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John Isherwood

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Everything posted by John Isherwood

  1. None of those. Ex-LMS Dia. 2059 was categorised as Non-Passenger Carrying Coaching Stock and, as such, was painted BR crimson with straw yellow lettering. Suitable transfers can be found on my transfer sheet BL51; see https://www.cctrans.org.uk/products.htm Regards, John Isherwood.
  2. Having spent a great deal of time recently, working through some large, on-line photo collections, I have been amazed at how often deformed boiler handrails appear. I struggle to think of how this damage could occur; the only situation that occurred to me - beside overweight cleaners - was the temporary tying-up of valvegear components as a consequence of a failure. Any thoughts, anyone? Regards, John Isherwood.
  3. I think that the vast majority of potential purchasers would not have the time or inclination to examine two very good models in such minute detail - I certainly wouldn't. Also, you seem to assume that etched detail is automatically superior to moulded detail; I far prefer the latter, not least because etched detail can be and is mis-applied. On price alone, it'd be the Bachmann version for me. John Isherwood.
  4. They'll be requisitioned before many more days pass ! No part of normal life is going to be unaffected by this crisis. Regards, John Isherwood.
  5. Interesting -D5153 was the loco that carried an experimental reflective yellow warning panel, and D5159 was the loco that carried an experimental reflective orange warning panel. Regards, John Isherwood.
  6. Really ?!? So let's all get into the close confines of a bus for, say, four hours! That should certainly bring the peak infection period significantly closer. Don't these people have ANY common sense? John Isherwood.
  7. Front end styling clearly nicked from HS4000; (what a shame the Ruskies got that one). John Isherwood.
  8. It is a bunker - a diesel oil bunker (or tank). Regards, John Isherwood.
  9. Nit-picker !! It's a locomotive, Jim - but not as we know it. The turbine loco would be used to haul coal from further afield to the intergalactic export base, once supplies in the immediate vicinity of the base itself were exhausted. It is well known that the worst job on a Warp Factor 56 coal hauler ship is that of the stoker - average shift endurance 15 seconds. These coal hauler ships carry water in their bunkers on the return voyage, as the planet in question has no native water and the turbine locos need water for their boilers - despite having condensers. Regards, John Isherwood.
  10. Well - I can tell you that BR bought it (or one very like it) and gave it the number D2999. Regards, John Isherwood.
  11. Inspired, in my view. It could find a place in a Star Trek episode, on a planet largely comprised of coal! Regards, John Isherwood.
  12. Blue Circle - correct 'style' of livery, but it should be on a version of a GWR Iron Mink van - Ratio do something much closer to the truth. MOY - again, correctish - though I can't vouch for the precise details of the wagon. (MOY also had NARROW GAUGE PO wagons, on the 3' Southwold Railway). Regards, John Isherwood.
  13. .... and we can now identify it as E228863. Regards, John Isherwood.
  14. I'm afraid that I'd have been on instant dismissal - the temptation to ask how many ar*eholes lived at their house would have been too great! Regards, John Isherwood.
  15. Very nice, Phil - definitely a step-change from the Lima-based models in my collection. Regards, John Isherwood.
  16. The only stockpiling that we've done is of beer and red wine - true! Regards, John Isherwood.
  17. CCTUK is over the moon !! It was the windows that threw me - the square outline gave the erroneous impression that they had protective grilles. I have always liked these Eastleigh conversions - they give a feeling of what BR coaching stock might have looked like if the Mk. 1 style had not emerged quite so soon. I suppose that they were the mongrels of the coaching stock world! As for time-wasting; I've a feeling that self-isolation, (when it comes to us over-70s), may well lead to serial on-line photo collection browsing when actual modelling palls. Regards, John Isherwood.
  18. This morning came the announcement that the over-70s would soon be asked to self-isolate for 4 MONTHS ! Shortly thereafter, hoping to buy a couple of items needed in the next couple of days, we went to Asda. Big mistake - the carpark was packed and gridlocked; most vehicles appeared to be occupied by over-70s. Despite electing not to enter the store, it took twenty minutes to turn round and exit via the access road; (200 - 300 metres long). So we'll go back earyish tomorrow morning, after they've had the next delivery. Such is the herd instinct! Regards, John Isherwood.
  19. Makes sense - anyone hazard a guess as to origin? (My guess would be ex-LMS or BR(LMR)). Regards, john Isherwood.
  20. (Link inserted - image appeared) So what's the second vehicle in the train? Something to do with catering? (Two water tanks towards the vehicle centre). Are those mesh guards over the windows towards the outer ends? I can't place this one at all. There are some other oddities further back in the train, but they are somewhat indistinct. John Isherwood.
  21. To the best of my knowledge, the BR NPCS rebuilds comprised :- CCT(E) (GER ILFORD STOCK U-F) No Dia. Nos. E71035-99E (SOME FOR ANGLO-SCOTTISH CAR CARRIER) CCT(E) (LNER ILFORD STOCK U-F) No Dia. Nos. E71000-34E (SOME FOR ANGLO-SCOTTISH CAR CARRIER) PMV (GER ILFORD STOCK U-F) LNER Dia. 53E Nos. E6001-23, E6025-81E CCT(E) (LNER U-F) Dia. 817 Nos. E96200E - E96203E (PREVIOUSLY FREIGHT STOCK E889030-33) : SEE DRAWING BELOW GUV (LNER U-F) LNER Lot 1224 Nos. include E1369 If anyone knows differently, or can add detail, I'd be pleased to hear from them. Regards, John Isherwood.
  22. A quite common method of getting wires under, rather than over, roads. One method was to attach the insulators to the bridge piers; thus the wires 'ducked under' the overbridges. Regards, John Isherwood.
  23. Exclusively those made by the Queen of Hearts - secure inside travel only, as we all know about the proclivities of the Knave of Hearts! Regards, John Isherwood.
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