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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. I anticipate that the High Level chassis kit will provide slidebar covers; (or I'll produce them from brass shim). The transfers will be my own production, based on photos of the prototype; (I note that 51202 has a non-standard 'curly' smokebox numberplate). I am also going to model 51218 in standard 'Pug' format with the later BR markings; again based on the Dapol / Hornby body moulding. Regards, John Isherwood.
  2. True - but the model was provided with BR-period markings.
  3. It never quite captured the look of the real thing, did it? Having compared the model with a drawing, the deficiences became apparent, and a list of improvements was drawn up. WINDOWS & WINDOW VENTS; (too shallow, completely spoiling the proportions of the model). BUFFERBEAMS; (they should have a much deeper coupling recess); DRIVER'S CABSIDE WINDOWS; (the model represents these as a printed line on the glazing); LUGGAGE DOOR WINDOW POSITION; (the droplight and blank doors are transposed on one side of the model); GUARD'S DOOR WINDOW BARS; (these are missing); GUARD'S & PASSENGER DOOR STEPS; (the recesses are too shallow); PROP. SHAFTS; (for the BR period, the shafts which join the axle gearboxes were removed); ROOF VENTS; (too two-dimensional); HANDRAILS; (moulded - should they be replaced with wire?); WHEELS; (poor profile and oversized, leading to the model being too tall); COUPLINGS; (for my purposes, these need to be Peco Simplex, but mounting them in NEM pockets would be ideal). MECHANISM; (it ran reasonably, but control was poor and the whole thing was unacceptably noisy). FINISH; (poor rendition of early DMU green and generally toy-like finish). This is how it turned out. WINDOWS & WINDOW VENTS; the horizontal sections of the vents were removed and a new full width horizontal was fitted, and the windows themselves were deepened by 0.75mm. - see below. BUFFERBEAMS; the buffers were discarded and replaced by cast ones fixed to the chassis moulding; recesses were cut in the bufferbeam to fit around the resited buffers. The coupling recess area was cut away from the body to reveal the chassis moulding, which was fitted with drawhooks and vacuum etc. pipes. DRIVER'S CABSIDE WINDOWS; the droplights and adjacent window pillars were modelled in sheet and strip plastic card; the droplight frames were solid sheet, with the window openings subsequently drilled and filed to shape. LUGGAGE DOOR WINDOW POSITION; a new droplight was filed in the LH door, and the incorrect window in the RH door was filled with plastic sheet and filler. A sharp blade enabled me to remove and resite the moulded door furniture. GUARD'S DOOR WINDOW BARS; the new window bars are transfers applied to the inside of the glazing; (as are the passenger window curtains). GUARD'S & PASSENGER DOOR STEPS; these recesses were cut right through the body mouldings; thin plastic strip was cut and fitted to the chassis moulding within the recesses to produce a clip-fit body. This enabled the body fixing pillars and screws to be removed / discarded. PROP. SHAFTS; the redundant sections were removed. ROOF VENTS; these were filed off and replaced with cast items. HANDRAILS; I decided that, on balance, the moulded items were to scale and that I could not really better them with wire. WHEELS; Alan Gibson 12mm. DMU wheels were fitted. COUPLINGS; I fitted NEM pockets to the modified Lima bogie mouldings, within which are fitted modified Peco Simplex couplings. Any NEM standard coupling can therefore be fitted if required. MECHANISM; a High Level Lo-rider (scale 8' - 6'' WB) was obtained and built, adapting it slightly to accommodate a Mitsumi rather than the intended Mashima motor; pick-ups are fitted to all wheels. The result is far-and-away the smoothest and quietest model mechanism I have ever produced or seen. FINISH; the mouldings were stripped in minutes using methylated spirits, and the body repainted, mainly in Phoenix Precision BR early DMU green; the chassis and bogies were sprayed with Halfords Satin Black primer. The transfers are my own items. I know that a new RTR model is on the horizon, and if it equals what can be achieved using the Lima model as a basis, it'll be excellent. Regards, John Isherwood.
  4. The Oxford Diecast Landrovers duly arrived, and were treated to a coat of Testors Dullcote to better replicate a military finish. Here they are, posed on the WARFLAT but awaiting securing. Regards, John Isherwood.
  5. Thank you - *exactly* what I was hoping for ! I don't like that non-standard early BR style of numbering - it's not what a 'Pug' should look like. (Says he - whose impression of a 'Pug' is the illustration on the front of the Kitmaster kit box). My model of 51202 will be a Hornby body sans cab; with a cut-down cab from Kitmaster parts; and a High Level kit chassis. I would shorten a 51L turned brass chimney if they were not out of stock; (anyone got a spare one)? (Why *did* Kitmaster provide standard buffers when the prototype had dumb buffers)? Regards, John Isherwood.
  6. I am about to start on a model of 51202, which was the 'Pug' that was cut down for use at Radstock on the S&DJR. The two BR-era photos that I have show the locomotive immediately after the LMS markings were over-painted and the BR number added - the latter in a non-standard style; and later, when in service at Radstock, but still with the non-standard numbering. 51202 was a fairly early withdrawal, but I wonder if it was ever repainted in the BR early crest / Gill Sans number style. Does anyone know of a later photo that may answer this question? Many thanks in anticipation. Regards, John Isherwood.
  7. I recall seeing the K's CARTIC-4 - (as a 'CARTIC-2') - advertised for sale in the contemporary model rail press, though not for long. I'd guess that they were a private promotional model, and that the over-production was sold off in this way. I have a couple of kits, for eventual conversion into a proper CARTIC-4. Regards, John Isherwood.
  8. I understand that the Russians effectively 'reverse engineered' HS4000, in order to understand the technology incorporated into it. Regards, John Isherwood.
  9. I suspect that you are not buying from the right supplier - whole number sets of transfers are available from more than one producer. Regards, John Isherwood.
  10. Thank you - I have ordered a couple of Hornby bodies without cabs, as the chimney looks to be infinitely better than the Dapol version - and they only cost £3.91 each. Regards, John Isherwood.
  11. OK - it's an old thread, but that's the joy (?) of Google. I am currently - ie. October 2019 - looking for replacement chimneys for 4mm. scale Dapol / Hornby L&YR 'Pug' locos; Wizard / Model Signal can't assist. ... or am I going to have to trawl Ebay for built Kitmaster / Airfix / Dapol 'Pugs' to cannibalise? Regards, John Isherwood.
  12. Regretably, Wizard / Model Signals are out of stock of Pug chimneys; (they'll be back in stock "when the guy who makes them can be bothered to make some")! Can anyone suggest an alternative source of supply, please? Regards, John Isherwood.
  13. Observation is a two-edged sword !! Look at the Standard tank on the right - who would dare use two different weights of Gill Sans number transfers on their model? Swindon did !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  14. Thank you - I am eternally in your debt !!! Regards, John Isherwood.
  15. I decline to comment - on the grounds that any response may be deemed unacceptable !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  16. Please - not 'steamies' !! How twee !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  17. Yes, and they are supplied for the purchaser to fit - along with couplings, side chains and vac. pipes. Regards, John Isherwood.
  18. Exactly - I'm afraid that more than one range of invaluable (to the active modeller) range of kits and bits lies moribund, because the owners have neither the time / skills / inclination to put them back into production. These ranges are worth nothing to the owners when not used; yet could perhaps command a modest sale price? Failing that - why not offer the assets to anyone who can demonstrate the ability to use them? A terrible waste of all the work that went into establishing these ranges. Regards, John Isherwood.
  19. I'd guess so - given the presence of the orange OHLW line. Regards, John Isherwood.
  20. What you are seeing is air trapped beneath the carrier film - it may appear smooth, but the paint is still microscopically rough. It is possible to apply waterslide transfers into wet Klear floor lacquer - it is then impossible to trap any air under the carrier film. You have to be quick and confident as Klear dries quickly - practice first !! Regards, John Isherwood. Cambridge Custom Transfers. https://www.cctrans.org.uk/products.htm
  21. ....but we ain' talkin' about US railroads here, are we, pardner? Regards, John Isherwood.
  22. This photo has probably been linked previously - but just in case . Regards, John isherwood.
  23. Thanks for that - I have duly ordered the open cabbed version. Regards, John Isherwood.
  24. So - can the knowledgeable amongst us advise if a model of BR(S) Departmental Locomotive DS1169 is a simple repaint of this model? Regards, John Isherwood.
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