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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. The matt varnish is probably acrylic, and doesn't like the white spirit. CJI.
  2. My garage having a separate side door into the garden, the up-and-over door is still in-situ, but sealed. A heavy, waterproof membrane was sealed onto the threshold outside the door, and then taken up inside and behind the door, sealed onto the adjacent brickwork. This has proved to be totally draft and water-proof. CJI.
  3. As far as I recall - yes. CJI.
  4. It requires quite a bit of courage and a bit of strength! Squeeze the lower cabsides until you hear the glue crack - judicious application of a thin blade may help. CJI.
  5. The "gouge out of the bufferbeam" is a basic requirement for most potential customers - so that the loco can pull trains. Being in a small minority has its disadvantages, unfortunately. CJI.
  6. It's not wise to point out what may be considered defects in one's 'new' models! CJI.
  7. My garage conversion was fairly comprehensive (and expensive) - drylined on battens with insulation; insulated ceiling; water barrier, battens and ply to the floor - which is finished with wood-effect vinyl. It has an automatic dewpoint extractor fan fitted, which trips in before condensation can form. This, with a thermostatically controlled background oil-filled radiator ensures that there is no possibility of dampness, and the temperature can be raised to comfort level within ten minutes when in use. As I have said, not cheap - but worth every penny when converting a garage into a 'model railway salon'! 😀 CJI.
  8. That's a shame - I seriously doubt that you would have encountered any animosity. We moved to Cornwall twelve years ago, and have been made most welcome by everyone. The sector of the housing market that is resented is that for second homes - bought at prices that are beyond locals, and unoccupied for fifty weeks of the year! If you buy property as a first home, avoid the immediate coastal area and its grossly inflated prices - we live in Bodmin. The locals appreciate that we use local facilities and shops, and we provide employment for a local gardener. I have joined a group of fellow grumpy old men at the 'local', and my wife and I meet regularly with several equally friendly couples in a coffee shop in Wadebridge. Cornwall is great, and living here is not a guilty pleasure. CJI.
  9. I can only comment upon my own - which are, of course, exemplary! CJI.
  10. It would seem that a significant proportion of the members who are posting in this thread feel that they could do a better job than the mainstream model producers. Now that we have easily accessible CAD design software, and domestic 3D printers, perhaps it is high time that one or more of these dissatisfied potential model purchasers demonstrated how model design SHOULD be done? After all, we are assured that all that is needed is basic competence with a tape measure - surely it cannot be that difficult to produce a design for the definitive Brush Type 4? I await developments with interest - but I won't hold my breath! CJI.
  11. There is a belief - nay, absolute conviction - that laser scanning produces the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; WRONG! As has been mentioned, it produces an array of points that mostly existed on the prototype. No technology is infallible - there are plenty of opportunities for erroneous data to be included. At present, it is down to a human to make sense of what the technology reports - perhaps one day, AI will do it better; (or perhaps not). Ask yourself this - if laser scanning is infallible, why would a designer go out of their way to produce an incorrect model from the 'perfect' scanned data to which they had access? Nothing is perfect - and playing the blame game will not change that. You pays yer money and you makes yer choice - it won't be the same choice that others make, but that's life! CJI.
  12. This is the problem with ever more versions of the same subject - miniscule 'errors' are now deemed to be a "big problem". It would require one to inspect the model from a matter of a couple of inches / centimetres in order to detect the lack of taper of the inset of the headcode glazing. There will always be variations in interpretation by different model producers - I doubt that there will ever be the 'perfect' model. It may well be that the ultra-critical are professionally familiar with the prototype - but this type of criticism is in danger of unfairly denigrating an excellent model. CJI.
  13. Ian, The transfers that I applied to my crane are, like the model itself, not authentic for the prototype. The model relies heavily on Rule 1 ! CJI.
  14. Ian, No gears - turned brass winding drums fitted in place of the original handles, with a detachable operating handle. The pulleys, etc. are from Jonathan Hall's etch - mentioned above; I think that it came with a rigging diagram. The relevant volume of Tatlow's 'Railway Breakdown Cranes' books was pretty much essential to the build. I will try and get a few more photos of the model, next time I am in the railway room. CJI.
  15. Why? HD made them able to move vertically to accommodate uneven track, and to move laterally to deal with sharp radii. What worked then works now, but with flanges on the inner wheels, lateral movement is essential. Mine has the advised arrangement and works fine - but is a swine to put on the rails; once railed, it remains on the layout! CJI.
  16. It certainly looks the part - makes the Bachmann model look a little 'tubby'; (ironic, really)! If I had to criticise, the numbering is a little 'heavy'. CJI.
  17. Force? Wassat? Rotational? Wassat? I wer off when they did that (and everfing else) at skool! CJI.
  18. Simply replaced the HD wheels with Markits wheels, and limited sideplay of the outer axles with washers. CJI.
  19. Might I suggest inclusion of the fact that this is a brakevan - I worked it out, but was initially mystified! CJI.
  20. I gave up fitting flywheels some considerable time ago - simply because I found that running was better without them. CJI.
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