely cannot be beyond the whit of man to detach the cab rear, and make minor adjustments to the top and bottom locating faces, such that the cab back can be replaced truly vertically? I know the constant plea of those who buy but don't model - Why should I have to? - but your choice is a curved cab back or return the loco - and you may well not be able to obtain a replacement that satisfies you. Such is life !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  10. Be aware that this sheet is for pre-Nationalisation TUBE wagons in BR livery. Regards, John Isherwood.
  11. I have no pressing desire to become involved with pre-Nationalisation transfers - if Railtec can oblige, great! All I would say is that my sheets of numbering, etc. specifically designed as complete numbers for particular RTR and kit ranges are very popular, and you may wish to follow that format. Regards, John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  12. Unless someone tells me differently, all the indications are that the HMRS transfers are produced by traditional screen-printing. If the transfers are no longer of a satisfactory quality, it's almost certainly down to the current state of the master artwork, and / or the ability of the current screen-printers to use it accurately. If it is desired to continue with screen-printed transfers, either the artwork needs redrawing, or a competant screen-printer needs to be found who can produce acceptable products. There are newer technologies out there - and the ALPS system is definitely NOT one to consider - and I am not the the person to advise; Railtec seem to be the market leaders in such matters. My ALPS printing system can produce incredible transfers within certain, very clearly defined, criteria - which suit BR steam / early diesel liveries. It cannot reproduce the modern vinyl liveries, with their subtle shade gradations, but it MIGHT be able to reproduce much of the Big Four markings - I simply don't know, because I haven't tried. What is certain is that there are much better options to screen-printing for anyone looking to re-launch an existing, fairly broad range of transfer products, or to introduce an entirely new range. I have always been up-front about the limitations of what I can and can't do, and I always redirect enquiries for products outside my sphere of interest to those producers whom I feel can best fulfil the enquirier's requirements. Regards, John isherwood. https://www.cctrans.org.uk/
  13. I am flattered - but then that was the intention, wasn't it? I have nothing against the LNER - or any other railway company for that matter. The trouble is, I know b****r all about any railway liveries except those of the BR steam / early diesel era ones, with which I grew up. Moreover, transfers take up more of my potential modelling time than I can reasonably afford as it is, so there's zero chance of me starting to research a new field at my age. Now, if someone who could be trusted to know what they are talking about; who can draw digitally in CorelDRAW (not later than Version 7); came to me and said "Print this, and no-one will say it's wrong"; and needed colours that the Alps printing system can produce; I might well be amenable to persuasion - it's been done before! Ball back in someone's court - not mine. Regards, John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  14. It was ! Regards, John Isherwood. EXCLUSIVE AIRBRUSH READER OFFER! £139 RRP YOU PAY JUST £87! SAVING YOU MORE THAN £50! Start airbrushing today with this exclusive BRM Offer. We’ll send you everything listed below for just £87! SP30KC Airbrush / Compressor kit SP2700 Cleaning Jar SP9120 Airbrush Cleaner PMA2002 Masking tape twin pack 2mm PMA2003 Masking tape twin pack 3mm PMA2006 Masking tape twin pack 6mm PMA2010 Masking tape twin pack 10mm PMA1018 Masking tape single pack 18mm
  15. There were several batches of bogie vans built around 1960; CCTs and PMVs. No Diagram : CCT(E) (GER ILFORD STOCK U-F) - Nos.E71035-99E, SOME FOR ANGLO-SCOTTISH CAR CARRIER No Diagram : CCT(E) (LNER ILFORD STOCK U-F) - Nos.E71000-34E, SOME FOR ANGLO-SCOTTISH CAR CARRIER No Diagram : PMV (GER ILFORD STOCK U-F) - Nos.E6001-23E, E6025-81E NPCS Diagram 817 : CCT (Ex LNER U-F) - E96200E - E96203E (previously allocated freight stock E889030 - E889033). Regards, John Isherwood.
  16. The photos are NOT my copyright. No Diagram issued Diagram 817 (E96202E, preserved at GCR) Diagram 817 Regards, John Isherwood.
  17. Unfortunately not! The person who has taken them on has, I believe, family or marital associations with MJT etc., but the latter apparently have no business interests in Falcon Brassworks. There has been a lot of negative feedback concerning FB; principally relating to poor / non-existent communications and extended delays in delivery of goods that have been paid for. I have, until recently, been strongly defensive of FB, as the proprietor has exceptional family pressures which affect her ability to conduct business. Unfortunately though, I have now had to join the nay-sayers. In a misguided attempt to support a trader who had received bad publicity, I ordered and paid for two different kits well before Christmas. One was delivered promptly, together with a note stating that there would be a short delay in re-ordering the other item ordered. After some weeks, a second example of the first kit was delivered, which I promptly returned at my own expense. Since then, repeated requests for the correct second kit - or at least an acknowledgement of receipt of the returned item - have been met with a wall of total silence. I can no longer defend a trader who simply ignores her customers for indefinite periods, and I have requested the correct kit or a refund within four weeks - I'm not holding my breath! Regards, John Isherwood.
  18. Indeed it is - it looks as if it's entering a worm hole into another space / time continuum !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  19. .... as was virtually everything else - except the 9Fs, when they had proved that they didn't need help. Regards, John isherwood.
  20. I've got a photo of the Brit at BGP somewhere. I have to agree re the Clans - perhaps that's why, after testing 72006, they didn't build the second batch !?! Regards, John Isherwood.
  21. I don't know if these would help; (not my copyright)? Regards, John Isherwood.
  22. Yer man CCT does not, I'm afraid. The difficulty is the lack of reliable records of what was actually built, as opposed to what was supposed to have been built, and the corresponding lack of information re style / dumbering / lettering. ....... and they're just outside my self-imposed timescale ! Sorry, John Isherwood.
  23. Get some of the strong stuff from your local carpet layer - but be absolutely certain that you've got the alignment right before you put any pressure on the track !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  24. My model is now repainted and relined / numbered as 72006; just the final details to add, and then I'll post a photo. As I model the S&DJR in 1961, there is no justification whatsoever for a Clan - except that there are strong indications that some of the unbuilt second batch of Clans could have been allocated for traffic on the S&DJR. My story will be that 72006 has been sent down from Carlisle to undertake trials, prior to the (fictional) build of the second batch. Regards, John Isherwood.
  25. Not a photo, IMHO, just an artist's impression. Regards, John Isherwood.
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