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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. I really don't understand why many people fell for the banks' hype that cheques were going to be abolished. There are still a good percentage who didn't, though - some 50% of my customers still pay with cheques, which I can pay into my bank account at any post office. I don't accept credit card payment simply on the grounds of cost - the banks want a significant cut of my turnover simply so that I can accept payment. The reports of the death of the cheque were (fortunately) greatly exaggerated! Regards, John Isherwood, Cambridge Custom Transfers.
  2. Only a small point, but this is not my experience - though, if you use tight radii, you may have problems. Regards, John Isherwood.
  3. I would suspect the 3D printed rods - they are almost certainly stretching under load. Regards, John Isherwood.
  4. So when was the new forum rule introduced that you can only post to a topic if you've bought the item in question? During forty years in a profession that often involved press statements, I quickly learned that you NEVER make a definitive statement that you have not personally verified. If you state that "you know where all stock is", and "all incorrectly delivered models are now collected" you MUST have verified that information personally; not taken some other party's word for it, especially when that party is responsible for the cock-up in the first place. Before making such claims, I would want to have seen the list giving the whereabouts of each and every model. and have checked the stock held against that list. Not to do so is laying yourself open to exactly such a rebuff as has now occurred. My comment is solely about public relations and the need to verify claims before making statements - as such, I would hope that is would be taken as part of the learning process at the (N)RM. Regards, John Isherwood.
  5. As a totally non-involved observer of this saga, you would be well-advised not to make untrue or exaggerated statements. You posted :- Yes we know where all stock is, and have a full stock record of all models delivered & collected. All incorrectly delivered models are now collected so I have ask our fulfilment provider why they have contacted people. If anyone is still awaiting collection please PM and I will investigate straight away and records show all miss delivered have been collected. If "you know where all stock is", and "all incorrectly delivered models are now collected", why would you go on to post "If anyone is still awaiting collection"? You were almost immediately notified of a model that had not been collected, but still you post "The true whereabouts of all models is known" !! This may be what you are telling your superiors, but it patently obviously is not true. Perhaps you might be better occupied in getting on top of this issue, rather than digging yourself deeper and deeper by posting mis-information here? Regards, John Isherwood.
  6. ..... or an unscrupulous seller might think that forgery would up the apparent appeal of a mediocre model? Regards, John Isherwood.
  7. .... only if BRM had the same negative experience as reported here, and was prepared to say so. I'm not holding my breath. Regards, John Isherwood.
  8. Mix a tiny amount of black with the green, and test the new shade on the edge of a piece of printer paper - check for match. Repeat until a match is achieved. Regards, John Isherwood.
  9. I hesitate to suggest it, but ..... dirty / uneven track? Regards, John Isherwood.
  10. My Mk.1 coaching stock has a very large proportion of Tri-ang-Hornby, (and Lima), upgrades in it's make-up. Given that these coaches can be obtained for very little money - especially from secondhand boxes at exhibitions, etc. - a little work resetting bogie centre, fitting larger metal wheels, correcting running height and fitting correct buffers and roof vents is time well spent. Cast underframe detail - from ABS at the time that I upgraded mine some twenty years ago - greatly improved accuracy and replaced the steel weight strips fitted by Tri-ang-Hornby. The glazing is recessed - I can live with that - but investigating Replica flush glazing may be productive; or recessing the (detachable) sides to take flusher glazing strips is worth considering. The annoying thing is that the Tri-ang coaches were originally designed to have flush glazing as per Kitmaster, but this was dropped in favour of acetate glazing strips to keep the coaches as cheap as possible. Close examination of the interior of the side mouldings will reveal features associated with moulded flush glazing. Regards, John Isherwood.
  11. The side where the rods are across the wheel centres at the stiff point. Regards, John Isherwood.
  12. Please read a few of the more recent postings on this subject. Regards, John Isherwood.
  13. Spot-on ! But then in wouldn't be able to be outsourced as it wouldn't be self-financing. Of course, the toilets on trains aren't self-financing; I wonder ............ ! (Did Ryanair really try that one - or was it just an April 1st spoof)? Regards, John Isherwood.
  14. It certainly has potential, but the chimney proportions look like something off the 'Rocket' ! Regards, John Isherwood.
  15. You destroy your own argument with your own semantics ! 2 +1 = 3 ; agreed. 5 - 2 = 3 ; 0 + 3 = 3 ; 10 - 7 = 3 ; ..... and so on, ad nauseum. The result (3) can be arrived at via an infinite number of operations; just because I put forward one such operation does not exclude or negate any of the other combinations. Just because I cited one possible cause of motor destruction did NOT imply that it applied in this case. I will be interested to see how you counter those facts - semantics or no; I prefer good old logic. Regards, John Isherwood.
  16. My comment did not say that - it indicated that heavy handling COULD lead to stalling and motor damage. Nowhere did it say that heavy handling was the SOLE cause of stalling. Please read more carefully in future. Regards, John Isherwood.
  17. LOADHAULER+ ; ratio depends on the top speed required and the motor used; the proprietor of HL will happily advise. Regards, John Isherwood.
  18. Having just fitted three Airfix 4Fs with Comet chassis I can thoroughly recommend them. Combined with Markits wheels, High Level gearbox, Mashima motor and a substantial flywheel, the running is superb. Regards, John Isherwood.
  19. Exactly !! Fragile valvegear + heavy handling = jammed valvegear = motor stalled = smoke !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  20. Something that pertained directly to BRM, perchance? Yours cynically, John Isherwood.
  21. I hope that the Moderators know what they are doing here - Larry's valuable input was, for many of us modellers, part of what made RMweb worth spending time on. Regards, John Isherwood.
  22. There was, (a few months ago?), on the Dave F's photos thread, a photo of a similar sized crane in transit to or from Cambois. The caption stated that it was used in the maintenance of the staithes, and the load on the LONG LOW wagon appears to be a section of an elevator or something similar. Regards, John Isherwood.
  23. http://www.derails.co.uk/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=831 Regards, John Isherwood.
  24. Perhaps these are the two 'prototype Roadrailers with flat rooves' that Mr_Tilt remembers? Regards, John Isherwood.
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