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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. As a sufferer from anxiety attacks myself, I would advise that you take deep breaths and remind yourself that the onus is on the supplier - NRM - to make sure that you get the model that you've paid for. It has been stated that they have a surplus supply, over and above those pre-ordered, so you WILL get a Single even if your intended one has gone astray. A few days here or there is not a disaster, is it? It would be as well for everybody's mental health if all of this angst could be got into perspective, and a little reasoned thinking injected. Regards, John Isherwood.
  2. I think that it is now fair to say that it would appear that APC are the weak link in the chain. Transposed names / addresses tends to indicate slap-dash work - perhaps induced by the pressure being applied to get these moels out, in order to bring to an end the "Where's mine"? postings here. More haste - less speed !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  3. For crying out loud - it's a toy train; the world will NOT end if yours arrives a couple of days later than someone else's !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  4. Ray, The link works for me - but your link produces exactly the same content. Regards, John.
  5. Might I suggest that your loads are rather too high and rounded. Try http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/gansg/9-loads/9-tarps.htm?showpage=true . Regards, John Isherwood.
  6. Shame about the gaping hole in the rear bufferbeam and the huge projectig nut and bolt, though. Is the price to be paid for using Kaydee couplings? Regards, John Isherwood.
  7. Not my work !! Just images harvested from a Google search. Regards, John Isherwood.
  8. Nice work - but a little word of criticism. The tarpaulins should be much tighter - if the wind got under all those wrinkles and slack it'd blow up like a balloon when in motion. The tarpaulin would be roped down, and there'd be taut lines in the canvas along the lines of strain of the ropes. Any slack / folds would be carefully secured with ropes to ensure that no loose canvas could be caught on lineside obstructions. I hope that this is helpful. Regards, John Isherwood.
  9. As late as that? I am going to have to change my pre-order back to D601 without headcodes and half yellow ends - I only just changed it to D602 !! Sorry, Kernow, John Isherwood.
  10. Nope - that's geometrically impossible; (read definition of 'parallel') !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  11. So did those of us who remembered the original - and we were / are content. Regards, John Isherwood.
  12. Is this the first 4mm. scale RTR wagon produced that has representations of weld fillets in the fabricated drop-sides? Most impressive. Regards, John Isherwood.
  13. J141 - the 4F is shunting ex-LMS Stonebridge Park bogie hoppers. Regards, John Isherwood.
  14. Where do these myths come from? Penrith Beacon has just set to prove (to himself) at the NRM that there was only one colour - and succeeded. Then we get Kardedron re-opening the non-mystery by throwing in no less than six colours !! I give up !!! Regards, John Isherwood.
  15. I think that we got the wrong link there ! Regards, John Isherwood.
  16. ZM9 was the BR number of CREWE - and don't forget ZM32. NOT MY COPYRIGHT; WILL REMOVE IF REQUESTED. Regards, John Isherwood.
  17. There was until very recently - or may still be - one in Aberystwyth. Regards, John Isherwood.
  18. Combined road / rail bridges - with just a single shared carriageway / rail track - seem to be quite common in New Zealand, if my experience is anything to go by. Regards, John Isherwood.
  19. As indicated above, the CWR wagons were extensively modified for their new role - I can't imagine that the TMC / Bachmann models would be a viable starting point. Regards, John Isherwood.
  20. Now available - transfers to suit the new TMC / Bachmann models of steel-bodied DOUBLE BOLSTER, PLATE & WINKLE wagons. I have added four new sheets to my web-site; see https://www.cctrans.org.uk/latest.htm (and refresh your browser if necessary) :- Sheet BL173a : BR S&T departmental PLATE / WINKLE wagons - LMR allocations. All 28 numbers / allocations, together with all other markings including builders / numberplates. Sheet BL173b : BR S&T departmental PLATE / WINKLE wagons - ScR allocations. All 15 numbers / allocations, together with all other markings including builders / numberplates. Sheet BL174 : BR, ex-LNER & ex-LMS steel-bodied 4-wheeled DOUBLE BOLSTER wagons. 36 sets of lettering / numbering covering all diagrams. Sheet BL175 : BR, ex-LNER & ex-LMS steel-bodied 4-wheeled PLATE wagons. 36 sets of lettering / numbering covering all diagrams. Now you can purchase as many of these new wagons as you wish, and ensure that no two carry the same number. Full details, including pricing, ordering and payment can be found via the above link. Regards, John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  21. The designs for the transfers to suit the new TMC / Bachmann models of steel-bodied DOUBLE BOLSTER, PLATE & WINKLE wagons are now complete, and I have added four new sheets to my web-site; see https://www.cctrans.org.uk/latest.htm (and refresh your browser if necessary) :- Sheet BL173a : BR S&T departmental PLATE / WINKLE wagons - LMR allocations. All 28 numbers / allocations, together with all other markings including builders / numberplates. Sheet BL173b : BR S&T departmental PLATE / WINKLE wagons - ScR allocations. All 15 numbers / allocations, together with all other markings including builders / numberplates. Sheet BL174 : BR, ex-LNER & ex-LMS steel-bodied 4-wheeled DOUBLE BOLSTER wagons. 36 sets of lettering / numbering covering all diagrams. Sheet BL175 : BR, ex-LNER & ex-LMS steel-bodied 4-wheeled PLATE wagons. 36 sets of lettering / numbering covering all diagrams. Now you can purchase as many of these new wagons as you wish, and ensure that no two carry the same number. Full details, including pricing, ordering and payment can be found via the above link. Regards, John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  22. The Cambrian crane is not really a breakdown crane - it's more a mobile yard crane used to load and unload bulky / long items in yards not equipped with their own ground-mounted crane. As such, it would move around in local freight trains, with little or nothing in the way of support; at best, perhaps a superannuated van for lifting tackle. Regards, John Isherwood.
  23. Just a note to say that I have already completed the design of a transfer sheet for relettering / renumbering the S&T PLATE / WINKLE version, which includes all of the wagons allocated to the LMR; I am about to start work on a second sheet for the ScR allocated wagons. Once that is completed, I will design relettering / renumbering sheets for all of the BR steam / early diesel era versions of the PLATE and twin BOLSTER wagons that have been produced by TMC / Bachmann. I will post again here when these new sheets appear on my web-site. Regards, John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers. https://www.cctrans.org.uk/
  24. My WINKLE arrived today - (who's a lucky boy then)! Very nice indeed - though it's a Scottish Region example. I will be relettering and renumbering mine as the final one of the series which, along with one other, actually carried the designation WINKLE. I am wondering whether to produce a sheet of transfers for all of the departmental versions of the PLATE - David Larkin recorded all of the original markings / allocations. The departmental wagons were only originally allocated to the LMR and ScR - though some did migrate further afield later. If you would be interested in buying a sheet of transfers for the departmental wagons, please PM me. Regards, John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers. https://www.cctrans.org.uk/
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