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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that I'd read here that poor running of the original issue of railcar was cured by disconnecting the drive to one bogie. If so, Dapol appear to have come to the conclusion that all-wheel drive was not a good idea. Regards, John Isherwood.
  2. If that were to be the case, perhaps; but I can't imagine that many modellers base their locomotive and several wagon purchases on the announcement of a particular brakevan. Even if they did, the varied allocation of brakevans on a daily basis means that the temporary (?) substitution of a 'place-holder' van would not be unprototypical. It all seems a lot of unwarranted fuss over a brakevan - and if it IS essential, I built the larger LSWR road van, in balsa, on my office desk at lunchtime in the early 1970s. I'm sure that a drawing of the one that Kernow have announced will be available in the appropriate SR wagon book, so a bit of leisurely modelling could render all this heart-rending over the RTR model totally redundant. Regards, John Isherwood.
  3. Think of it this way - having 'locked-in' the price at historic levels, the longer it takes to arrive, the greater the saving !! Regards, John Isherwood.
  4. I refuse to believe that the decision whether to build a particular layout is dependent on the availability or otherwise of a particular road van. .... and as for a 'right' to know; where on earth did you get that idea from? What Kernow choose to divulge is entirely their own business. Transfers for a 'second best' LSWR brake van wouldn't come from me - I produce BR-era transfers, and I don't and won't be covering either the first or second-best to which you refer. Regards, John Isherwood.
  5. Look no futher than Lisbon, Portugal; https://lisbonlisboaportugal.com/lisbon-transport/lisbon-tram-guide.html . Regards, John Isherwood.
  6. I don't understand this obsession with knowing "where they're at and how much longer things might take (and whether the vehicles are ever likely to appear at all)". Models arrive when they are released, and not before; knowing will not make them arrive sooner. .... and before someone tells me that there is a limit to how long they'll wait for a model - they can cancel their pre-order at any time. Place your pre-order and then forget it; do something constructive in the meantime. Regards, John Isherwood.
  7. More likely, they don't care ! Regards, John Isherwood.
  8. Why not ask Lytchett Manor? Regards, John Isherwood.
  9. Buy the broaches - they are absolutely invaluable. Regards, John Isherwood.
  10. How do I pre-order this one? Seriously though - what on earth is the point of sending this kind of advertising to a 70+ male railway modeller? (Other than trying to give him a heart attack - which hopefully won't happen as I have a pacemaker)! Regards, John Isherwood.
  11. It wouldn't be the first time !! I can have some sympathy with originators of material, be it written, artistic, photographic, graphic, etc.; who claim copyright. What I find wholly unsupportable is the buying and selling of copyright. The current practice of buying slides and prints on the internet 'with copyright' is, frankly, stupid. What guarantee does the buyer have that the purchased image has not been duplicated? Are they going to monitor the internet 24/7 to make sure they have bought something unique? To then post the 'with copyright' image on the internet, and expect it to remain 'unique' is, frankly, foolhardy. If secondary 'owners of copyright' wish to ensure that they have purchased something unique, they should do as other hoarders do and keep their 'possessions' to themselves. Regards, John Isherwood.
  12. Not just a one-off - and seems to coincide with rapidly changing 'flash' images in the RH advertisement panel. To my non-digital mind, it stands to reason that if my PC is busy downloading multiple complex advertisement images, it's going to be inhibited in its ability to download group content. I await a technical explanation as to why my 'simplistic' logic is flawed. (Of course, the acid test would be to switch off the ads for 24 hours - but that ain't going to happen, as the results might be too revealing .......). Regards, John Isherwood.
  13. There are always those who are determined to spoil the enjoyment of those who innocently post and view railway photos. To them I would say - if you are so precious about the 'copyright' of 'your' images - don't put them on the internet !! Collecting photos taken by others, by buying the images 'with copyright' is, IMHO, as reprehensible as those who buy paintings by 'the great masters' and then keep them in a private environment to gloat over. In fact, again IMHO - it's even worse to buy images 'with copyright', post them on the internet so that others may see what you 'own', but deny them the opportunity to further disseminate them. You can't hope to 'let the cat out of the bag' and then seek to control it - it's pointless. OK - there is copyright law; but who is going to invest considerable money in pursuing a private individual for posting 'copyright' images on a model railway discussion group - especially when they can 'legally' post a link to the same image? The age of the internet has rendered image copyright irrelevant so, if you're precious about such things, don't post 'em. Me - I have harvested 70,000 plus images of BR steam locos, and am TOTALLY unrepentant - if they weren't there, I couldn't have collected them. Peter - post the rest of the images and to h*ll with the spoil-sports - no-one can 'own' the results of light hitting a photo-sensitive medium - especially if they didn't take the image in the first place ! Regards, John Isherwood.
  14. Well - if anything indicates that 60506 had a cast, flared chimney at some point, that second photo does! Regards, John Isherwood.
  15. I don't think so - the first picture shows a streamlined tender-type cowling behind the tender front lockers, which is absent from the second photo. Also, I think that the cut-outs in the upper tender side usually appear on both sides of most LNER / BR(ER) self-weighing tenders. Regards, John Isherwood.
  16. This is a similar, but not identical, high capacity self-weighing tender. Regards, John Isherwood.
  17. I have come across this partial image of a large capacity self-weighing tender that I do not recognise; comments would be welcome. Regards, John Isherwood.
  18. Michael, Thanks for that - found it and duly ordered from Hobby Holidays. Regards, John Isherwood.
  19. You may wish to correct the thread title - unless you've cracked the time travel thing! Regards, John Isherwood.
  20. 1] Take a deep breath. 2] Place a small screwdriver between wheel and axleguard and prise the axleguard away from the wheel until you can pop the wheels out. 3] Clear out any fluff and grot and refit wheels. If you want to sort things properly :- 4] Chuck the plastic wheels in the bin, and replace them with some metal wheels - both Bachmann and Hornby supply them as spares, or you can go off-piste and buy Markits or Alan Gibson wheels. If you're really adventurous :- 5] Before fitting new wheels, drill the axlebox bearings from the inside with a 2.0 mm. drill; (not right through to the front face!); and fit brass pinpoint bearings. 1 + 2 + 3 = improved running. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = even better running. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 = incredible running. Regards, John Isherwood.
  21. Mike, I'm sure that it is my incompetence, but I can't identify the 62/s solder to which you refer on either the Warton Metals, Hobby Holidays or RS websites. Please could you provide product reference numbers or links? I really would like to try this 2% silver-bearing solder. Many thanks in anticipation. Regards, John Isherwood.
  22. My wife wants to know why I'm getting loads of ads for 'exotic' fancy dress outfits, (of the female variety), and glamourous bridesmaids' dresses. (.... and no, I haven't been browsing that type of site)! I suppose it's no skin off BRM's nose if they're getting the revenue, but I'll bet the advertisers in question don't realise that they are paying to advertise in such on unproductive forum. Regards, John Isherwood.
  23. Me too - though I do use methylated spirits for old Lima items; the paint just rinses off to leave a pristine moulding with meths. Regards, John Isherwood.
  24. Overhead wire inspection train - Woodhead line, possibly. Regards, John Isherwood.
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