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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. If you look elsewhere on RMweb, you will find that an authentic etched brass chassis kit was produced not too long ago, together with an etched body detailing kit; I produce a full set of transfers. If you are capable of building a kit, an RTR GT3 is not required. Regards, John Isherwood.
  2. Identical running numbers - NEVER. Too critical - not at that level, NO. Mixed rake DMU rakes; yes, there were - but only with the correct ratio of power cars to trailer cars. Otherwise, the whole set would grind to a halt at the first gradient! Too much credence to the modelling media - NO; most of us are not playing trains, we're trying to recreate the prototype in miniature. Each to their own but, rightly, the manufacturers nowadays listen to those who can remember how the real railway ran. Regards, John Isherwood.
  3. Uhhh? no - sorry, they've lost me there. .... or are they trying to say that there were significant differences between the driving cars of a two-car set and those of a three-car set - that makes sense. Simply adding a centre car to a two-car motor / trailer set would not produce an authentic three car set. Having produced a two-car set, you'd need to retool the outer cars for a three-car set; not just tool the centre car. In that case, I can see their logic and would agree that simply producing a centre car would be (rightly) criticised in the model media. Regards, John Isherwood.
  4. I just find that a good motor combined with an excellent gearbox will start and stop smoothly without a flywheel. Adding a flywheel seems to require more energy to get started, and results in a less smooth start. Certainly, the overrun produced by the flywheel can give the effect of mass and momentum when decelerating but, somehow, a chassis fitted with a flywheel usually seems to run 'rougher' than when the flywheel is removed. Just my experience; try it, and see if you agree. Regards, John Isherwood.
  5. I try to make provision for one if necessary, but I usually find that running is better without one. Regards, John Isherwood.
  6. Have you built one? I think not. Regards, John Isherwood.
  7. There are plenty of motors that will fit in a 4mm. scale 0-6-0's firebox, using either a conventional worm gearset or, even better, a High Level gearbox. I have standardised on the Japanese Mitsumi motor, which runs slower than Mashimas and is effectively silent. It is equally happy in a Bulleid Light Pacific or a Stanier 4F. Regards, John Isherwood.
  8. I see no reason why such a motor could not be combined with, say, a High Level gearbox. On the other hand, I fail to understand the preoccupation with coreless motors. Regards, John Isherwood.
  9. Larry was, apparently, dismissed for upsetting other members with a reference to mental illness. The irony is that he displays all the characteristics of a person who has 'issues' of that type. I say this, not as a criticism, but as someone who has personal knowledge of such 'issues', and recognises the symptoms. It is a shame that the same concern for the feelings of those who are prone to such problems could not have extended to Larry himself. Still, he seems to have found a new home at WT, where he enjoys the company of like-minded (!) friends; (amongst whom I count myself). Regards, John Isherwood.
  10. I now have full access to Western Thunder, and note several familiar names from RMweb - both current and former members. I have had a good look through the threads - particularly the 4mm. scale ones - and the content is far more to my taste, and reminiscent to what I used to enjoy here at RMweb. Lots of practical, detailed modelling - mostly from kits - with comprehensive construction write-ups; very little concerning RTR. .... and, of course, Larry G. is there; writing and illustrating inspirational posts in the politest of phraseology! I shall be a regular visitor to WT! Regards, John Isherwood.
  11. That's it, thanks - two duly ordered. Regards, John Isherwood.
  12. Mike, If the Ebay item is still current, any chance of a link to it, please? Regards, John Isherwood.
  13. It did cross my mind - but it wasn't appropriate in the current context. Regards, John Isherwood.
  14. Could well be the case - but then I wouldn't wish to be a member of a group that didn't value my input !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  15. It is free to sign up - which I've done - but the confirmation / admittance e-mail that is supposed to come straight back to you ..... doesn't! So I'm waiting, presumably to be 'vetted', whilst reading some of the very interesting threads. Regards, John Isherwood.
  16. Interesting site - lots of real modelling going on! Thanks for the heads-up. Regards, John Isherwood.
  17. Actually WD-FVF-450 ; here's another :- Copyright holder unknown. Regards, John Isherwood.
  18. The BR non-refrigerated meat van was the (Airfix kit) one with multiple vents in the ends. Regards, John Isherwood.
  19. Yes - that's the point - you choose a model with the correct details and refinish it in your chosen livery. Regards, John Isherwood.
  20. .... answered my own question - see https://www.roxeymouldings.co.uk/category/90/4mm-scale-/-00-gauge-southwark-bridge-carriage-wagon-kits-/ . Regards, John Isherwood.
  21. Please could you explain this? Do Roxey produce this wagon in some form? Regards, John Isherwood.
  22. If that is the case, surely it would not be a huge task to refinish the model for your chosen timescale? Regards, John Isherwood.
  23. Well - that didn't happen !! The body has been reconstructed using the Comet sides, which fitted perfectly. I then moved on to the bogies which, I discovered, had the bearing holes a full 2mm. above the axlebox centres; the wheels looked ridiculous. Remedial work involved filling the axle holes with low-melt solder and re-drilling the bearing holes. ... only to discover why the bearing holes had been incorrectly placed - the coach was then way too high!! I think that this dodge had been employed because the bogie frames were too deep. Whatever, suffice to say that a pair of Bachmann bogies have been ordered - we WILL get there in the end! Regards, John Isherwood.
  24. Before you rant further, go back and read the torrent of similar postings from the early days of DJM. David Jones had a cohort of supporters who were convinced that he was going to revolutionise model railway production; not surprisingly, given some of the ambitious and optimistic claims that he made. Anyone sounding even the slightest note of caution was accused of destructive behaviour and was denigrated as being a supporter of the Big Two. There is a fine line between wanting something to happen, and being blind to obviously over-optimistic predictions and evidence of inexperience. If the GT3 model comes to fruition, to the standard of, say, the Kernow D600; within a timescale reasonably close to that currently predicted, I will gladly recant my scepticism and congratulate KR Models. In the meantime, I will continue to sound a note of caution whenever I read anything that seems to be unlikely or impracticable. Regards, John Isherwood.
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