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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. Steampunk, perchance? John Isherwood.
  2. I stand corrected !! Was the Wigston - Nuneaton line LNWR? Regards, John Isherwood.
  3. Seen that! It is a comment on our current priorities ( and influential shareholder interests) that sufficient research has not been undertaken to develop a substance that, when taken, makes cigarettes induce immediate, intolerable effects. Long term consequences will never dissuade the addict - only immediate and unacceptable effects will work. John Isherwood (ex-smoker).
  4. At the time that BR closed the MR Leicester (Wigston) to Rugby line, they were withdrawing wooden-bodied mineral wagons faster than they could dispose of them. The line from Wigston to Rugby became an almost continuous row of stored wagons. John Isherwood.
  5. Perhaps it is because those who do know what they are talking about have better things to do? Let's be honest - the 'reviewers' see it as, at best, an opportunity to see themselves on the internet but, in the case of most of them, to make an indirect income from the gullible. Best ignored IMHO! John Isherwood.
  6. What peeves me is that I had all the components needed, plus a Craftsman kit, and sold them on at the prospect of a far superior model appearing from Bachmann. I could have built a satisfactory model from the kit, but reasoned that I have a limited time remaining on this earth, and that the necessary effort could be put to better use. It certainly isn't about the cost - it's about traction tyres, incorrect chimney and inaccurate dome. I've learned my lesson now, and will manage without 58072. John Isherwood.
  7. Not to the best of my knowledge - though LNER aficionados may correct me. Regards, John Isherwood.
  8. Assuming that the wagon number prefix letter is 'E' - which it appears to be - I would guess at a conversion of an ex-LNER Diagram 101 single bolster wagon, which was given the designation GLASS EA; (1 plank, non-vacuum fitted, 15'6" timber underframe, 8' WB). Regards, John Isherwood.
  9. Having checked some photos of 58072, and checked the width / height proportions, it would appear that the chimney is too high by roughly the height of the chimney cap. I wonder if an overall chimney height has been used as the height of the chimney to the underside of the cap? AMENDED VERSION OF Bachmann IMAGE WITH LOWERED CHIMNEY CAP What do others think? Perhaps the chimney now appears to be slightly too thick, but the height looks about right to me. As may be noticed, the Bachmann image also lacks 58072's dome blanking plate, which gives a slightly flattened profile to the dome crest. This, though, is a relatively easy fix for the modeller. John Isherwood.
  10. Brushed on is fine - in fact, better than sprayed. That way, you get the first elements of weathering, even if it is just a subtle hint of streaking and variable finish. Works for me, anyway. Regards, John Isherwood.
  11. Rob, As far as I can recollect, I did not receive a response from Bachmann. Regards, John Isherwood.
  12. Too late now - we are at decorated samples now. John Isherwood.
  13. Clive, So do I - but I woudn't call one activity by the name of the other, as so many do nowadays. Regards, John Isherwood.
  14. Clive, So do I - but I woudn't call one activity by the name of the other, as so many do nowadays. Regards, John Isherwood.
  15. Clive, So do I - but I woudn't call one activity by the name of the other, as so many do nowadays. Regards, John Isherwood.
  16. As per my posting above - look at photos of the prototype loco in question, then at ones of the model. My eyes tell me that the model chimney is way too tall - the proportions of chimney to dome and cab just don't look right - and it seems that I am not alone in thinking so. John Isherwood.
  17. My eyes - but I didn't say it wouldn't; only that I remain to be convinced that it would. Compare photos of the prototype to ones of the model, and make up your own mind. John Isherwood.
  18. If the BR version would pass under a scale loading gauge, I'll reinstate my pre-order. Until then - no thank you. Are Bachmann trying to compete with Hornby's Rocket for the longest chimney trophy? John Isherwood.
  19. It is an unpalatable fact to many, but ........ there is a clear difference between playing with trains and modelling. It is much akin to the difference between those who try, try again, persevere and ultimately achieve a level of skill that satisfies them; and those who can't, won't and don't have the time. There will undoubtedly be the usual outcry - but it's a truism, nonetheless. John Isherwood.
  20. I have also received a BACS payment from a Thomas Fawkes - but, again, no covering e-mail order. If you are THOMAS FAWKES, or you know that person, please contact me via PM. Many thanks in anticipation. Regards, John Isherwood.
  21. "special order" rang the bells for me - I'm not surprised at the quoted price. Regards, John Isherwood.
  22. Indeed - it's not as if there's anything else BUT Corona on the TV news at the moment !! John Isherwood.
  23. Kernow are doing the DJM (splashers) model for £69.99, whereas they're charging £135.99 for the Heljan version; Rails have the Heljan version for £79.50. John Isherwood.
  24. I don't dispute that he does reviews - as opposed to testing them; (that would require more than back and forth on a couple of feet of track). My implication is that the timing is - how shall I put it - odd / coincidental? - and his unfavourable review of the Heljan version might favour the rival model; (which is also the subject of a current stock clearance). John Isherwood.
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